Generating Plausible Star Systems

In summary, the mass-radius relationship for stars can be found in a lecture and in a paper that lists the most massive stars. It's based mostly on studies of planet formation, but some information can also be found in the exoplanet encyclopedia. The distribution of stars on the Galaxy halo, disk, and bulge can be found in a paper.
  • #1
I'm trying to write some code to generate plausible star systems, but so far, I only have a main sequence star generator, and even with that I don't know how good the mass-radius relationships are. So, I'm coming here to ask for some formulas or pointers as to where I can go to find the math to figure out...

  1. How big stars should be (Radius based on mass)
  2. Mass range of stars
  3. Placement of planets (How to calculate volume around a star where planets can form, and how close planets can be depending on their masses)
  4. Mass-Radius relationship in planets of all forms (terrestrial, gas giant, etc.)
  5. Whether a planet can have moons, and if so, how many and where to place them
  6. What type/size/number of planets is likely to form around a given star (It's probably more complex than just based on mass, but for the purpose of this we can ignore everything but mass (You know, if that's possible) )
  7. Placement of stars in a galaxy (How close can the orbits get before planets get disturbed or they risk collision)
And whatever else may be relevant. I've done a lot of looking to try and find answers for this, but I'd like to ask here to confirm what I've found, and many of these are still unanswered.
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  • #2
Hey, I don't know how accurate you want it to be.. anyway here are some info that I can quickly mention.

1. The mass-radius relation of stars can be checked in the lecture here: and on this paper: link. The lecture is based on the book "stellar structure and evolution" - Kippenhahn & Weigert, so you can trust. The link for the paper redirects you to ADS abstract service. If you want more information about it, you can check the citations of the paper and also the references they provide.
2. I would say that the minimum stellar mass would be ≈0.08 ## M_{\odot}##, less than this would be the brown dwarf limit. The upper limit it depends on what do you want... you can find some very massive stars, but they are really rare. Here is a list of the most massive stars: link
3-6. This is mostly based on planet formation studies. The radius/mass relation is based mostly on the model due to the lack of real data on that, but some of the planets have the mass and radius estimated... You can check this exoplanet encyclopedia. And this paper for an estimation of Earth like planets around stars based on Kepler data: For 6 you can use the data from the exoplanet encyclopedia and check the how the is the distribution of mass of the planets according to the stellar mass... but this is going to be biased due to the fact that it is easier to detect earth-like planets in low mass stars.. but anyway it is a good way at least to check it with some model of planetary formation.
7. Do you mean how are stars distributed on the Galaxy halo, disk and bulge? This paper is good to give you an idea how is the distribution of stars based on star counts.

Sorry for not being able to give any more detailed explanations.. but at least you can check some info in the links I have send.
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  • #3
amarante said:
Hey, I don't know how accurate you want it to be.. anyway here are some info that I can quickly mention...

Thanks for the response! I haven't seen these yet, so I'll take a look and see what I can work out from it.

Related to Generating Plausible Star Systems

What is the process for generating plausible star systems?

The process for generating plausible star systems involves using computer simulations and mathematical models to mimic the formation and evolution of real star systems. This can include factors such as gravitational interactions, gas dynamics, and stellar evolution.

What factors are considered when creating a plausible star system?

Factors that are considered when creating a plausible star system include the mass and composition of the star, the presence and characteristics of planets, the orbital distance and stability of these planets, and the presence of any other objects such as asteroids or comets.

How accurate are these generated star systems compared to real ones?

The accuracy of generated star systems can vary depending on the complexity of the simulation and the accuracy of the data used. However, with advancements in technology and research, the generated star systems can closely resemble real ones and provide valuable insights into the formation and evolution of our universe.

What are the potential applications of generating plausible star systems?

Generating plausible star systems can have various applications, such as helping astronomers understand the formation and evolution of our own solar system, predicting the habitability of exoplanets, and even aiding in the search for extraterrestrial life.

How can these generated star systems be used in education and outreach?

Generated star systems can be used as visual aids in educational settings to help students better understand the concepts of astronomy and astrophysics. They can also be used in outreach programs to engage the public and spark interest in the study of our universe.

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