Garrett Lisi paper subject of Baez TWF 253

In summary, Garrett Lisi's paper titled "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything" was the subject of John Baez's talk at the TWF 253 conference. Lisi's theory proposes a unification of gravity and the other fundamental forces of nature through the use of a unique geometric structure known as the E8 Lie group. Baez discussed the potential implications and criticisms of Lisi's theory, highlighting its potential to provide a more elegant and comprehensive understanding of the universe. However, he also acknowledged the need for further research and experimentation to fully test and validate Lisi's ideas. Overall, Baez's talk provided a comprehensive overview of Lisi's work and its potential significance in the field of theoretical physics.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
JB starts This Week's Finds talking about the paper Garrett just presented at the Loops '07 conference

what the Standard Model looks like
and why steps toward unification (like Garrett's) look the way the do.
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  • #2
marcus said:
JB starts This Week's Finds talking about the paper Garrett just presented at the Loops '07 conference

what the Standard Model looks like
and why steps toward unification (like Garrett's) look the way the do.

I wouldn`t waste too much time on Garrett's work. It's baloney
  • #3
josh1 said:
I wouldn`t waste too much time on Garrett's work. It's baloney

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Hey Josh, send your real name so I can quote you on that, rather then just attributing it to "random string theorist."
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  • #4
I've put up an executive summary for physicists on the Deferential Geometry welcome page:

(The reason I'm on the net right now instead of talking to conference people is because I've come down with the flu, and I don't want to spread it. :( I need to get some sleep now so I can get better and not miss too much.
  • #5
Note that Baez jumps straight to C^5; it is better to start chyral, in C^4.
  • #6
josh1 said:
I wouldn`t waste too much time on Garrett's work. It's baloney
Agreed, you won't, but I will. What specific objections have you in mind?
  • #7
I like to start from C^4 instead of C^5 because in that way the structure is very much as spacetime, signature (1,3). And 1-3= 6 mod 8

The 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 forms (The Clifford algebra, if you prefer) are generated from a charged but uncoloured and three coloured generators:

[tex]\nu = . [/tex]

[tex]e^+= dt[/tex]
[tex]d_r = dx [/tex]
[tex]d_g = dy [/tex]
[tex]d_b = dz [/tex]

[tex]u_r = dt \wedge dx [/tex]
[tex]u_g = dt \wedge dy [/tex]
[tex]u_b = dt \wedge dz [/tex]
[tex]\bar u_b = dx \wedge dy [/tex]
[tex]\bar u_g = dx \wedge dz [/tex]
[tex]\bar u_r = dy \wedge dz [/tex]

[tex]e^-= dx \wedge dy \wedge dz[/tex]
[tex]\bar d_r = dt \wedge dy \wedge dz [/tex]
[tex]\bar d_g = dt \wedge dx \wedge dz [/tex]
[tex]\bar d_b = dt \wedge dx \wedge dy [/tex]

[tex]\nu = dt \wedge dx \wedge dy \wedge dz [/tex]

This idea is based on Unified Theories For Quarks And Leptons Based On Clifford Algebras by R. Casalbuoni (CERN) , Raoul Gatto (Geneva U.) . UGVA-DPT 1979/11-227, Nov 1979 Published in Phys.Lett.B90:81,190 and Families from Spinors by Frank Wilczek , A. Zee . Phys.Rev.D25:553,1982.

The cap product by the volume form maps particle to antiparticle, or almost. Chyrality considerations pending, a volume form seems very much as a mass term (or a higgs term)

From two copies (left and right) of it, you build the C^5 Baez is speaking about. And
it is possible to built the C^4 thing from two copies in C^3, using only the coloured generators. In that way it is very close to Harari-Shupe.
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  • #8
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  • #9
Another thought: if you want to introduce triality, it can be more reasonable to build it when you add the generators to jump from SO(6) to SO(8), or from SO(8) to SO(10). But if one waits to have SO(10) and further, then one is going to need to go backwards to see the SO(8) representations hidden under the carpet.

Related to Garrett Lisi paper subject of Baez TWF 253

What is the Garrett Lisi paper subject of Baez TWF 253?

The Garrett Lisi paper subject of Baez TWF 253 is a scientific paper written by physicist Garrett Lisi and discussed by mathematician John Baez in his course TWF 253 at the University of California, Riverside. The paper proposes a new theory of everything that unifies the four fundamental forces of nature.

What is the theory of everything proposed in the Garrett Lisi paper?

The theory of everything proposed in the Garrett Lisi paper is called the "E8 Theory" and it attempts to unify the four fundamental forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force) by using the mathematical structure of the E8 exceptional Lie group.

Why is the Garrett Lisi paper subject of Baez TWF 253 controversial?

The Garrett Lisi paper subject of Baez TWF 253 is controversial because it challenges the established theories in physics, such as string theory, and proposes a new and unconventional approach to understanding the laws of nature. Additionally, some critics argue that the paper lacks experimental evidence and mathematical rigor.

What are some potential implications of the Garrett Lisi paper subject of Baez TWF 253?

If the E8 Theory proposed in the Garrett Lisi paper is proven to be correct, it could lead to a better understanding of the fundamental forces of nature and potentially revolutionize our understanding of the universe. It could also have practical applications in fields such as energy production and space travel.

How has the scientific community responded to the Garrett Lisi paper subject of Baez TWF 253?

The response from the scientific community to the Garrett Lisi paper has been mixed. Some scientists have praised the paper for its bold ideas and potential to advance our understanding of physics, while others have criticized it for lacking empirical evidence and being overly speculative. The paper continues to be a topic of debate and further research is needed to fully evaluate its validity.

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