Dynamo vs Motor: Exploring the Differences and Efficiency for Power Creation

In summary: But that's not necessary if you're just looking to charge devices. So long as the devices you're plugging in have a plug that can take a standard voltage, you're good to go.Thanks for the input.I need to start thinking about powering my future project with an alternator.
  • #1
I hope this post doesn't get deleted again.
This forum moderator has something stuck up his you know what.
Keeps deleting posts that I make that he considers speculative. So I guess every thing we know
about our universe is all we'll EVER know. Because if you can't speculate you're stuck, indefinitely.
Hope this guy is not a teacher. What a horrible thought.


My question is only sort of speculation but not entirely. So maybe it will survive.

Someone told me that an electric motor is the same exact thing as a dynamo.
Now I understand they both use copper wire and magnets. With a spinning shaft down the middle. But a motor takes in electrical energy and converts it into a spinning kinetic force or work? Not sure of the correct phrase sorry. The Dynamo does almost the exact opposite. So I understand the idea. But wouldn't a Dynamo be far more efficient at generating electrical energy then the motor? Don't motors excel at using power to create motion? Do you think a motor would be an equal to a dynamo in power creation?

The reason I ask is I need a Dynamo. 1kw to be exact and I am not finding them for a reasonable price. They are all very expensive. But the motor equivalent seems to be a bit more reasonable.
So I can sub the dynamo for a motor and be satisfied? or will I be throwing away a lot in the way of efficiency?

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  • #2
solar71 said:
I hope this post doesn't get deleted again.
This forum moderator has something stuck up his you know what.

most of the mods are there because we want them there. This is a bad tactic to take if you want this to stay.

Keeps deleting posts that I make that he considers speculative. So I guess every thing we know
about our universe is all we'll EVER know. Because if you can't speculate you're stuck, indefinitely.
Hope this guy is not a teacher. What a horrible thought.

If you have not studied the subject, speculating wildly is not scientific. This site explicitly considers only subjects that are within the realm of science and not metaphysics. Einstein is not not famous because he speculated, he is famous because he took his speculation and turned it into a scientific theory. If you do the same, you can publish your theory and then post about it.

Now, as to your actual question, this might be better in an engineering forum since it is not a fundamental question, but rather one of construction. I would assume that a device designed to do something would do that job better than jury rigging some other device to do the same job. That is, however, just a guess.
  • #3
ok so from what you're saying it sounds as if you're not too sure about the Dynamo VS Motor thing?

Anyone else?
  • #4
solar71 said:
The reason I ask is I need a Dynamo. 1kw to be exact and I am not finding them for a reasonable price. They are all very expensive.

You can get an automotive alternator for $50. Standard ones produce about 700W. You can get bigger ones, or drive two of them. Is that in your budget?
  • #5
the_emi_guy said:
You can get an automotive alternator for $50. Standard ones produce about 700W. You can get bigger ones, or drive two of them. Is that in your budget?

Oh my god your a genius. I never really considered an alternator. That's totally within my budget.
Up to about 200$ was what I was willing to spend. But won't I need to buy a converter?
I would like to eventually end up with 110-120 volt power so I can charge my cell phone, iPad, and laptop from it. I'm not sure 12-24v will do it. But you've givin my something to thing about.

Do you have any idea if those are efficient?

Thanks a lot
  • #6
Purchase one of those devices that allows you to charge phone/laptop etc. from cigarette lighter in car.
  • #7
Automotive alternators want to spin at ~4000RPM. What is your source of mechanical power?
  • #8
Oh wow. 4,000 rpm. Darn. I will have to use some gearing to help with that.
I don't think I will be getting over 1,000 rpm so hmmm.
Can't an alternator make power at lower rpm? How do cars work when they are at idle?
Say 500-700 rpm. The alternator doesn't make power during idle? That doesn't seem right?
Well I hope it's not. But thanks for the heads up.
  • #9
solar71 said:
Can't an alternator make power at lower rpm? How do cars work when they are at idle?
Say 500-700 rpm. The alternator doesn't make power during idle? That doesn't seem right

An alternator makes power at idle RPM just fine, it just makes less of it. You'll easily be able to get enough out of an alternator turning at 700 rpm to charge a cell phone, laptop, iPad.

You will need a transformer to step the alternator output voltage up to the 20 volts or so that those devices typically charge at... But look at your devices, they'll have labels telling what voltage and what amperage they want.
Depending on the characteristics of the alternator you use, you may need to work out some way of getting voltage to the exciter circuit when you first start it.
  • #10
So again: what is your source of mechanical power? What is going to make the alternator spin?

Related to Dynamo vs Motor: Exploring the Differences and Efficiency for Power Creation

1. What is the main difference between a dynamo and a motor?

A dynamo is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, while a motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. In other words, a dynamo produces electricity, while a motor uses electricity to produce motion.

2. Which one is more efficient for power creation?

In terms of efficiency, motors are generally more efficient than dynamos. This is because dynamos have more moving parts and friction, which can result in energy loss. Motors, on the other hand, have fewer moving parts and can convert more of the electrical energy into motion.

3. Can a dynamo be used as a motor and vice versa?

Yes, a dynamo can be used as a motor and vice versa. In fact, some devices, such as generators, can function as both a dynamo and a motor. However, the design and construction of a dynamo and a motor are optimized for their specific functions, so they may not be as efficient when used interchangeably.

4. What are some common applications of dynamos and motors?

Dynamos are commonly used in power plants to generate electricity, as well as in smaller devices such as bicycles to power lights. Motors are used in a wide range of applications, including household appliances, industrial machinery, and vehicles.

5. Are there any environmental considerations when choosing between a dynamo and a motor?

Yes, there are environmental considerations when choosing between a dynamo and a motor. Dynamos, particularly those used in power plants, can have a negative impact on the environment due to the burning of fossil fuels. Motors, on the other hand, do not directly emit pollutants, but the source of the electricity they use may have environmental implications. In general, choosing energy-efficient options and using renewable sources of electricity can help mitigate environmental impacts.

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