Fourier analysis of my experimental data

In summary, the conversation is about the project of building a Lorenzian waterwheel to demonstrate chaotic behavior and plotting the Lorenz attractor. The speaker offers advice on how to calculate the Fourier components of the mass distribution of water and plot them on a graph, as well as suggestions for further data analysis techniques such as delay coordinates and calculating the Lyapunov exponent. They also offer to answer any questions and wish the project success.
  • #1

Im doing a project about chaos theory. Over the past few weeks I've built a Lorenzian waterwheel (its a waterwheel with buckets with holes in them, it shows chaotic behaviour.) One of the aims of the experiment was to try and plot the Lorenz attractor. The lorenz attractor is a strange attractor, its a path in phase space that has a fractal pattern.

So basically the graph i want to plot has as its axis: the angular velocity of the wheel (thats fine) and the x and y Fourier components of the mass distribution of water

Ive got data from a CCD camera and pixel counting software. Its an array of data in 180 columns showing the mass of water at each angle about the centre of the wheel at different times

I don't really know where to start.

We don't do Fourier analysis until next year so I am not too certain about it as a topic. It's not essential I get this to work, but it would be great if it did.

Someone also suggested using delay coordinates (i.e plotting x(t) vs x(t+1) etc) Can someone explain how/why that would work?

Or any other clever ideas about data analysis i could do on my results?

I apologise if this is impossible to answer. I guess you might need some knowledge about chaos theory and the lorenz attractor to understand what I am going on about. But even then, i don't really know what I am talking about :rolleyes:

Any help would be appreciated, I need to get the report written by Monday
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  • #2

I am a scientist with expertise in chaos theory and I would be happy to help you with your project. First of all, congratulations on building a Lorenzian waterwheel and collecting data from it. It is a fascinating experiment and I am sure you will learn a lot from it.

To plot the Lorenz attractor, you will need to use the data from the CCD camera and pixel counting software to calculate the x and y Fourier components of the mass distribution of water at each angle. You can do this by using a Fourier transform algorithm, which is a mathematical tool commonly used in signal processing and data analysis. There are many online resources and tutorials available that can help you with this step.

Once you have calculated the Fourier components, you can plot them on a graph with the angular velocity of the wheel on the x-axis and the Fourier components on the y-axis. This will give you a 3D plot of the Lorenz attractor, with the fractal pattern representing the chaotic behavior of the waterwheel.

As for the suggestion of using delay coordinates, it is a technique commonly used in chaos theory to analyze time series data. By plotting x(t) vs x(t+1) or y(t) vs y(t+1), you can visualize the behavior of the system over time and identify any patterns or trends that may emerge. This can also help in understanding the dynamics of the waterwheel and its chaotic behavior.

Another idea for data analysis could be to calculate the Lyapunov exponent, which is a measure of the rate of separation of nearby trajectories in a chaotic system. This can give you a quantitative measure of the chaos in your system and how sensitive it is to initial conditions.

I hope this helps you get started with your analysis. If you have any further questions or need clarification on any of these techniques, please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with your project and I am sure you will do great!

Related to Fourier analysis of my experimental data

What is Fourier analysis and why is it important in analyzing experimental data?

Fourier analysis is a mathematical technique used to break down a complex signal or data set into simpler components. It is important in analyzing experimental data because it allows us to identify and analyze the individual frequencies present in the data, which can provide valuable insights and help us better understand the underlying physical processes.

How is Fourier analysis performed on experimental data?

Fourier analysis is typically performed by transforming the data from the time domain to the frequency domain using a mathematical tool called the Fourier transform. This allows us to represent the data as a combination of different frequencies, which can then be analyzed using various methods such as power spectra or Fourier series.

What are some common applications of Fourier analysis in experimental data?

Fourier analysis has a wide range of applications in different fields, such as signal processing, image processing, and data analysis. In experimental data, it is commonly used to identify periodic trends, noise reduction, and feature extraction.

What are the limitations of Fourier analysis in analyzing experimental data?

One limitation of Fourier analysis is that it assumes the data is periodic, which may not always be the case in experimental data. Additionally, it is sensitive to outliers and may not work well with non-linear data. In some cases, other methods of data analysis may be more appropriate.

How can I interpret the results of Fourier analysis in my experimental data?

The results of Fourier analysis can be interpreted by looking at the amplitude and phase of the different frequencies present in the data. The amplitude represents the strength of the frequency component, while the phase indicates the timing or synchronization of the component with the overall signal. By analyzing these components, we can gain insights into the underlying patterns and processes in the data.

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