Exploring the Possibilities of an Accelerating Universe

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of gravity and its potential origins. One theory suggests that gravity is the result of mass inertia in an accelerated universe, where the acceleration of expansion affects the value of gravity. The conversation also raises questions about the current understanding of the universe and suggests exploring alternative theories. The book "Theory of Interaction" by Eugene Savov is mentioned as a potential resource for a complete picture of the universe. The conversation also briefly touches on the concept of entropy and its role in the universe.
  • #1
What if...

Gravity is the consecuence of mass deforming space-time. But why mass deforms space-time?
What if gravity is the consecuence of mass inertia in an accelerated universe. I can imagine a universe expanding at an accelerated speed that is being deformed by the inertia of the objects with mass. So gravity depends on acceleration of expansion and could be different at different stages of the evolution of universe. For instance, what if quasars are supergigantic stars at a moment in what gravity had other value smaller than the current value (because smaller acceleration value) and a supergigantic star could exist without transforming into a black hole. Why there are not supernovas nor galaxies at same distance than quasars?
Can anyone calculate the acceleration needed to achive current velocity of expansion considering the universe an hypersphere? (This is for a constantly accelerated universe)
Can anyone calculate the slope of acceleration needed to achive current velocity of expansion considering the universe an hypersphere and a start of almost zero for acceleration at the beggining and the messured current acceleration at end?
Thanks for your answers :smile:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I like your questions. They show the absurdity of the current picture
of the universe. You may not lose your time to explore it anymore. You should rather look
for alternatives. One day you may have a good theory of your own.
Check my other posts for more info.
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  • #3
The problem with discarding our current model of the universe, big-egg, is it makes testable, highly accurate predictions about a very broad variety of phenomena. Any replacement will naturally need to be equally (or more) accurate/useful.
  • #4
Does space-time slow it's expansion when "dragging" more massive objects? Also, if gravity depends on the acceleration (or the velocity more likely here) of the Universe, then there may be areas of the Universe where a black hole is created, and then... all of a sudden there wouldn't be enough gravity to keep the black hole, and then what would happen? Would it pop back out as a star again?
I guess really in a sense you could view the "warping" of space-time as due to inertia; but you would be using a lot of the same units and measurements for your calculations, so I think you would just end up with very similar results.
  • #5
You know what?

I can figure out why are you all so concerned about space-time?
You cannot relate the two without some velocity and if so
than what velocity it will be and more what would the relation BE?

I can tell you that this relation is only X=VT.
There is no other way to relate space, time and velocity if you're not making mistake.

Am I in TD where I can speak free my mind?
  • #6
Rahmuss said:
Does space-time slow it's expansion when "dragging" more massive objects? Also, if gravity depends on the acceleration (or the velocity more likely here) of the Universe.
Rahmuss, you need acceleration to obtain a result similar to gravity. If you have constant velocity, then you can´t have visible efects. Is similar to what happens in regular physics problems. About "dragging" you are right, I think if we have an accelerated universe then we have a force driving the expansion and of course a work (or energy to use a more general term) that can be calculated. This energy must be obtained at expense of something, can anyone tell me at expense of what this energy is obtained?
I enjoy this discussions a lot
  • #7
I enjoy your questions.

“This energy must be obtained at expense of something, can anyone tell me at expense of what this energy is obtained?”

The dark energy can be obtained at the expense of the current incomplete picture of the universe. Answers to your questions you may find in the book Theory of Interaction the Simplest Explanation of Everything by Eugene Savov. In this book a complete picture of the universe is presented in the terms of its revealed all-explaining singularity free structure.
  • #8
All energy in the universe is just mass ( much of it which is in the form of light) that is constantly being affected by the pricipal of entropy. entropy controls the flow of hot to cold, and the amount of disorder or chaos in a given system. entropy ultimately governs all electrical, chemical, biological (except for basic physical laws) occurrances in nature. The flow of hot to cold and the effect of complication or chaos increasing with time just as easily could have been the other way around: Cold to hot. But would we really know the difference if we were suddenly part of that world?

Related to Exploring the Possibilities of an Accelerating Universe

1. What is an accelerating universe?

An accelerating universe refers to the observed phenomenon in which the expansion of the universe is speeding up rather than slowing down. This acceleration is believed to be caused by a mysterious force known as dark energy.

2. How do we know that the universe is accelerating?

Scientists have observed the redshift of distant galaxies, which is the stretching of light waves as they travel through expanding space. This redshift is found to be increasing, indicating that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

3. What is dark energy and how does it contribute to the accelerating universe?

Dark energy is a theoretical form of energy that is believed to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe. Its exact nature is still unknown, but it is thought to be responsible for the universe's accelerating expansion by counteracting the effects of gravity.

4. Is the acceleration of the universe constant?

No, the acceleration of the universe is not constant. In fact, it is believed to be increasing over time. This means that the expansion of the universe will continue to speed up in the future.

5. What are the implications of an accelerating universe?

The accelerating expansion of the universe has significant implications for the future of the universe. It suggests that the universe will continue to expand indefinitely, potentially leading to the "heat death" of the universe. It also has implications for our understanding of fundamental physics and the nature of dark energy.

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