Fluid mechanics : Two dimensional converging flow

In summary: That's something at least. I'll try and figure out how to get that solution and post an update.In summary, the problem is that the angular momentum equation requires convection to be included, but the boundary conditions cannot be enforced. The solution includes the convection term and can be found numerically.
  • #1
So, here's the problem I've come up with that I wanted to solve.

We're going to be using a polar coordinate system for this one. A will represent our angle theta, and r will represent our radial coordinate. We are going to be looking at a non-compressible Newtonian viscous fluids. I'll now put the boundary conditions for the flow and explain what I'm trying to model.

$$ V_r = V_r(r,A)$$
$$ V_A = 0 $$
$$ V_r(r, +A_0) = 0 $$
$$ V_r(r, -A_0) = 0 $$

As we can see, this try's to model a two dimensional flow through some sort of nozzle with viscosity. With the assumptions above, the continuity equation reduces to

$$ \frac {1} {r} \frac {\partial (rV_r(r,A))} {\partial r} = 0$$

Which can only be true if

$$ V_r(r,A) = \frac {f(A)} {r} $$

Using the fact that ##V_r(r,A) = \frac {f(A)} {r}## and using our assumptions we can simplify the radial momentum equation to the following form
$$ \frac {d^2f(A)} {dA^2} \frac {1} {r^3} - \frac {\partial P} {\partial r} \frac {1} {u} = \frac {p} {u} \frac {f(A)^2} {r^3} $$

Multiplying both sides by ## r^3 ## and rearranging terms we arrive at the following form
$$\frac {\partial P} {\partial r} \frac {r^3} {u} = \frac {d^2f(A)} {dA^2} + \frac {p} {u} f(A)^2 $$

This would be all fine and dandy except that the angular momentum equation gives me this

$$ \frac {\partial P} {\partial A} = \frac {2u} {r^2} \frac {df(A)} {dA} $$

So now I'm stuck. What exactly should I be doing next? My ultimate goal is to get some ODE for ##f(A)## but I don't know if that's even possible.

Edit ; I could just assume that r^3/u * dP/dr = constant, but can I really just do that?
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  • #2
Suppose ##P=\frac{2\mu f}{r^2}##
  • #3
Oh, that should help. I'll work on it and see what I find. I'll post an update soon. Thanks Chestermill (seriously you're fantastic; you've helped me on two problems so far and I really appreciate it).


So, if we take your ansatz we find that the angular momentum equation is automatically satisfied. That's a good start. We then find that the radial momentum equation reduces to something. I'll figure that out and update
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  • #4
As an update ; now I'm having problems with boundary conditions. I can't actually enforce the damn boundary conditions, which is problematic. I'll post an update soon. I tried numerically using maple and no matter what I try it always ends up with f being 0 at theta = pi/2.Weeeeeeellll then. Why is nothing as easy as I ever hope it would be.

So I end up with this : F" = -4*F + p/u * F^2. I wanted to just ignore the convective term p/u*F^2, but if I do that I end up with something that cannot satisfy the boundary condition F(-Theta) = 0 F(theta) = 0. That's because the solution ends up being c1*cos(2theta) + c2*sin(2theta). Numerically however by keeping the p/u*F^2 term the boundary conditions can be satisfied. This is REALLY weird. I can't even express how weird this is to me at the moment. I don't know why.

Have I just had too much caffeine? Am I insane? Is there actually no solution unless we include convection?

Or maybe not, because now I'm having trouble numerically as well.

Okay well a solution definitely exists given the convection term is retained. The initial value of F(0) determines the roots of the solution given the convection term is retained.
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Related to Fluid mechanics : Two dimensional converging flow

1. What is two dimensional converging flow in fluid mechanics?

Two dimensional converging flow is a type of fluid flow where the fluid particles move in a two dimensional plane and converge towards a central point or axis. This type of flow is commonly seen in nozzles, diffusers, and other types of fluid machinery.

2. What are the governing equations for two dimensional converging flow?

The governing equations for two dimensional converging flow are the continuity equation, which states that the mass flow rate must be conserved, and the Navier-Stokes equations, which describe the conservation of momentum and energy in the fluid. These equations can be solved using numerical methods to obtain the velocity and pressure distributions in the flow field.

3. How is the velocity profile affected in two dimensional converging flow?

In two dimensional converging flow, the velocity profile is affected by the geometry of the converging section. As the fluid particles move closer together towards the central point, the velocity increases due to the conservation of mass. This results in a decreasing velocity profile in the converging section.

4. What is the significance of the Mach number in two dimensional converging flow?

The Mach number is a dimensionless number that represents the ratio of the fluid velocity to the speed of sound in the fluid. In two dimensional converging flow, the Mach number can affect the flow behavior, particularly if it exceeds a certain value. This can lead to shock waves and other non-ideal flow phenomena.

5. How does the pressure change in two dimensional converging flow?

In two dimensional converging flow, the pressure decreases as the fluid particles move closer together towards the central point. This is due to the conservation of energy, where the kinetic energy of the fluid particles is converted into pressure energy as the velocity increases. The pressure then increases again after the central point due to the expansion of the flow in the diverging section.

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