How Can You Build an Effective Air Cannon to Extinguish Candles from a Distance?

In summary, the task is to extinguish candles on tables using a vortex ring launcher/air cannon, with specific rules including no dimensions over .305 m, no foreign objects to help fire, and no commercially made devices. The cannon must be placed 1-6 m from the target and must propel a vortex ring of air at the target within 30 seconds. The challenge is to find an efficient method that follows all guidelines, without using compressed air or electricity. Several solutions, such as using a trash bag and a barrel, have been considered but the seeker is looking for additional suggestions to improve on existing ideas.
  • #1
Physics air cannon project

task: Extinguish candles on tables using a vortex ring launcher/ air cannon

rules: No dimension over .305 m
cannon is placed 1-6 m from target
*no foreign objects may be used to help it fire
6 candle targets at increments of 1 meter distancing away from the cannon
30 seconds to extinguish each target
must propel vortex ring of air at the target
*no commmercially made devices
*no explosive substances
*no cartridges or compressed air
*no electricity

although i have a basic understanding of this assignment, i am curious to hear suggestions and hints from brains more intelligent and experienced than mine have to offer. How yould you approach your model? What materials would you use? What is the most efficient method that follows under the guidelines listed above? Please help, my physics grade depends on it.
I have gone through basic trash can and coffee can models, but these seem to be cliche and mediocre.
Thank you!
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  • #2
hamilton4prez said:
Physics air cannon project

task: Extinguish candles on tables using a vortex ring launcher/ air cannon

rules: No dimension over .305 m
cannon is placed 1-6 m from target
*no foreign objects may be used to help it fire
6 candle targets at increments of 1 meter distancing away from the cannon
30 seconds to extinguish each target
must propel vortex ring of air at the target
*no commmercially made devices
*no explosive substances
*no cartridges or compressed air
*no electricity

although i have a basic understanding of this assignment, i am curious to hear suggestions and hints from brains more intelligent and experienced than mine have to offer. How yould you approach your model? What materials would you use? What is the most efficient method that follows under the guidelines listed above? Please help, my physics grade depends on it.
I have gone through basic trash can and coffee can models, but these seem to be cliche and mediocre.
Thank you!

Welcome to the PF.

How can you do this without compressing air? Do they allow you to pump it up?

Can you detail some of the solutions you have looked at so far? What do you want to improve on?
  • #3
It sounds like you want to build something similar to the "Airzooka Air Gun"

This can be made with a trash bag, some rubber bands, and a barrel of any kind.

I think that a traffic cone with the end cut off would make a pretty neat looking barrel.

I hope this helps,
  • #4
Thank you very much beaker87! Very appreciated
  • #5

I would approach this project by first considering the physics principles involved. In this case, we are dealing with the transfer of energy from air to the candles in order to extinguish them. This can be achieved by using a vortex ring launcher or air cannon, which creates a vortex ring of air that can travel through the air and reach the candles.

In terms of materials, I would suggest using a PVC pipe as the main body of the cannon, as it is lightweight and easy to work with. For the propulsion of the vortex ring, a balloon can be used as it can be easily inflated and released to create the air burst needed. Other materials that may be useful include rubber bands, tape, and a valve or trigger mechanism to control the release of the air burst.

To meet the guidelines of the project, it is important to keep the dimensions of the cannon under 0.305 m and to not use any foreign objects to help it fire. This can be achieved by using a simple design and avoiding any additional components that may not be allowed.

In terms of efficiency, it may be helpful to experiment with different sizes and shapes of the vortex ring launcher to find the most effective one. Additionally, adjusting the distance of the cannon from the target and the angle at which the vortex ring is released can also affect its efficiency.

Overall, the key to a successful physics air cannon project is to understand the principles involved and to experiment with different designs and materials to find the most efficient one that meets the guidelines provided. Good luck with your project!

Related to How Can You Build an Effective Air Cannon to Extinguish Candles from a Distance?

1. What is a physics air cannon project?

A physics air cannon project is an experiment that involves the use of air pressure to launch an object, such as a projectile or ball, through the air. This project allows for the demonstration of various principles of physics, such as Newton's laws of motion and projectile motion.

2. How does an air cannon work?

An air cannon works by using compressed air to create a high-pressure environment inside the cannon. When a projectile, such as a ball, is placed in the cannon and the trigger is pulled, the compressed air is released, pushing the projectile out of the cannon at high speeds.

3. What materials are needed to build an air cannon?

To build an air cannon, you will need PVC pipes, a valve, an air compressor, and a trigger mechanism. You may also need additional materials such as fittings, glue, and a pressure gauge. It is important to follow safety precautions and carefully assemble the air cannon to avoid any accidents.

4. What are the safety considerations when conducting an air cannon project?

Safety is of utmost importance when conducting an air cannon project. It is important to always wear appropriate safety gear, such as goggles and gloves, and to follow all instructions carefully. The air cannon should also be aimed in a safe direction, away from people and fragile objects. Additionally, it is crucial to use the correct amount of air pressure and to never exceed the recommended limit.

5. What are the real-world applications of a physics air cannon project?

A physics air cannon project has many real-world applications, such as in sports training, military operations, and industrial processes. For example, air cannons are used to launch baseballs in batting practice, shoot targets in military training, and propel objects in manufacturing processes. Understanding the principles behind air cannons can also lead to advancements in technology and engineering.

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