Exploring the World Through Different Cultures

  • Thread starter Cyrus
  • Start date
In summary: Alexander the great burned it down. It's really amazing to see.In summary, the site displays a computer rendition of the ancient ruins of Persepolis before Alexander the great burned it down.
  • #1
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

For a long time I thought science and engineering. I bought an issue of National Geograpic at the book store at the school I was visiting for a conference (Its cover is about Iran). So, thumbing through it I was amazed at the picture it has. REALLY nice pictures of anything and everything from all over the world. I'm looking through it now on an article about Moscow that I want to read...

Anyways...the point of this is that I realized this is what I *really* like. Learning new things about other cultures. Sometimes I watch programs on TV about bushpeople and find that fascinating. Or I'll watch a show about guys crab fishing in alaskan seas. Or I'll watch Andrew Zimmers Bizzare Foods or the travel channel. The travel channel also had some great programs on old buildings in china.

I watch google videos when I can. I've seen some on Iranian divorce and the court system (really interesting). Another one I came across by accident was about this white woman who went to India and gave these little girls (6-10years) living in a brothel with their mothers small pocket cameras. She lived with them for a while and told them to go around and take pictures of anything they wanted to. The results were really interesting.

I think it would be a really neat job to go around the world and live with some people for 6months to year and really get to know the day to day things people do, customs, nuances, etc. From the very rich to the very poor and write what their day-to-day life is like.

I think that's the problem with most articles about other countries. They go there for a week or two, talk to some locals, and paint an incomplete picture.

I think its a job you would never get tired of and have one story after another to tell about things you did or saw happen.

Someone give me a few million bucks so I can get to work.

Sociology and social dynamics are interesting. Which makes me mad, because pretty much everyone up to high school has to take sociology, yet they learn STUPID facts like this year china did this, and that year europe did that. Instead, they should teach a modern worldview of other countries so most Americans arent ignorant of other cultures. (I had an american guy we were having beers with at a bar a few weeks ago say: "Muslims don't eat pork? I never knew that..." <smacks forehead>...

I think that's enough pointless posting for now...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I have always wanted to work at a particle accelerator. Most of the amazing discoveries in physics have been made in one.

Or make a living in a fusion band.:smile:
  • #3
I'm like you Cyrus, I absolutely love learning about different cultures, countries, travel, origin of languages...ect. I love National Geographic, documentary and history channels...ect. There aren't to many realistic careers to go alone with that though and I love science to so I'm going with science as the career with the hope to do a ton of traveling whenever I can. Eventually I am hoping to work as a toxicology specialist with the RCMP, that would be neat.
  • #4
I thought science and engineering.

But now, different cultures.
Going out to remote places and living with them like them, living their sorrows and happiness ...

Only difference: I am not into Iran culture
  • #5
The thing with science is that you SIT there with a book, or at your desk. You write code, or maybe you teach. But it gets mundane. Every once in a while something happens that makes you excited, but there ARE periods of gee I can't wait till this crap is over with.

When you get to go out and experience other cultures its always something new and eye opening.
  • #6
scorpa said:
I'm like you Cyrus, I absolutely love learning about different cultures, countries, travel, origin of languages...ect. I love National Geographic, documentary and history channels...ect. There aren't to many realistic careers to go alone with that though and I love science to so I'm going with science as the career with the hope to do a ton of traveling whenever I can. Eventually I am hoping to work as a toxicology specialist with the RCMP, that would be neat.

Hmmm, you also ride motorcycles. Atheist...yes?...yes?...:-p
  • #7
But, I think racism is a big problem.
  • #8
rootX said:
But, I think racism is a big problem.

What do you mean?
  • #9
Astronaut. No joke, after I get a Ph.D. I will keep applying until I get it or die.
  • #10
I found this really interesting site by accident.


It has a computer rendition of what the ancient ruins of Persepolis looked like before Alexander the great burned it down. But this massive structure was build 599BC, almost 600 years before the Parthenon in Greece. Although, the Egyptians win with their ever more impressive structures nearly 3000BC!

I've seen the ruins in person, and they are massive. I tried to find reconstructive images of this place for a while, but its really nice to see these computer images that makes it seem more real with the water trees, colors and people as if you are really there.

I also saw an interesting place on TV in China where the building is carved into the side of a mountain. The steps look as if they are floating in mid air, so the local government put these fake, tall thin wooden posts to seem as if they support the steps, otherwise tourists were to scared to go up them. The best part is when the guy says to the camera, oh these are total BS and he moves the long post with his hand back and forth. "See, they don't do anything at all!"
  • #11
I've never seen someone spam/derail their own thread before.
  • #12
WarPhalange said:
I've never seen someone spam/derail their own thread before.

:smile: Yeah...even I'm fair game to my own derailment.
  • #13
WarPhalange said:
Astronaut. No joke, after I get a Ph.D. I will keep applying until I get it or die.

By the time your finished with your PhD, I doubt there will be any manned space flight! :frown:
  • #14
i would like to sit around in my boxers and get paid gratuitous amounts of money. i wish i could major in laziness and debauchery but i settled for math and physics instead.
  • #15
Cyrus said:
It has a computer rendition of what the ancient ruins of Persepolis looked like before Alexander the great burned it down. But this massive structure was build 599BC, almost 600 years before the Parthenon in Greece. Although, the Egyptians win with their ever more impressive structures nearly 3000BC!
Don't give up your day job.
Construction of Persepolis began between 518 and 516 BC.
The Parthenon is Built 448-432 BC.
Then, about 2630 BC, Pharaoh Djoser built the first step pyramid at Saqqara as his tomb.

I would be a software engineer.
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  • #16
  • #17
Cyrus said:
Another one I came across by accident was about this white woman who went to India and gave these little girls (6-10years) living in a brothel with their mothers small pocket cameras. She lived with them for a while and told them to go around and take pictures of anything they wanted to. The results were really interesting.
I've read that one - about a year or two ago. It was beautiful.
  • #18
Cyrus said:
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

For a long time I thought science and engineering. I bought an issue of National Geograpic at the book store at the school I was visiting for a conference (Its cover is about Iran). So, thumbing through it I was amazed at the picture it has. REALLY nice pictures of anything and everything from all over the world. I'm looking through it now on an article about Moscow that I want to read...

Anyways...the point of this is that I realized this is what I *really* like. Learning new things about other cultures. Sometimes I watch programs on TV about bushpeople and find that fascinating. Or I'll watch a show about guys crab fishing in alaskan seas. Or I'll watch Andrew Zimmers Bizzare Foods or the travel channel. The travel channel also had some great programs on old buildings in china.

I watch google videos when I can. I've seen some on Iranian divorce and the court system (really interesting). Another one I came across by accident was about this white woman who went to India and gave these little girls (6-10years) living in a brothel with their mothers small pocket cameras. She lived with them for a while and told them to go around and take pictures of anything they wanted to. The results were really interesting.

I think it would be a really neat job to go around the world and live with some people for 6months to year and really get to know the day to day things people do, customs, nuances, etc. From the very rich to the very poor and write what their day-to-day life is like.

I think that's the problem with most articles about other countries. They go there for a week or two, talk to some locals, and paint an incomplete picture.

I think its a job you would never get tired of and have one story after another to tell about things you did or saw happen.

Someone give me a few million bucks so I can get to work.

Sociology and social dynamics are interesting. Which makes me mad, because pretty much everyone up to high school has to take sociology, yet they learn STUPID facts like this year china did this, and that year europe did that. Instead, they should teach a modern worldview of other countries so most Americans arent ignorant of other cultures. (I had an american guy we were having beers with at a bar a few weeks ago say: "Muslims don't eat pork? I never knew that..." <smacks forehead>...

I think that's enough pointless posting for now...

It seems very much like flying is right up your alley. It has it ups and downs but you travel a great deal and you learn much about meteorology, foreign cultures, and about psychology.

I lost count after 30+ countries and have gotten to see many cool places including the Pyramids, Stonehenge, and the plains of East Africa to name a few. It has also given me the chance to live in Europe for 3 years and in the Far East for over 2 years (where I picked up pottery as one of my favorite hobbies).
  • #19
I want to be paid to do my own research in my own room. I know I'm incredibly sad but that's what I enjoy doing.
  • #20
Cyrus said:
What do you mean?

I am not sure what's the probability that people of other cultures would discriminate against you if you go to their countries/places. It can take a lot of effort to get mixed into a closed culture (only way to understand them)

But, I am sure there will be many people who wouldn't welcome you because you are from x country, y color .. etc.

I think this is really big problem in Asian countries (not sure if it is still there). I was reading somewhere that they charge more to whites, discriminate against non-Asians in Japan or HK etc. Some people would find it hard to trust you etc. (I don't have any statistics right now)

So, it can be hard sometimes to deal with those people / make them treat you like they would treat themselves or people from their own culture.

Does most people think only whites discriminate? :smile:
  • #21
The nice thing about traveling to lots of places and learning more about the cultures there is you can continue to do it as a hobby on your vacation time when you have a paying job for something else. :wink:

Though, if you REALLY have a passion to spend time traveling to places for extended periods of time, consider something like the Peace Corps. They can use someone with an engineering background, though civil engineering is probably the more useful field to help build up infrastructure in places with nothing.

As for me, I finally have my ideal job, so I'm quite happy with that.
  • #22
Cyrus said:
Anyways...the point of this is that I realized this is what I *really* like. Learning new things about other cultures. Sometimes I watch programs on TV about bushpeople and find that fascinating. Or I'll watch a show about guys crab fishing in alaskan seas. Or I'll watch Andrew Zimmers Bizzare Foods or the travel channel. The travel channel also had some great programs on old buildings in china.
So you would like to an anthropologist or archaeologist. Those would be my ideal job, mostly archaeologist for me.

  • #23
rootX said:
I am not sure what's the probability that people of other cultures would discriminate against you if you go to their countries/places. It can take a lot of effort to get mixed into a closed culture (only way to understand them)

But, I am sure there will be many people who wouldn't welcome you because you are from x country, y color .. etc.

I think this is really big problem in Asian countries (not sure if it is still there). I was reading somewhere that they charge more to whites, discriminate against non-Asians in Japan or HK etc. Some people would find it hard to trust you etc. (I don't have any statistics right now)

So, it can be hard sometimes to deal with those people / make them treat you like they would treat themselves or people from their own culture.

Does most people think only whites discriminate? :smile:

That's one major complaint I have with the whole Asian culture. They really don't like outsiders, and they have this system of respect for elders that's kind of creepy. For example, you're not supposed to interrupt your boss when he's talking and various other stuff like that. I've had teachers often complain about asian exchange students who would never speak up because in their culture your not supposed to disagree with your professor.

It would be interesting to observe this phenomenon and see to what extent it really exists in Asia. But for this reason alone, I could never live in an Asian society.
  • #25
jimmysnyder said:
Don't give up your day job.




I would be a software engineer.

Oops, I was looking at the wiki page on the parthenon and it said 5BC somewhere. I must have misread it.

wiki said:
The Parthenon (ancient Greek: Παρθενών) is a temple of the Greek goddess Athena, built in the 5th century BC on the Athenian Acropolis

I see, 5th century BC, as in 500BC...

I wonder if there is a similar website that shows a computer reconstruction of the inside of the building? I saw one on the history channel for the library of Alexandria. That was also an amazing place to see.

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  • #26
Cyrus said:
I like the answers archaeologists find, but I wouldn't want to sit there digging up stuff in the sand.
When you are the archaeologist, you have workers and students that do all of the work, you oversee what they are doing and get to play with the stuff that is found.

Actually my ideal job would be getting paid to travel to exotic places and sample exotic foods. So, tv show host for the Travel Channel would be my dream job.
  • #27
rootX said:
But, I am sure there will be many people who wouldn't welcome you because you are from x country, y color .. etc.

I think this is really big problem in Asian countries (not sure if it is still there). I was reading somewhere that they charge more to whites, discriminate against non-Asians in Japan or HK etc.
I lived in Japan for 9 years. I was never aware of being charged more for anything based on my nationality or color. There is discrimination there, but discrimination against non-Japanese Asians, especially Japanese-born Koreans, is far worse than discrimination against non-Asians. Nothing in Japan compares to the racial discrimination practiced in the US. My wife is Chinese. Neither she nor I experienced anything worse than impolite stares from children the entire time we were there.

I took a short vacation in Beijing where, as a foreigner, I was charged more for museum entrances than the Chinese. This was based on nationality, not color. However, the practice was loosely enforced and I suppose overseas Chinese got away with the lower price because they only checked people who didn't look Chinese.

I was in Hong Kong for a few days and ran into no discrimination of any kind. I suppose that as a tourist, I had no opportunity for it.
  • #28
Cyrus said:
That's one major complaint I have with the whole Asian culture. They really don't like outsiders, and they have this system of respect for elders that's kind of creepy. For example, you're not supposed to interrupt your boss when he's talking and various other stuff like that. I've had teachers often complain about asian exchange students who would never speak up because in their culture your not supposed to disagree with your professor.

It would be interesting to observe this phenomenon and see to what extent it really exists in Asia. But for this reason alone, I could never live in an Asian society.
These two paragraphs don't work well together. I assume that you are concerned about the 'outsider' thing. I can't imagine that you would shun an entire continent because they overly respect their elders. All continents (with the possible exception of Antarctica) suffer the 'outsider' thing. In Nagoya, they treat people from Tokyo like foreigners.
  • #29
jimmysnyder said:
These two paragraphs don't work well together. I assume that you are concerned about the 'outsider' thing. I can't imagine that you would shun an entire continent because they overly respect their elders. All continents (with the possible exception of Antarctica) suffer the 'outsider' thing. In Nagoya, they treat people from Tokyo like foreigners.

Why not? This is a fundamental problem of their society. There are also fundamental problems with middle eastern society that would not make me want to live there either. Maybe just for a year or two, but def. wouldn't settle down there.
  • #30
Cyrus said:
Why not?
Because in the first paragraph you have a major complaint about the culture of an entire continent but in the second paragraph you say that you aren't sure to what extent the phenomenon really exists. What's worse, you refuse to find out. Just for the record, the Middle East is in Asia.
  • #31
jimmysnyder said:
Because in the first paragraph you have a major complaint about the culture of an entire continent but in the second paragraph you say that you aren't sure to what extent the phenomenon really exists. What's worse, you refuse to find out.

No, I did say "It would be interesting to observe this phenomenon and see to what extent it really exists in Asia. But for this reason alone, I could never live in an Asian society."

Hopefully, this clears up the context of what is meant by 'living in an Asian society".
  • #32
I was in Hong Kong for a few days and ran into no discrimination of any kind. I suppose that as a tourist, I had no opportunity for it.

Racism was about hk. I came across a page with statistics and people responses and %ages etc. I couldn't trust it much because it didn't mention who collected those statistics.

As for Japan, I am only concerned about outsider phobia (which would be in all societies that rarely interacted with others).

There are always some challenges in dealing with people of all kinds (even your kids/parents/..), so that's why I am still loving science. You will always end up
dealing with bad sides of good people. So that needs lots of patience/maturity
/experience/knowledge to see beauty in them. I am assuming that it gets harder
if you are in different culture.

There is discrimination there, but discrimination against non-Japanese Asians, especially Japanese-born Koreans, is far worse than discrimination against non-Asians.
This was also mentioned on that HK page but for me, being a bystander is equally worse.
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  • #33
If I could pick any job it would be piloting a fighter aircraft. I'm not much into war and killing but just flying the most advanced air technology next to space shuttles.

Related to Exploring the World Through Different Cultures

1. What is the importance of exploring the world through different cultures?

Exploring the world through different cultures allows us to gain a better understanding and appreciation for the diversity of human societies. It also helps us to challenge our own perspectives and biases, and promotes empathy and cultural sensitivity.

2. How can I explore different cultures without traveling?

There are many ways to explore different cultures without traveling, such as reading books, watching documentaries, attending cultural events or festivals, trying new cuisines, and connecting with people from different backgrounds through social media or pen pals.

3. How does exploring different cultures benefit society?

Exploring different cultures can benefit society by promoting tolerance, understanding, and respect for diversity. It also encourages the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and can lead to innovations and advancements in various fields.

4. How can I avoid cultural appropriation while exploring different cultures?

To avoid cultural appropriation, it is important to educate yourself about the cultural significance and history behind certain practices or items before incorporating them into your own life. It is also important to give credit and support to the communities and individuals who originated these cultural traditions.

5. What are some potential challenges when exploring different cultures?

Some potential challenges when exploring different cultures include language barriers, cultural misunderstandings, and discomfort with unfamiliar customs or beliefs. It is important to approach these challenges with an open mind, respect, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

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