Entanglement, correlation and randomness

In summary, the cos2(φ) -shaped curve of the filter orientation/polarization direction correlation is due to the individual photons being detected, not the experiment itself.
  • #1
I was wondering. In this example I use polarized photons, but maybe it is applicable to electrons and spin also.

We can prepare two completely unentangled polarized photons, and send them in opposite directions to two detectors preceded by a filter at particular angles. Both of them will show a correlation between their individual prepared polarization, the angle at which each filter is oriented, and the probability the photon is detected at that side. The measurements are, of course, independent.

Alternatively, we can prepare two completely entangled polarized photons, and send them in opposite directions to two detectors. This time, there will be a correlation between the relative probabilities a photon will of will not be detected, and the relative orientations of the filters.

There is even a possibility to prepare the photons in some mixed state, in which some degree of both scenario´s is applicable simultaneously.

So what I´m wondering about is this: To which extent is a probable outcome purely random if there is correlation in play? It seems that, at least in this particular example, entangled or not, randomness always has an amount of correlation, which in my eyes seems the opposite of randomness, to it.
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  • #2
entropy1 said:
Both of them will show a correlation between their individual prepared polarization, the angle at which each filter is oriented, and the probability the photon is detected at that side.
Correlation does not apply in this case. Correlation is defined between two random variables. In the case of each photon there is only one random variable, and all the other amounts (angles, preparation) are deterministic.
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  • #3
andrewkirk said:
Correlation does not apply in this case. Correlation is defined between two random variables.
I don´t see that? If you set one variable, another can be correlated to it. The term ¨correlation¨ applies because there is a statistical relation between the setting and the detection of quanta rather than a direct causal relation.
  • #4
Entropy1, your argument looks to me as the following one. If I win lottery, I become rich. If I don't win lottery, I don't become rich. Therefore winning lottery is correlated with becoming rich. Therefore winning lottery is not random.

Do you see a similarity with your own argument? Do you see what is wrong with my argument? If both answers are "yes", then can you tell now what was wrong with your argument?
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  • #5
entropy1 said:
The term ¨correlation¨ applies because there is a statistical relation between the setting and the detection of quanta rather than a direct causal relation.
The term "correlation" applies even when there is a direct causal relation, as in my case above where winning lottery directly causes me to become rich.
  • #6
Demystifier said:
Entropy1, your argument looks to me as the following one. If I win lottery, I become rich. If I don't win lottery, I don't become rich. Therefore winning lottery is correlated with becoming rich. Therefore winning lottery is not random.

Do you see a similarity with your own argument? Do you see what is wrong with my argument? If both answers are "yes", then can you tell now what was wrong with your argument?
I think I was misguided by the cos2(φ) -shaped curve of the filter orientation/polarization direction correlation. I took this as an inate property of the photons being detected. An experimental setup of course shapes any measured correlation also! It´s like pushing water through a sprinkler: the water forms a nice fountain but the water molecules themselves of course behave like water molecules (randomness).

But: In my example I am considering individual photons. So, each photon contributes to the cos2(φ) -shaped curve. Each individual photon does not exhibit this correlation in its own! In this respect, the passing of the photon is random! However, a collection of measurements on photons do exhibit the cos2(φ) correlation. It´s like pushing individual water molecules through a sprinkler: a collection of them should measure a nice fountain again! Does this mean the water molecules do not behave randomly? No. The sprinkler shapes the randomness into a fountain! However: This would mean total locality, and we don´t have that at subatomic level! (since Bell´s inequality) After all, if the experimental setup (the sprinkler) shapes the correlation (the fountain), then the thing being shaped, in this case the photon, was acted on locally! (and this is not the case)

To make my view on this clear to be complete: As I understand it, entanglement in general corresponds to an exchange of subatomic information. So, if we have information contents A and B respectively, and B exchanges an amount b with A, then we end up with A+b and B-b, right? So, the total information content remains preserved! Is this right? (I am wondering)
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  • #7
entropy1 said:
But: In my example I am considering individual photons. So, each photon contributes to the cos2(φ) -shaped curve. Each individual photon does not exhibit this correlation in its own! In this respect, the passing of the photon is random! However, a collection of measurements on photons do exhibit the cos2(φ) correlation. It´s like pushing individual water molecules through a sprinkler: a collection of them should measure a nice fountain again! Does this mean the water molecules do not behave randomly? No. The sprinkler shapes the randomness into a fountain!
That's a good analogy. Indeed, we have something similar in QM within the Bohmian interpretation. According to the Bohmian interpretation, the wave function shapes the randomness into an interference pattern (or cos2(φ) pattern in your case), while each individual particle is a pointlike object which does not exhibit any interference pattern.

entropy1 said:
However: This would mean total locality, and we don´t have that at subatomic level! (since Bell´s inequality) After all, if the experimental setup (the sprinkler) shapes the correlation (the fountain), then the thing being shaped, in this case the photon, was acted on locally! (and this is not the case)
You seem to be mistaken about the Bell's inequality.

First, we have non-locality only when the particles are entangled. But in your example you seem to be talking about non-entangled photons, in which case a local description is perfectly possible.

Second, if you consider the case of entangled photons, then you are right that one needs a non-local description. But QM in the Bohmian interpretation gives a clear picture of the origin of non-locality. The source of non-locality is a non-local (or more precisely non-separable) wave function, which can be thought of as a sort of non-local sprinkler.

entropy1 said:
To make my view on this clear to be complete: As I understand it, entanglement in general corresponds to an exchange of subatomic information. So, if we have information contents A and B respectively, and B exchanges an amount b with A, then we end up with A+b and B-b, right? So, the total information content remains preserved! Is this right? (I am wondering)
Not quite. When I tell you what I know about physics, I don't forget that information. I am sharing my information with you, so that nobody looses anything. The same is the case with sub-quantum information associated with entanglement.
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  • #8
I still can't get my head around it very well: I am not familiar with the Bohmian model, but if the guidewave introduces randomness, isn't that randomness?

I can picture the non-local imparitive for the guidewave though. Is that like throwing a dice for the entangled pair as a whole as opposed to two dice for unentangled photons separately?
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  • #9
entropy1 said:
but if the guidewave introduces randomness ...
The guiding wave does not introduce randomness. Think of guiding wave as a roulette wheel. Does the roulette wheel introduce randomness for the roulette ball?

entropy1 said:
I can picture the non-local imparitive for the guidewave though. Is that like throwing a dice for the entangled pair as a whole as opposed to two dice for unentangled photons separately?
Something like that. But try to develop your intuition in terms of a roulette wheel and roulette ball, it is a much better analogy for Bohmian mechanics.
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  • #10
Demystifier said:
Does the roulette wheel introduce randomness for the roulette ball?
In the case of the roulette wheel, for me it is hard to say whether there is randomness or not; it suggests not and too at the same time, as if we can't in principle make out if there is randomness involved or not. It obscures the matter to my opinion. Why do you prefer that analogy? :smile:
  • #11
entropy1 said:
In the case of the roulette wheel, for me it is hard to say whether there is randomness or not; it suggests not and too at the same time, as if we can't in principle make out if there is randomness involved or not. It obscures the matter to my opinion. Why do you prefer that analogy? :smile:

Because it makes sense for the Bohmian Interpretation. What you describe is the desired analogy in this case: a causal mechanism that appears to deliver random results.
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  • #12
entropy1 said:
In the case of the roulette wheel, for me it is hard to say whether there is randomness or not; it suggests not and too at the same time, as if we can't in principle make out if there is randomness involved or not. It obscures the matter to my opinion. Why do you prefer that analogy? :smile:
As DrChinese said, I prefer this analogy because randomnnes (or its absence) in the roulette case is almost identical to that in the Bohmian case. If you find one obscure, then the other is obscure too for exactly the same reason. But the case of roulette is much simpler, so I would suggest you to resolve that case first.
  • #13
If we consider electrons hitting a detector screen after passing a double slit, each electron has to impact the screen somewhere, but not anywhere! After all, the collective of electrons must form an interference pattern! So, each impact is not entirely random. Somewhere in the setup, there is information present about the interference pattern that allows it to emerge! Am I right?

If an electron meets the detector screen, it has to appear somewhere. So it has to 'decide' where! Is this decision random or deterministic? Or a little of both? Or is it a matter of taste?
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  • #14
entropy1 said:
If we consider electrons hitting a detector screen after passing a double slit, each electron has to impact the screen somewhere, but not anywhere! After all, the collective of electrons must form an interference pattern! So, each impact is not entirely random. Somewhere in the setup, there is information present about the interference pattern that allows it to emerge! Am I right?
You are right.

entropy1 said:
If an electron meets the detector screen, it has to appear somewhere. So it has to 'decide' where! Is this decision random or deterministic? Or a little of both? Or is it a matter of taste?
Are those rhetorical questions? Anyway, the answers depend on the interpretation. Whether the choice of interpretation is a matter of taste or not is a matter of taste itself.
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  • #15
entropy1 said:
Somewhere in the setup, there is information present about the interference pattern that allows it to emerge! Am I right?
Demystifier said:
You are right.
I am wondering, since the only thing that can carry that information from the exit of the double slit to the screen are the particles/EM radiation itself, that is where that information must be, right? Does that make sense?

So, speculating forth, since the shape of the interference pattern is fixed, that information must be determined and the impacts on the screen are either determined or random within that pattern. Does that make sense?

Or alternatively, there must be some mechanism that results in the emergence of an interference pattern as a result of properties of the particles/EM radiation.

Does any of these approaches prevail?

Demystifier said:
Are those rhetorical questions?
Not to me, haha!

Demystifier said:
Anyway, the answers depend on the interpretation.
Thank you. That is exactly what I needed to get confirmed. :smile:
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  • #16
entropy1 said:
I am wondering, since the only thing that can carry that information from the exit of the double slit to the screen are the particles/EM radiation itself, that is where that information must be, right?
No. The information about interference is in the wave function. But depending on interpretation, the particle may or may not be identified with the wave function.
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  • #17
Demystifier said:
the particle may or may not be identified with the wave function.
...but I think that the wavefunction describes properties of the particle? Or does it also incorporate properties of the experimental setup?

If the particle didn't interact with the double slit, the screen would show a different pattern. So I think the double slit, when interacting with the particle, induces its properties into the particle, thereby adding properties to (or properties changing in) the particle?
  • #18
entropy1 said:
...but I think that the wavefunction describes properties of the particle? Or does it also incorporate properties of the experimental setup?
First define what do you mean by "particle". That word, for instance, has very different meanings in standard and Bohmian interpretation.

entropy1 said:
If the particle didn't interact with the double slit, the screen would show a different pattern. So I think the double slit, when interacting with the particle, induces its properties into the particle, thereby adding properties to (or properties changing in) the particle?
I cannot answer that before we agree on the definition of particle.
  • #19
Demystifier said:
First define what do you mean by "particle".
In my naivety I have to resort to the notion of 'electron', but I suspect that definition depends on the interpretation too. My knowledge of QM is still very basic. :oops:
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Related to Entanglement, correlation and randomness

1. What is entanglement and how does it work?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle cannot be described without considering the state of the other(s). This connection persists even if the particles are separated by large distances, and any changes to one particle will immediately affect the other. This phenomenon is still not fully understood, but it has been observed and studied extensively in experiments.

2. How are entanglement and correlation related?

Entanglement and correlation are closely related concepts in quantum mechanics. Entanglement is a special type of correlation that exists between two or more particles. In entanglement, the particles are connected in a way that cannot be explained by classical physics, while in correlation, the particles are connected in a way that can be explained by classical physics. However, the two terms are often used interchangeably, and the exact distinction between them is still a topic of debate among scientists.

3. Can entanglement be used for communication?

No, entanglement cannot be used for communication. While entanglement allows for instantaneous changes in the state of one particle to affect the state of the other, this effect is random and cannot be controlled. Therefore, it is not possible to use entanglement to send information or messages between particles.

4. How does entanglement relate to randomness?

Entanglement and randomness are two fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics. While entanglement refers to the correlation between particles, randomness refers to the unpredictable nature of quantum systems. Entanglement can lead to seemingly random outcomes in experiments, as the state of one particle can only be determined by measuring the state of the other particle. However, this randomness is not true randomness, as it is still governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.

5. Can entanglement be used for practical applications?

Yes, entanglement has been used in various practical applications, such as quantum cryptography, quantum computing, and quantum teleportation. However, these applications are still in their early stages of development and require further research and advancements in technology. Entanglement also has potential for use in areas such as quantum communication and sensing, but more studies and experiments are needed to fully understand and utilize this phenomenon.

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