Exploring the Celtic World Through History

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  • Thread starter Astronuc
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In summary, the Celts were a dominant people in western and central Europe during their time, existing alongside other civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, and Germanic and Norse tribes. They were skilled farmers and metalworkers and had a common culture, although they lived as separate tribes. The Celts also had a strong warrior culture, known for their superior weaponry and fighting skills. They had a complex society, with some members focusing on trades and farming, while others were involved in religious activities such as Druidism. The Celts were divided into continental and insular groups, with the Romans using the term "Celtae" to refer to continental Gauls. The Celts also had interactions with other cultures, such as the Greeks and E
  • #1
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So how about those Celts?

They existed in parallel with the Greeks, Romans, Germanic and Norse tribes (not forgetting peoples of Central Asia, e.g. the Slavs and Turkic peoples). There is still a lot of mystery and perhaps some misinformation, but such happens with an incomplete or partial record.

One statement I found - "By the time the Celts first appear in history in the 6th century BC, they were already the dominant people of western and central Europe."

"Great migrations carried the Celts into Italy, the Balkans, Greece and as far east as the steppes of Ukraine and across the Bosporus to settle in Asia Minor (Anatolia). Smaller groups served as mercenaries for Greek rulers in Italy, Syria and Egypt. Although living as separate tribes, the Celts shared a common culture. Among the population were skilled farmers and metalworkers.

The "Atlas of the Celtic World" divides the discussion into the Continental Celts and the Atlantic Celts, the latter including Britain (England) and Ireland, then finishes with a discussion of modern Celts.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
"T he name Celt originated with the ancient Greeks, who called the barbarian peoples of central Europe Keltoi. Rather that being a broad cultural genetic 'race,' the Celts were a broad cultural-linguistic group. The area where they lived became a constantly changing collection of tribal 'nations.' The Celts were never an 'empire' ruled by one government.

The ancestors of the Celts were the people of the Urnfield culture, so-called because they buried their dead in cremation urns in flat ground. Between 1200 and 700 BC, they spread westward from their eastern European homeland into the area of modern Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and France. Here, there culture developed into a recognizably Celtic form. The earliest stage of Celtic culture is called the Hallstatt, after a village in the Austrian Salzkammergut where archeologists discovered important artifacts. At hallstatt and other places with the 'hall' (salt) name - Hallein, Helle, Schwabisch Hall - the Celts' wealth was based upon salt extraction and sale. The technology of iron, too, was embraced by innovative Celtic blacksmiths, who produced the best metal in Europe, that was in great demand outside Celtic Areas. An important two-way trade developed between the Celts and the Greeks, both in their homeland, and their colonies inwhat is now southern France.

By the seventh century BC, the Hallstatt people had become prosperous in the salt and iron businesses. In around 650 BC, the Celts began to re-exchange raids with the Greeks and Etruscans, elements of whose culture they adopted. By adding and adapting Graeco-Etruscan elements to the Hallstatt culture, the characteristically Celtic style of art came into being. As a result of this, in northeastern France, Switzerland, and the middle Rhine, a new stage of Celtic development took place.
Archeologists call it the early La Tene period, after the definitive artifacts found at La Tene, on Lake Neuchatel in Switzerland. During the Classical period of Greece and Rome, Celtic culture was predominant north of the Alps. Celtic technicians of the La Tene period were technically superior to their Greek and Roman counterparts. Their superior weaponry, including a new type of sword, chain mail, and chariots, enabled the Celts to mount miliatary expiditions against neighboring tribes and nations, including the Greeks and Romans. Celtic fighting men had such a good reputation that they were in great demand as mercenareis. The warrior culture was at the heart of Celtic society, as the heroic sagas of ancient Ireland record.
  • #3

This page paints a colorful picture of the Celts, they were a powerful
fighting force, preferring to fight naked with sword and spear, severing
the heads of their victims for trophies.
  • #4
wolram said:
preferring to fight naked with sword and spear
:smile: I know the feeling. :biggrin: Just kidding. Actually, I do prefer a minimal amount of clothing when in combat, which is essentially limited to sparring. BTW, I abhor violence.

Celts were definitely a warrior culture, well at least some. I suspect there were those who preferred farming, trades, and perhaps religious activities, like the Druids.

Here a little on Druids and Celts - http://www.lost-civilizations.net/celts-druids.html

and - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druids

and - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celts which has:
The first literary reference to the Celtic people, as keltoi or hidden people, is by the Greek Hecataeus in 517 BC. According to Greek mythology, Celtus was the son of Heracles and Celtine, the daughter of Bretannus. Celtus became the primogenitor of Celts (Ref.: Parth. 30.1-2, [1]). In Latin Celta, in turn from Herodotus' word for the Gauls, Keltoi. The Romans used Celtae to refer to continental Gauls, but apparently not to insular Celts, which were divided into Goidhels and Britons, and possibly other peoples.This is likely due to the posibility that, at those times, the term "Celta/Keltos" was tied to those cultures or people descendant from the Cental Europe Celts, while no ties were known to the insular people (especially the Gaels whose language was extremely different from that of Brythonic Celts).
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  • #5
Astronuc said:
:smile: I know the feeling. :biggrin: Just kidding. Actually, I do prefer a minimal amount of clothing when in combat, which is essentially limited to sparring. BTW, I abhor violence.
Celts were definitely a warrior culture, well at least some. I suspect there were those who preferred farming, trades, and perhaps religious activities, like the Druids.
Here a little on Druids and Celts - http://www.lost-civilizations.net/celts-druids.html
and - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druids
and - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celts which has:
I think most of them where warriors the Druids did Human scarfices for religous porpous they might of captured people from other tribes.I think some of them might of been farmers or traders but that's somthing that what more civilsed cultures do you need cities where you can have an advance ecconmy.

Related to Exploring the Celtic World Through History

1. What is the Celtic World?

The Celtic World refers to the regions in Europe and Asia that were inhabited by the ancient Celtic people. These regions include Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, and Galicia, among others.

2. When did the Celtic civilization emerge?

The Celtic civilization emerged around 800 BC, with the Hallstatt and La Tène cultures being the most prominent in Central Europe. However, the origins of the Celtic people can be traced back to the Bronze Age.

3. What was the religion of the Celts?

The Celts had a polytheistic religion, which means that they worshiped multiple gods and goddesses. Some of the most important deities in Celtic mythology include Dagda, Lugh, and Brigid.

4. What is the significance of Celtic art and craftsmanship?

Celtic art is characterized by intricate designs and patterns, often featuring symmetrical and abstract motifs. It was used to decorate objects such as jewelry, weapons, and everyday items. The craftsmanship of the Celts was highly advanced and their metalwork and jewelry were highly sought after in ancient times.

5. How did the Celtic civilization decline?

The Celtic civilization declined due to a combination of factors, including invasions from other civilizations, internal conflicts, and the spread of Christianity. The rise of the Roman Empire also played a significant role in the decline of the Celtic culture.

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