Easiest Method to Evaluate Imperfect Square Root up to 5 Decimals?

In summary, the conversation discusses methods for evaluating square roots up to 5 decimal accuracy. Some suggestions include using the Taylor series, the duplex method of roots, binomial expansion, and Newton's method. The Babylonian method is also mentioned as a simplified version of Newton's method. Some participants express their opinions on the teaching of these methods in schools.
  • #1
Easiest Method to Evaluate Imperfect Square Root up to 5 Decimals?
Any ideas?
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Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's not clear what you are asking. A fuller description of what you want other than a cryptic title thread is required, I'm afraid.
  • #3
I'm seeking a method to evaluate square root of an imperfect square up to 5 decimal accuracy.
  • #4
Use the Taylor expansion. I don't know if it is the easiest.
  • #6
That's pretty cool. Honestly though, I'm glad it isn't taught anymore. I'm glad to know it now though.
  • #7
Lol! I am the international champion in high speed mental math!
  • #8
I was asking an easier and simpler method such as the duplex method of roots
  • #9
@drewd! Could you please explain me the solution via Taylor series!
  • #10
DrewD said:
That's pretty cool. Honestly though, I'm glad it isn't taught anymore. I'm glad to know it now though.

Could you explain me what the Taylor series exactly means?
  • #11
I honestly don't think that the Taylor series in an efficient way to calculate a square root, but if you are interested...

##f(x)=\sum\frac{f^{(n)}(0)}{n!}x^n## is the general formula for a Taylor series centered at zero. If ##f(x)=\sqrt{x+S}## where ##S## is a perfect square near the number you are interested in.

The first 5 derivatives (including the zeroth being the function itself) of ##\sqrt{x+S}## evaluated at ##x=0## are ##\sqrt{S},\ \frac{1}{2\sqrt{S}},\ -\frac{1}{4\sqrt{S}},\ \frac{3}{8\sqrt{S}},\ -\frac{15}{16\sqrt{S}}##

So if you want ##\sqrt{27}## you would pick ##S=25## and the ##x^n## would be ##2^n## because ##S+2=27##. The first 5 terms would be


The wiki article has it in simplified form and discusses a bunch of other options.
  • #12
You could do a binomial expansion and only use the terms you need. For example, a first order approximation would be:

[tex](1+x)^n=1+nx+\mathcal{O}(x^2) \approx 1+nx[/tex]


[tex]\sqrt{x} \approx 1+\frac{1}{2} (x-1)[/tex]
  • #13
Of course that is a lot better... but you know, if you want to make things harder...:redface:
  • #14
A good way to get a square root is to apply Newton's method to:


Newton's Method is

x1=x0-[itex] \frac {F(x_0)}{F'(x_0)}[/itex]

where x0 is a guess.

For our function we have:


Pluging these into Newton's Method and doing some algebra gives

xn+1= .5 ( xn+[itex]\frac {A}{x_n}[/itex])

so if A=2 and I guess x=1 I get a first guess of root 2 as 1.5

Repeat using 1.5 to generate the next guess, repeat. You will be surprised at how fast it converges.
  • #15
Oddly enough, Newton's method for the square root is this method which might be easier to explain to someone who has not taken Calculus:

To find [itex]\sqrt{a}[/itex], which is the same as "solve [itex]x^2= a[/itex]":
1. Choose a starting value, [itex]x_0[/itex]. The square root of the perfect square closest to a is a good starting value.

2. Divide a by [itex]x_0[/itex]. There are three possibilities:

a) [itex]a/x_0= x_0[/itex].
b) [itex]a/x_0> x_0[/itex]

c) [itex]a/x_0< x_0[/itex]

In case (a) You're done! [itex]x_0= \sqrt{a}[/itex]
in either case b or case c, it is easy to show that [itex]\sqrt{a}[/itex] must lie between [itex]x_0[/itex] and [itex]a/x_0[/itex]. We don't know where between, of course, so take the easiest, half way between as our next possible value for x, [itex]x_1[/itex], and do that again.

For example, to find [itex]\sqrt{11}[/itex] we note that [itex]3^2= 9[/itex] is the closest perfect square to 11 so we take [itex]x_0= 3[/itex]. Then [itex]a/x_0= 11/3[/itex]. [itex]3+ 11/3= (9+ 11)/3= 20/3[/itex] so half way between is [itex]x_1= 10/3[/itex]. Now [itex]a/x_1= 11/(10/3)= 33/10[/itex] and half way between 10/3 and 33/10 is [itex](10/3+ 33/10)/2= (100+ 99)/60= 199/60[/itex]. So we take [itex]x_2= 199/60= 3.31667[/itex] to 5 decimal places. Now [itex]x_3= (3.3+ 3.31667)/2= 3.30833[/itex]. Continue until you have two consecutive x values equal to 5 decimal places.
  • #16
Mark44 said:
They used to teach this in about the 8th grade in the US - http://www.basic-mathematics.com/square-root-algorithm.html.

DrewD said:
That's pretty cool. Honestly though, I'm glad it isn't taught anymore. I'm glad to know it now though.

Yeah, they used to teach how to find the quotient of two numbers like 6789.465 / 52.5 using long division, but apparently we're too sophisticated now to learn basic arithmetic algorithms. :frown:
  • #17
SteamKing said:
Yeah, they used to teach how to find the quotient of two numbers like 6789.465 / 52.5 using long division, but apparently we're too sophisticated now to learn basic arithmetic algorithms. :frown:

That is still taught. Doing long division gives a student an idea about place value and the meaning of digits, so most schools (I hope all) still teach it. The algorithm here for estimating square roots does not (it seems to me) teach anything about numbers except by giving the student a goal to motivate practice of basic operations.
  • #18
...from my understanding the Babylonian method which is a simplified Newton's method:

To find the square root of N :

1. Make a rough estimate or guess.
2. Divide N by your estimate.
3. Take the average of the answer from 2. and your estimate
...this will become your new estimate.

(Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you reach the accuracy you want.)

source: square root

Related to Easiest Method to Evaluate Imperfect Square Root up to 5 Decimals?

1. What is an imperfect square root?

An imperfect square root is a number that does not have a perfect square as its exact square root. In other words, it is a number that, when multiplied by itself, does not result in a whole number.

2. Why is it important to be able to evaluate imperfect square roots?

Understanding how to evaluate imperfect square roots is important in many areas of math, especially in algebra and geometry. It is also useful in real-life situations, such as calculating measurements for construction or engineering projects.

3. What is the easiest method for evaluating imperfect square roots up to 5 decimals?

The easiest method for evaluating imperfect square roots up to 5 decimals is by using the long division method. This involves dividing the number under the square root sign by a series of numbers until the desired accuracy is reached.

4. Can you provide an example of using the easiest method to evaluate an imperfect square root?

Sure, for example, let's say we want to find the square root of 17 up to 5 decimals. Using the long division method, we would start by dividing 17 by 4, which gives us a quotient of 4 and a remainder of 1. We then bring down the next pair of digits (00) and add them to the remainder, giving us 100. We then need to find a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives us a product less than or equal to 100. In this case, that number is 8. We then continue the process until we reach the desired accuracy.

5. Are there any other methods for evaluating imperfect square roots?

Yes, there are other methods such as the prime factorization method and the estimation method. However, the long division method is generally considered the easiest and most accurate method for evaluating imperfect square roots up to 5 decimals.

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