Horizon distance and observers altitude problem

In summary, the problem is how to measure the horizon distance from a mountain top when the observer has some altitude. The solution is to find the distance to the horizon for both the mountain top and the observer's height, and add them together. This can be done using the Pythagorean theorem or by taking the arccos of the adjacent/hypotenuse and multiplying by the Earth's radius. It is important to use radians when using the latter method. It is also helpful to understand that the local horizontal is perpendicular to the Earth's radius and that the observer and mountain top are both on this horizontal, allowing for the top of the mountain to be seen.
  • #1
Here's a problem from an astronomy book
"the top of the mountain 1000 m in height can just be visible seen from a ship approaching the land where the mountain is situated. . If the observer's eye is 30 m above sea level. Then how far the ship is from the mountain? "

The main problem is i don't know to measure the horizon distance from a mountain top when the observer itself has some altitude. . Plz suggest me what correction should i need here in the formula of horizon distance "root over 2RH " to determine this distance?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You essentially have two mountaintops - one 1000 meters high and one 30 meters high.

Find the distance to the horizon for each and add them together.

The concept is that your local horizontal is perpendicular to the Earth's radius. If you look along that local horizontal, you can see the top of the mountain because the sum of it's radius and elevation are high enough to reach that local horizontal. You have a right triangle consisting of the (Earth radius + mountain elevation) as the hypotenuse and the Earth's radius as the adjacent side. Just using the Pythagorean theorem you could get a pretty close answer for the distance to the horizon. A better answer is taking the arccos of the adjacent/hyp and multiplying by the Earth's radius (the angle from the arcos has to be in radians for this to work).

Since your elevation is 30 m high, your elevation + the Earth's radius forms a hypotenuse of a second triangle, etc. Both you and the mountain top lie on the local horizon, allowing you to just barely see the mountaintop "over" the Earth's curvature that lies between you.

I don't know what the letters in your formula stand for, since I don't know what book you have, but it's probably a shortcut for getting the approximate distance and the same principle almost certainly applies.
  • #3
Yes, i tried with this. . Thanks a lot for helping
  • #4
trina1990 said:
Yes, i tried with this. . Thanks a lot for helping
Can you show your calculation? Maybe there's just a arithmetic error somewhere, but we can't help with what went wrong unless we see the details of what you did.
  • #5

I would suggest using the formula for calculating the horizon distance, which takes into account the observer's altitude. This formula is given as d = √(2Rh + h^2), where d is the horizon distance, R is the radius of the Earth, and h is the observer's altitude. In this case, the mountain's height of 1000 m can be substituted for h, and the observer's altitude of 30 m can be added to the formula. This will give a more accurate calculation of the distance between the ship and the mountain. Additionally, it is important to note that atmospheric conditions and visibility can also affect the accuracy of this calculation. Therefore, it is important to consider these factors when using this formula to determine the horizon distance.

Related to Horizon distance and observers altitude problem

1. What is the horizon distance and observers altitude problem?

The horizon distance and observers altitude problem is a physics concept that deals with how far an observer can see based on their altitude. It takes into account the curvature of the Earth and the height of the observer to determine the maximum distance they can see before the horizon appears to cut off their view.

2. How is the horizon distance calculated?

The horizon distance can be calculated using the formula d = √(2Rh), where d is the horizon distance, R is the radius of the Earth, and h is the height of the observer. This formula assumes a perfectly spherical Earth and does not take into account any atmospheric refraction.

3. Does the horizon distance change with altitude?

Yes, the horizon distance changes with altitude. The higher the observer is, the farther they can see. This is because the higher altitude allows the observer to see over the curvature of the Earth.

4. How does atmospheric refraction affect the horizon distance?

Atmospheric refraction can cause the horizon to appear slightly farther than it actually is. This is because light bends as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere, making objects appear higher than they actually are. However, this effect is minimal and does not significantly change the calculated horizon distance.

5. Is the horizon distance the same for all observers?

No, the horizon distance will vary for different observers depending on their altitude. A higher altitude will result in a farther horizon distance, while a lower altitude will result in a shorter horizon distance. Additionally, the horizon distance will also vary depending on the shape and size of the Earth, as well as any atmospheric conditions.

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