Fossils: 95% Plants, 1/4% Vertebrates - Fact or Fiction?

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In summary, the conversation was about the validity and accuracy of a post on Facebook claiming that 95% of the fossil record is made up of plants and vertebrates make up only 1/4 of 1%. The person asking for clarification also mentioned the need for peer-reviewed sources and the fact that the fossil count must be in the hundreds of millions. The expert summarizer suggests that the post is invalid and should be ignored unless a reputable source is provided.
  • #1
Hello! I read this post on Facebook and I am curious as to its validity and accuracy:

95% of the fossil record is made of plants. Shellfish & coral make up most of the rest while vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds & mammals) make only 1/4 of 1% of the fossil record & only 1 of every 500 of these consist of more than one bone!

This doesn't seem that far from accurate, but I'd love to see peer-reviewed sources on this. Also, the fossil count must be in the several hundred millions because we have hundreds, if not, thousands of fossils JUST in the human evolutionary tree.

Thanks, guys!
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  • #2
Hello! I read this post on Facebook and I am curious as to its validity and accuracy:
That's easy - it's on Facebook and no citations were given? No note of how the contribution to the overall fossil record was measured was given (i.e by weight, volume, raw number??) or even what "fossil record" means in this context? - therefore it is invalid and meaningless.

Ask the person who posted it to supply a citation.
  • #3
Garbage posted on facebook is..garbage. If there is no peer reviewed source linked to a respected publication, ignore it. You shouldn't even need to ask.

Related to Fossils: 95% Plants, 1/4% Vertebrates - Fact or Fiction?

What are fossils?

Fossils are the preserved remains or impressions of organisms that lived in the past. These can include bones, shells, footprints, and even traces of soft tissue.

Is it true that 95% of fossils are plants?

Yes, it is estimated that around 95% of all fossils found are from plants. This is because plants have a higher chance of being preserved due to their hard structures, such as seeds, stems, and leaves.

Are vertebrates only 1/4% of all fossils?

No, this statement is not accurate. While vertebrates do make up a smaller percentage of fossils compared to plants, they are still a significant portion. In fact, vertebrate fossils make up around 1/4 of all known fossils.

Why are plant fossils more common than vertebrate fossils?

Plant fossils are more common than vertebrate fossils because plants have a higher chance of being preserved due to their hard structures and the environments in which they live. Vertebrate fossils, on the other hand, are more likely to be destroyed by scavengers, weather, and other natural processes.

Can fossils tell us about the past?

Yes, fossils are important clues that help scientists understand the history of life on Earth. By studying fossils, scientists can learn about the evolution of different species, the environments they lived in, and the changes that have occurred over time.

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