Exploring the Hilbert Space of QFT

In summary, the conversation discusses the general properties of the Hilbert space in quantum field theory and how to find a basis for it. It mentions the use of Poincaré invariance and noether charges to label the Hilbert space. The conversation also touches on the unitary representation of the Poincaré group and the construction of the Fock space for one-particle states. However, it also brings up the issue of interactions and the infrared problem, which shows that the Fock space is not the correct representation for asymptotically free states. The conversation mentions two approaches to addressing this problem: the Bloch-Nordsieck method and the use
  • #1
Hi everyone. Many texts when describing QFT start immediately discussing about free field theories, Fock spaces etc.. I want to understand general properties of the Hilbert space, and how to find a basis of it, and how to find a particle interpretation. I know there are very mathematical formulations with test functions etc.. but I'm not interested in that.

I'll tell you my guess. In a QFT we must have Poincare' invariance. So, from it we can have its noether charges, and use them to label the Hilbert space with their eigensates. How many commuting objects can we create? [itex]P_{\mu}[/itex], [itex]P^2[/itex],[itex]W^2[/itex], [itex]W_3[/itex], and plus some commuting [itex]Q_a[/itex] of an internal symmetry. [itex]W_{\mu}[/itex] is [itex]W_{\mu}=\frac{1}{2}\epsilon_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}M^{\nu\rho}P^{\sigma}[/itex] So, I could create


where [itex]m^2[/itex] is real non negative (if it is null i should consider helicity), [itex]p_{\mu}[/itex] is any, [itex]s=0,1,2..[/itex] and [itex]\xi_{s}=-s,..s[/itex].

So I can express a generic element of the Hilbert space as linear combination of [itex]|m^{2},p_{\mu},q_{a},s,\xi_{s}>[/itex] right?
[itex]|m^{2},p_{\mu},q_{a},s,\xi_{s}>[/itex] could be interpreted as a particle state if it is onshell.
Is there a way to build a commuting number operator whose eigenvalues identify which particle we are considering? The vacuum would be when the number operator is zero.

Then, when we impose a certain Lagrangian, its equation of motion will give some contraints on the states, right?

Any suggestions or text references explicitly dealing with what said are welcome.
Thank you very much.
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  • #2
anthony2005 said:
[...] text references explicitly dealing with what said are welcome.
Weinberg vol-1 is the obvious suggestion for a reference.
  • #3
Yeah, thanks for the reply, but that's a big book. Where does it talk about the general properties of the Hilbert space?

By the way, looking around I found written that the Hilbert space of QFT is a unitary representation of the Poincarè group. The one particle states form a subspace of the whole Hilbert space and corresponds to an irreducible unitary rep of Poincarè, and it's made of states [itex]\phi(x)|0>[/itex] (or distributions if you like) where [itex]|0>[/itex] is the vacuum. So I know how to create a basis for this space via Wigner's method. But QFT have arbitrary number of particles. So how would that reducible Poincarè rep look like? A direct sum of [itex]n[/itex] particle spaces (and is this an [itex]n[/itex] times tensor product of a 1-particle space?) Even with interaction?

  • #4
I thought Lie groups are represented by operators on the Hilbert space, not the Hilbert space itself.
  • #5
anthony2005 said:
Yeah, thanks for the reply, but that's a big book. Where does it talk about the general properties of the Hilbert space?
All separable Hilbert spaces are equivalent; so there is very little to be said generally. The differences are in the representations. Chapter 5 constructs the relevant reps.
anthony2005 said:
By the way, looking around I found written that the Hilbert space of QFT is a unitary representation of the Poincarè group. The one particle states form a subspace of the whole Hilbert space and corresponds to an irreducible unitary rep of Poincarè, and it's made of states [itex]\phi(x)|0>[/itex] (or distributions if you like) where [itex]|0>[/itex] is the vacuum. So I know how to create a basis for this space via Wigner's method. But QFT have arbitrary number of particles. So how would that reducible Poincarè rep look like? A direct sum of [itex]n[/itex] particle spaces (and is this an [itex]n[/itex] times tensor product of a 1-particle space?) Even with interaction?
Without interactions, you get the Fock space constructed from the representation space of an irreducible rep. With interactions, you get something nobody knows so far how to describe it. There is only Haag's theorem, which says that it cannot be a Fock space. But all known positively is that, restricted to bounded regions, it is a Fock space. The limit to the unbounded case is mathematically ill-understood and constitutes the infrared problem.
  • #6
A bit more one understands about the Hilbert space of QFT, at least in QED (and in the perturbative sense of course). The infrared problem shows indeed that the Fock space of free particles is not the correct space to represent asymptotically free states of QED in the (perturbative) S-matrix theory.

The traditional way to cure this problem is pretty old and goes back to

F. Bloch and A. Nordsieck. Note on the radiation field of the electron. Phys. Rev., 52:54–59, 1937.

The idea to cure th IR problem is that in any reaction of charged particles, soft photons are easily created due to the masslessness of photons. The energy resolution of any detector used to measure the corresponding cross section of such a reaction is always finite, and thus one cannot distinguish whether you really detect only the exclusive collision process in question or whether there is one or more additional soft photon(s) emitted with a (total) energy smaller than the detector's energy resolution.

This is nicely described in modern terms, using Feynman diagrams, e.g., in Weinberg, Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1

Another more modern approach is to more carefully determine the asymptotic states of such scattering events. That's already apparent in non-relativistic scattering theory of charged particles. Since the photon is massless, the electrostatic force (Coulomb force) is long ranged. The potential only falls with the inverse distance, and thus standard asymptotic theory, assuming freely streaming particles, represented by plane waves (momentum eigen states) as asymptotic states, is not applicable to that case. The way out here is very simple since one can solve the two-body Coulomb problem in non-relativistic quantum theory exactly (for both the bound-state problem as well as Coulomb scattering).

Unfortunately one cannot solve more complicated problems exactly, but there's an alternative approach, using modified asymptotic states, taking into account the relevant long-range part of the Coulomb interaction in the asymptotic region. This also has the advantage that one can extend this technique to the full QED case. As it turns out the correct asymptotic states for the photons is not the Fock space of the non-interacting theory but coherent states of an indefinite photon number, which is not a Fock space. For the charged particles it's the modified asymptotic states, taking into account the long-range Coulomb interaction.

This is nicely described in

P. P. Kulish and L. D. Faddeev, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Volume 4, Number 2, 745-757, DOI: 10.1007/BF01066485


Mark S. Swanson, Phys. Rev. D 25, 2086–2102 (1982),
  • #7
vanhees71 said:
This is nicely described in

P. P. Kulish and L. D. Faddeev, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Volume 4, Number 2, 745-757, DOI: 10.1007/BF01066485


Mark S. Swanson, Phys. Rev. D 25, 2086–2102 (1982),

I didn't know the second paper (thanks!); it gives in the introduction a nice summary of what has been accomplished.

Related to Exploring the Hilbert Space of QFT

1. What is the Hilbert Space in QFT?

The Hilbert Space in QFT (Quantum Field Theory) is a mathematical concept that represents the space of all possible states of a quantum system. In QFT, the Hilbert Space is used to describe the quantum states of particles and fields, and their interactions.

2. How is the Hilbert Space explored in QFT?

The Hilbert Space in QFT is explored through a process called quantization, which involves assigning operators to physical observables and using them to construct the Hilbert Space. This allows for the calculation of probabilities and other properties of the system.

3. Why is it important to explore the Hilbert Space in QFT?

The exploration of the Hilbert Space in QFT is important because it allows us to understand and predict the behavior of quantum systems. By exploring the different states and interactions within the Hilbert Space, we can gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of nature.

4. What are some challenges in exploring the Hilbert Space in QFT?

One of the main challenges in exploring the Hilbert Space in QFT is dealing with the infinite dimensions and complex calculations involved. This requires advanced mathematical techniques and computational tools. Additionally, there is still much we do not understand about the Hilbert Space and QFT, making it an ongoing area of research and exploration.

5. How does the exploration of the Hilbert Space in QFT relate to other areas of physics?

The exploration of the Hilbert Space in QFT is closely related to other areas of physics, such as particle physics and cosmology. QFT is used to describe the behavior of particles and fields at the smallest scales, and is also important in understanding the early universe. Additionally, the concepts and techniques used in exploring the Hilbert Space have applications in other areas of physics, such as condensed matter and nuclear physics.

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