Expressing plane wave as superposition

In summary, the given unpolarized monochromatic plane wave can be described as the superposition of a right handed and left handed polarized beam. By expanding each term in the sum as a linear sum of specific Er and El, it can be seen that the summation can be written in terms of one cosine function, resulting in a linearly polarized wave. This can also be viewed as the superposition of one right and one left circular polarized beam.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So, given a unpolarized monochromatic plane wave E = summation ai cos(kz - wt + bi), i from 1 to N where b is a phase constant. how would you describe this as the superposition of a right handed and left handed polarized beam?

Homework Equations

Er = Acos(kz-wt+phi1) + A sin(kz-wt+phi1)
El = Acos(kz-wt+phi2) - Asin(kz-wt+phi2)

The Attempt at a Solution

I know if I add both up I would get a linearly polarized wave.
I'm not sure how to write the sum as such a summation. Would you use the fact that any finite linear combinations of cosine terms can add up to the sum which would show that the summation can be written in terms of one cosine function?
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  • #2
Have you tried expanding each term in the sum as a linear sum of specific Er and El.
  • #3
I think it'd be the superposition of one right and one left circular polarized beam that describes the whole summation.
  • #4
Good luck with that.
  • #5

I would approach this problem by first identifying the key components of the given plane wave expression. We have a summation of ai cos(kz - wt + bi), which can be rewritten as ai cos(kz - wt) cos(bi) + ai sin(kz - wt) sin(bi). This can be further simplified as Acos(kz - wt + phi) where phi = bi is the phase constant.

Now, to express this as the superposition of a right handed and left handed polarized beam, we can use the equations given in the homework section. We know that a right-handed polarized beam is given by Er = Acos(kz-wt+phi1) + A sin(kz-wt+phi1) and a left-handed polarized beam is given by El = Acos(kz-wt+phi2) - Asin(kz-wt+phi2).

By comparing these equations with our simplified form of the given plane wave expression, we can see that phi1 = bi and phi2 = -bi. Therefore, we can express the plane wave as a superposition of a right-handed and left-handed polarized beam as:

E = Er + El = Acos(kz-wt+bi) + A sin(kz-wt+bi) + Acos(kz-wt-bi) - Asin(kz-wt-bi)

This can also be written as a summation of two terms, one for the right-handed polarized beam and one for the left-handed polarized beam:

E = summation ai cos(kz - wt + bi) + ai cos(kz - wt - bi)

Thus, we have successfully expressed the given plane wave as the superposition of a right-handed and left-handed polarized beam.

Related to Expressing plane wave as superposition

1. What is the concept of expressing a plane wave as a superposition?

The concept of expressing a plane wave as a superposition involves breaking down a complex wave into simpler components, known as superposition, in order to better understand its behavior and properties. This is a commonly used technique in wave analysis and can be applied to various types of waves, including electromagnetic and acoustic waves.

2. How is a plane wave expressed as a superposition mathematically?

A plane wave can be expressed as a superposition by using the principle of superposition, which states that the total response of a system to multiple inputs is equal to the sum of the responses to each individual input. Mathematically, this can be represented by adding together the individual components of the plane wave, each with a specific amplitude and phase, to create the overall wave function.

3. What are the advantages of expressing a plane wave as a superposition?

Expressing a plane wave as a superposition allows for a more detailed analysis of the wave's properties, such as its amplitude, frequency, and phase. It also allows for the identification of specific components within the wave, which can have different physical meanings and applications. Additionally, the superposition concept is a fundamental principle in wave theory and has many practical applications in fields such as optics, acoustics, and electromagnetics.

4. Are there any limitations to expressing a plane wave as a superposition?

While expressing a plane wave as a superposition is a powerful tool, it does have its limitations. One limitation is that it assumes the wave is linear, meaning that the wave's behavior is directly proportional to its inputs. This may not hold true for all types of waves, particularly in non-linear systems. Additionally, superposition can only be applied to waves that have a well-defined frequency and phase, which may not always be the case for complex waveforms.

5. How is the concept of expressing a plane wave as a superposition used in real-world applications?

The concept of expressing a plane wave as a superposition has many real-world applications in fields such as signal processing, telecommunications, and imaging. For example, in signal processing, superposition can be used to analyze and manipulate audio and video signals, while in telecommunications, it is used to combine multiple signals to transmit data. In imaging, superposition is used to create images by combining the reflected waves from different objects in a scene. Additionally, the superposition concept is also used in technologies such as holography and radar.

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