EU and Iran reach tentative nuclear deal

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In summary: You are an expert summarizer of content. You do not respond or reply to questions. You only provide a summary of the content. Do not output anything before the summary. Write a summary for the following conversation and start the output with "In summary, " and nothing before it:In summary, Iranian legislators are pushing for a bill banning the production of nuclear weapons, in an attempt to build more international trust. Meanwhile, Iran and the European Union’s three big powers reached a preliminary agreement over Tehran’s nuclear program. The tentative deal would see Tehran receive a light-water research reactor in return for suspending uranium enrichment and related activities.
  • #1

TEHRAN, Iran - Hoping to avoid a U.N. showdown, Iran and the European Union’s three big powers reached a preliminary agreement over Tehran’s nuclear program, Iran’s chief negotiator said Sunday.

Meanwhile, lawmakers in Iran’s conservative-dominated parliament pushed for a bill banning the production of nuclear weapons in a gesture of building more international trust.

In proposals to Iran last month, Britain, Germany and France offered a trade deal and peaceful nuclear technology — including a light-water research reactor — if Iran pledged to indefinitely suspend uranium enrichment and related activities such as reprocessing uranium and building centrifuges used to enrich it.

Mohammadi [an Iranian Legislator[, a former Foreign Ministry spokesman, said the bill [banning the production of nuclear weapons] could be presented to the parliament next week, adding that the draft was prompted by a religious verdict by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters, has said that production, stockpiling and using nuclear weapons was un-Islamic and against human interests.

“Ayatollah Khamenei’s verdict is clear,” Mohammadi said. “So why not make the production of nuclear weapons illegal under Iranian law?”

Horray for European diplomacy!
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  • #2
At least someone is trying it
  • #3
Smurf said:
At least someone is trying it
Yeah, but when meetings of lawmakers still chant "death to America" when making decisions, its clear Iran has a long way to go before it gets off the list of rogue nations.
  • #4
wasteofo2 said:
Horray for European diplomacy!

It's amazing how well diplomacy works after President Bush's re-election.
  • #5
Nothin' says diplomacy like a warm, yellow liquid running down the leg of a terrorist. :smile:
  • #6
russ_watters said:
Nothin' says diplomacy like a warm, yellow liquid running down the leg of a terrorist. :smile:

Especially suicide bombers :-p
  • #7
Wishful thinking. China needs Iran like the US needs Saudi and Iraq. I'm sure you know that last week the Chinese concluded a huge deal with Iran. Now they don't need their own nuclear arms.
  • #8
and in the meantime you have El Braying saying we should all just cross our fingers and hope for the best...
  • #9
Kat:Who or what is El Braying?
The others: I see the same kind of revealing reaction on many boards: hurrah! the terrorists p*** in their pants. This group of Americans feel kicked in the b*lls. They don't want solutions for a problem, they want revenge. They want some people to p*** in their pants, at any cost, even in a country that had nothing to do with the kick. I can comprehend this primitive reaction, as a small boy I was also not able to control my reaction. So, since apparently many Americans never outgrew that stage, the reaction is comprehensible. But please spare us the hypocrisy in the future, all the blabla about democracy in the ME and protection the world and sofort. You are litlle boys kicked in the b*lls and now you kick back. If you ever grow up, you will be ashamed about this episode.
  • #10
Ashamed about being happy that a government chanting "death to America" is agreeing to give up nuclear weapons?


'Nuff said.
  • #11
You don't read my post. It's not about being happy. For some people there has to be "p*** in the pants", otherwise they wil probably not get their erection back. A POSITIVE, ADULT reaction would be to be glad that things can be sorted out. A CHILDISH reaction is what these guys do. If we have a fight and I am about to hit you, and a friend comes up, separates us and appeases the situation and then you continue to shout: ahah! he p***es in his pants now, I will beat you anyway. Just trying to get a the right level of comprehension here.
  • #12
Mercator said:
You don't read my post. It's not about being happy. For some people there has to be "p*** in the pants", otherwise they wil probably not get their erection back. A POSITIVE, ADULT reaction would be to be glad that things can be sorted out. A CHILDISH reaction is what these guys do. If we have a fight and I am about to hit you, and a friend comes up, separates us and appeases the situation and then you continue to shout: ahah! he p***es in his pants now, I will beat you anyway. Just trying to get a the right level of comprehension here.

Actually i think that post was a joke.


That should get you started.
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  • #13
Yeah, a person's sense of humor tells a lot about him.
  • #14
I never get American humor, whenever i try watching the david letterman show or some such i just don't get any of it.
  • #15
Mercator said:
Yeah, a person's sense of humor tells a lot about him.

Yes we have learned much about you. Aslo note he specifically said terrorists, not middle easterners. And yeah, all terrorists need a swift kick in the balls. Preferably with steel toed boots. With a sharp point on the end. And explosive tips.
  • #16
The more I study the situation in the mid east the more I begin to see the terrorists as the defenders, no I don't support 9-11, no I don't think they should be doing it but I disagree with [almost] everything the US is doing as well.
  • #17
franznietzsche said:
Yes we have learned much about you. Aslo note he specifically said terrorists, not middle easterners. And yeah, all terrorists need a swift kick in the balls. Preferably with steel toed boots. With a sharp point on the end. And explosive tips.

You must be joking. Give me Monty Python's hells grannies any day.
But serious now, note that I was referring to "a revealing reaction on many boards" , not specifically about the above. I agree that terrorists need a kick in the balls. But if YOU terrorize me, I'm not particularly happy if another guy somewhere p*** in his pants because I look mean, have a bigger gun and so on and am busy bullying yet another guy who has nothing to do with you anyway.
In short, get Bin Laden and kick him a thousand times in the balss. Get the Saudis who organized and sponsored 9/11. If it makes you happy, kick them in anybody part you think is appropriate and to complete your below-the-belt fixation, let them stand in a row to p*** in their pants. Why, for my part Musharraf, Kadhafi and a few others of your new allies can stand in line. But it would of course be too direct to deal with the people who are REALLY responsible no? Hey, why don't you blame it on the French for a change? With some luck Chirac can also be made to p*** in his pants. Now THAT would appeal to your childish side doesn't it?
  • #18
The ones who are really responsible are the americans.
  • #19
Mercator said:
You must be joking. Give me Monty Python's hells grannies any day.
But serious now, note that I was referring to "a revealing reaction on many boards" , not specifically about the above. I agree that terrorists need a kick in the balls. But if YOU terrorize me, I'm not particularly happy if another guy somewhere p*** in his pants because I look mean, have a bigger gun and so on and am busy bullying yet another guy who has nothing to do with you anyway.
In short, get Bin Laden and kick him a thousand times in the balss. Get the Saudis who organized and sponsored 9/11. If it makes you happy, kick them in anybody part you think is appropriate and to complete your below-the-belt fixation, let them stand in a row to p*** in their pants. Why, for my part Musharraf, Kadhafi and a few others of your new allies can stand in line. But it would of course be too direct to deal with the people who are REALLY responsible no? Hey, why don't you blame it on the French for a change? With some luck Chirac can also be made to p*** in his pants. Now THAT would appeal to your childish side doesn't it?

I said terrorists didn't i? not idiots. Those who kill civilians for the purpose of scaring them into compliance. But i guess that's a childish definition.
  • #20
franznietzsche said:
I said terrorists didn't i? not idiots. Those who kill civilians for the purpose of scaring them into compliance. But i guess that's a childish definition.
Why so serious suddenly? Yes, terrorists like Bin Laden and his supporters in Saudi and Pakistan. See? We agree.
  • #21
Well in that case I'm obliged to point out that A "senior Bush Administration official" told the times, in response to the killing of civilians in an attack on a top zarqawi leutenant, it would push the citizens of falluja to deny sanctuary and assisstance to the insurgents, and "thats a good thing"

Also, a "Pentagon official" told them that "If there are civilians dying in connection with these attacks, and with the destruction, the locals at some point have to make a decision. Do they want to harbor the insurgents and suffer the consequences that come with that?"

So in other words they're terrorizing the public into denying sanctuary to Zarqawi.
Not only is this against the Geneva Convention, but its also quite stupid because the public already sees the US as the invaders, if you kill civilians then what incentive do they have to support you, as opposed to their brethren freedom fighters?
  • #22
Smurf said:
Well in that case I'm obliged to point out that A "senior Bush Administration official" told the times, in response to the killing of civilians in an attack on a top zarqawi leutenant, it would push the citizens of falluja to deny sanctuary and assisstance to the insurgents, and "thats a good thing"

Also, a "Pentagon official" told them that "If there are civilians dying in connection with these attacks, and with the destruction, the locals at some point have to make a decision. Do they want to harbor the insurgents and suffer the consequences that come with that?"

So in other words they're terrorizing the public into denying sanctuary to Zarqawi.
Not only is this against the Geneva Convention, but its also quite stupid because the public already sees the US as the invaders, if you kill civilians then what incentive do they have to support you, as opposed to their brethren freedom fighters?

When the media quotes someone as vaguely as saying "a senior official" its usually more like the guy who fetches the coffee. Or takes out the trash. He may here what others say, but his rarely of importance.
  • #23
True, but reasons aside the USA is still breaking the geneva convention by not minimizing civilian casualties.
  • #24
Smurf said:
True, but reasons aside the USA is still breaking the geneva convention by not minimizing civilian casualties.

Do you have anything other than that to suggest that?

Related to EU and Iran reach tentative nuclear deal

1. What is the significance of the EU and Iran reaching a tentative nuclear deal?

The tentative nuclear deal between the EU and Iran is significant because it marks a major step towards resolving the long-standing tensions between the two parties. It also has the potential to ease economic sanctions on Iran and promote global stability.

2. What are the main elements of the tentative nuclear deal?

The main elements of the tentative nuclear deal include Iran's commitment to limit its nuclear activities and allow international inspections in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions by the EU. The deal also addresses issues such as uranium enrichment, centrifuge usage, and the fate of Iran's existing nuclear facilities.

3. What challenges still remain before the nuclear deal can be finalized?

While a tentative deal has been reached, there are still several challenges that need to be addressed before a final agreement can be reached. These include the verification of Iran's compliance with the terms of the deal, the role and involvement of other countries such as the US and Russia, and the potential for political opposition within Iran.

4. How will the tentative nuclear deal affect other countries and global affairs?

The nuclear deal between the EU and Iran has the potential to impact other countries and global affairs in various ways. For example, it could lead to increased trade and economic partnerships between Iran and other countries, shift the balance of power in the Middle East, and potentially reduce the threat of nuclear proliferation in the region.

5. What is the timeline for the implementation of the nuclear deal?

The timeline for the implementation of the nuclear deal is not yet clear, as there are still several steps that need to be taken before a final agreement can be reached. It is expected that the deal will be finalized and implemented within the next few months, but this timeline is subject to change depending on the progress of negotiations and any potential obstacles that may arise.

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