Group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary

In summary: The cells are more like the individual waves that make up the wave package.In summary, the conversation discusses a linear chain with a two-atom primitive basis and the calculation of the dispersion relation ω(k). The use of Kittel's book and the interpretation of the plus and minus signs in the quadratic formula are also mentioned. The conversation then moves on to discussing the relative motion of the atoms at the brillouin zone boundary and how it relates to the group velocity. The conversation ends with a question about the cells and whether they can be seen as wave packages. The speaker also mentions a helpful website for further explanation.
  • #1
I am working on an assignment here;

A linear chain with a two-atom primitive basis, both atoms of the same mass but different nearest neighbor separation and thus different force constants.

I have made a rigorous calculation in order to find the dispersion relation ω(k), with extensive help from Kittel's book. But I wonder if there is a way to predict ω(k) qualitatively(?)
Anyway, I plugged in some values for the constants in my formula for ω(k) and drew the graps in mathematica. I (obviously) get different curves when I choose the plus sign and the minus sign in the quadratic formula. How should I interpret that? Are those the acoustical and optical branches?

I am asked to say something about the relative motion of the atoms at the brillouin zone boundary, within a cell AND from cell to cell, and relate that to the group velocity. Again, what can be qualitatively deducted here?
I know that the group velocity is the derivative of ω(k) so if my curves have a horizontal tangent at k =[itex]\pm[/itex] [itex]\pi[/itex]/a the group velocity is zero there. I have read the wikipedia entry on group velocity but I can't figure out how that applies to the relative motion of the atoms. Are the cells seen as wave packages here?

Please help :shy:
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  • #2
There is a very nice website explaining your example generally (it has different masses instead of different force constants, but you can just rename the constant in the first equation on the webpage).

But I wonder if there is a way to predict ω(k) qualitatively(?)

The animation in the bottom left corner of the website illustrates the standard (qualitative) behaviour of such systems.

How should I interpret that? Are those the acoustical and optical branches?

According to the picture on the webpage, there are two branches (optical and acoustical -- actually, d acoustical and d*(n-1) optical branches, where d is the dimension and n the number of particles), the acoustical is the bottom one with the (for small k) linear dispersion relation, the optical the top one with the (for small k) constant disp.rel. The naming is explained on the webpage.

I am asked to say something about the relative motion of the atoms at the brillouin zone boundary, within a cell AND from cell to cell,

In the solutions of the acoustic branch, all atoms move in the same direction at a given time. In the optical branch, the atoms of one sort moves to the right while the atoms of the other sort move to the left (like I said, different force constants and masses are the same thing here).

and relate that to the group velocity. Again, what can be qualitatively deducted here?

The group velocity is d\omega(k)/dk. This means that, if you form a wave packet that has a central frequency k_0, its maximum will move with the velocity d\omega(k_0)/dk. As the derivative vanishes at the borders, the maximum will not move.
Something I didn't know is also explained on the webpage: At the B.Z. borders, one of the atom sorts doesn't move at all.

Are the cells seen as wave packages here?

No. A wave package is formed by superposing (adding up) waves around a central frequency k_0, similar to a Fourier transform. This wave package has a group velocity.

Related to Group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary

1. What is the concept of group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary?

The group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary is a concept in solid state physics that describes the velocity of a wave packet or a group of waves in a crystal lattice at the boundary of the Brillouin zone. It is a vector quantity that represents the average velocity of the individual particles or waves that make up the group.

2. How is the group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary related to the band structure of a crystal?

The group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary is directly related to the band structure of a crystal. It is determined by the slope of the energy band at the boundary of the Brillouin zone, with a higher slope resulting in a higher group velocity.

3. What is the significance of the group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary in materials research?

The group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary is an important concept in materials research because it affects the behavior of electrons and other particles in a crystal lattice. It is a key factor in understanding the transport properties of materials and can also impact the optical and mechanical properties of a material.

4. How does the group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary differ from the phase velocity?

The group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary and the phase velocity are two different quantities that are related to the propagation of waves in a crystal lattice. While the group velocity represents the velocity of a wave packet, the phase velocity represents the velocity of an individual wave. In some cases, the group velocity and phase velocity may be equal, but in most cases, they are different.

5. Can the group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary be controlled or manipulated in materials?

Yes, the group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary can be controlled or manipulated in materials through various methods such as applying external forces or altering the crystal structure. This can lead to interesting phenomena such as slow light or negative refraction, which have potential applications in advanced technologies.

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