Feynman's Best Science Quotes on Matter, Energy, & Life

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In summary, Dr. Manhattan says that while he is standing still, he prefers the stillness here on Earth because he is tired of living on the planet. He says that he can feel himself reaching that stage in the dim future of mankind when the mind will cast off the hampering of the flesh become all thought and no matter. He says that this is the goal of evolution, man's final destiny is to become what he imagined in the beginning when he first learned the idea of the angels. However, he is impatient to go the whole way and describe what this destiny might look like.
  • #1
''There are the rushing waves
mountains of molecules
each stupidly minding its own business
trillions apart
yet forming white surf in unison.
Ages on ages
before any eyes could see
year after year
thunderously pounding the shore as now.
For whom, for what?
On a dead planet
with no life to entertain.
Never at rest
tortured by energy
wasted prodigiously by the sun
poured into space.
A mite makes the sea roar.
Deep in the sea
all molecules repeat
the patterns of one another
till complex new ones are formed.
They make others like themselves
and a new dance starts.
Growing in size and complexity
living things
masses of atoms
DNA, protein
dancing a pattern ever more intricate.
Out of the cradle
onto dry land
here it is
atoms with consciousness;
matter with curiosity.
Stands at the sea,
wonders at wondering: I
a universe of atoms
an atom in the universe.''
By Feynman
Post the most beautiful SCIENCE quotes you can think of.
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  • #2
what is real? how do you define what is real ? if you're talking
about what you can feel,what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is
simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain

beware of false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance
-george bernard shaw

While I am standing still, I prefer the stillness here. I am tired of earth, these people, I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives
-Dr. Manhattan

i can feel myself,
reaching that stage in the dim future of mankind
when the mind will cast off the hampering of the flesh become all thought and no matter..

a vortex,
of pure intelligence in space..

it's the goal of evolution, man's final destiny is to become what he imagined in the beginning
when he first learned the idea of the angels.
but that is far ahead and I'm impatient to go the whole way.
-the sixth finger (1963)
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  • #3
"Expunge these female progenitor copulating appendage dispossessed prostrate terrestrial locomotive carnivorous reptiles from within this female progenitor copulating self-propelled atmosphere traversing passenger conveying vehicle." - Albert Einstein
  • #4
In my signature.
  • #5
NATURE and Nature’s Laws lay hid in Night:
God said, “Let Newton be!” and all was light.
-A. Pope

It did not last/The devil howling 'Ho! Let
Einstein Be/Restored the status quo'.
-Sir John Squire
  • #6
I should thank you. I'd almost forgotten the excitement of not knowing. The delights of uncertainty.

As a physicist, I can assure you that this is not how physics works. … We are all expected to act like grownups and accept it gracefully as experiments prove our favorite theories are false. In physics, unlike marijuana policy, we consider the right message to send to be the message that’s true. Consider what American science might look like if all research were run like marijuana research is being run now. Suppose the Institute for Creation Science were put in charge of approving paleontology digs and the science of human evolution. Imagine what would happen to the environment if we gave coal and oil companies the power to block any climate research they didn't like.
~John H. Schwarz
  • #7
The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist knows it is.
—J. Robert Oppenheimer

It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.
—Albert Einstein

The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.
—Albert Einstein

Subtle is the Lord, but malicious He is not.
—Albert Einstein
  • #8
“Education never ends,
Watson. It is a series of
lessons, with the greatest
for the last.”
Arthur Conan Doyle,
His Last Bow
  • #9
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin
  • #10
“Wherever you may find the
inventor, you may give him wealth
or you may take from him all that
he has; and he will go on inventing.
He can no more help inventing that
he can help thinking or breathing.”
Alexander Graham Bell

Related to Feynman's Best Science Quotes on Matter, Energy, & Life

1. What is the relevance of Feynman's quotes on matter, energy, and life to modern science?

Feynman was a renowned physicist who made significant contributions to our understanding of the fundamental workings of matter and energy. His quotes offer insights into these complex concepts and their implications for our understanding of life. Many of his ideas and theories still hold relevance in modern science and continue to inspire further research and discoveries.

2. Can you provide an example of one of Feynman's quotes on matter?

"Everything is made of atoms. That is the key hypothesis. The most important hypothesis in all of biology, for example, is that everything that animals do, atoms do. In other words, there is nothing that living things do that cannot be understood from the point of view that they are made of atoms." - Richard Feynman

3. How did Feynman's work on energy impact modern physics?

Feynman's work on quantum electrodynamics, which explains the behavior of particles and their interactions with electromagnetic fields, was groundbreaking and earned him a Nobel Prize. This theory, along with his work on quantum mechanics, has had a significant impact on modern physics and continues to be studied and applied in various fields of science.

4. Are there any quotes from Feynman that relate to the concept of life?

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool." This quote highlights the importance of critical thinking and skepticism in the pursuit of understanding life and the world around us. Feynman also had a deep fascination with the complexity and wonder of life, which is reflected in many of his quotes.

5. How can Feynman's quotes on matter, energy, and life be interpreted and applied in our daily lives?

Feynman's quotes can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation to continue exploring and learning about the world and our place in it. They can also remind us of the interconnectedness of everything in the universe and the importance of approaching life with curiosity, skepticism, and an open mind.

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