Does This Set Form a Basis for R2?

  • Thread starter MienTommy
  • Start date
In summary: R}^3##. Geometrically, this is a particular plane in three-dimensional space.In summary, the two column vectors given do not span R^2 as they have three dimensions, but they are linearly independent and form a basis for a two-dimensional subspace in R^3. This subspace represents a plane in three-dimensional space.
  • #1
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Does this set span R_2? Is this set a basis for R_2? How many dimensions does it have?

1 -4
2 3
-4 6

This can be row reduced to
1 0
0 1
0 0

In row-reduced echelon form

I couldn't find the formatting to format this into a matrix, but these are column vectors.
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  • #2
What do you think? Recall your definitions (of "span", "basis" and "dimension") and it should not be hard to answer this question. (BTW: Strictly speaking, the set of these two column vectors does not have any dimension, because the notion of "dimension" in an LA context applies only to linear (sub)spaces.)
  • #3
I, personally, dislike setting vectors into matrices. I would prefer to use the basic definitions. Also, it can be confusing whether you intend the vectors to be the rows or columns. Actually, I think it is more common to do it as columns but, here, since you specify [itex]R^2[/itex], it is clear you intend the rows, (1, -4), (2, 3), and (-4, 6). One of the things you should know is that if the vector space has dimension "n", then NO set containing more than n vectors can be independent. (And no set containing fewer than n vectors can span the space.)

Here, you have three vectors while [itex]R^2[/itex] has dimension 2 so they cannot be independent and so cannot be a basis. The can still span the space. A set of vectors "spans" a space if and only if every vector in that space can be written as a linear combination of vectors in the spatce. Here, any vector in [itex]R^2[/itex] can be written as "(x, y)". Do there exist numbers, A, B, C, such that A(1, -4)+ B(2, 3)+ C(-4, 6)= (x, y). Can we find A, B, C such that A+ 2B- 4C= x and -4A+ 3B+ 6C= y for any x and y? If we multiply the first equation by 2 and add to the second (equivalent to your "row reduction") we cancel "A" and get 7B- 2C= 2x+ y. We now have only that single equation but that means that, given any value for B, we have C= (7/2)B- x- y/2. B can be any number, there are, in fact, an infinite number of such linear combinations (more than one is a consequence of this set NOT being independent). Yes, this set spans [itex]R^2[/itex]. No, it is not a basis.[/B]
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  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
it is clear you intend the rows, (1, -4), (2, 3), and (-4, 6).
I'm not sure that was the OP's intention, since
MienTommy said:
these are column vectors.
but well... this makes things even more obvious.
  • #5
HallsofIvy said:
I, personally, dislike setting vectors into matrices. I would prefer to use the basic definitions. Also, it can be confusing whether you intend the vectors to be the rows or columns. Actually, I think it is more common to do it as columns but, here, since you specify [itex]R^2[/itex], it is clear you intend the rows, (1, -4), (2, 3), and (-4, 6). One of the things you should know is that if the vector space has dimension "n", then NO set containing more than n vectors can be independent. (And no set containing fewer than n vectors can span the space.)

Here, you have three vectors while [itex]R^2[/itex] has dimension 2 so they cannot be independent and so cannot be a basis. The can still span the space. A set of vectors "spans" a space if and only if every vector in that space can be written as a linear combination of vectors in the spatce. Here, any vector in [itex]R^2[/itex] can be written as "(x, y)". Do there exist numbers, A, B, C, such that A(1, -4)+ B(2, 3)+ C(-4, 6)= (x, y). Can we find A, B, C such that A+ 2B- 4C= x and -4A+ 3B+ 6C= y for any x and y? If we multiply the first equation by 2 and add to the second (equivalent to your "row reduction") we cancel "A" and get 7B- 2C= 2x+ y. We now have only that single equation but that means that, given any value for B, we have C= (7/2)B- x- y/2. B can be any number, there are, in fact, an infinite number of such linear combinations (more than one is a consequence of this set NOT being independent). Yes, this set spans [itex]R^2[/itex]. No, it is not a basis.[/B]
I actually meant for them to be column vectors, so v_1 = [1 2 -4] v_2 = [-4 3 6]
I understand your explanation though. I just don't understand whether this is a basis or not if the vectors were column vectors. My guess is that it is, since it contains two pivots and is linearly independent, then it must be a basis for R_2. That last row is really throwing me off. I thought vectors in R_2 contain only two rows? Do the row sizes even matter?
  • #6
MienTommy said:
I actually meant for them to be column vectors, so v_1 = [1 2 -4] v_2 = [-4 3 6]
I understand your explanation though. I just don't understand whether this is a basis or not if the vectors were column vectors. My guess is that it is, since it contains two pivots and is linearly independent, then it must be a basis for R_2. That last row is really throwing me off. I thought vectors in R_2 contain only two rows? Do the row sizes even matter?
The vectors you show here are vectors in ##\mathbb{R}^3##, so they definitely aren't in ##\mathbb{R}^2##, so can't span it, and can't be a basis for it. Just by observation I can see that these two vectors are linearly independent, which means that they are a basis for and span a two-dimensional subspace of ##\mathbb{R}^3##. Geometrically, this is a particular plane in three-dimensional space.
  • #7
Mark44 said:
The vectors you show here are vectors in ##\mathbb{R}^3##, so they definitely aren't in ##\mathbb{R}^2##, so can't span it, and can't be a basis for it. Just by observation I can see that these two vectors are linearly independent, which means that they are a basis for and span a two-dimensional subspace of ##\mathbb{R}^3##. Geometrically, this is a particular plane in three-dimensional space.

Ah, it seems the trouble I am having is knowing the size of the subspaces. So, an ℝ3 subspace is not in three dimensions? I've always thought ℝ2 was a subspace in two dimensions, ℝ3 is a subspace in three dimensions, etc.. So the superscript k in ℝk only represents the rows in a column vector?

so if I have the following vectors: x = x1 = [1 2 3 4 5 6]. x2 = [2 2 1 3 4 5], x3 = [1 2 9 9 2 1], x4 = [5 9 3 2 1 6]
Written as column vectors [x1 x2 x3 x4] Could I say that the column space of A is in ℝ6? And the row space is in ℝ4? And it's null space is in ℝ4? And (if this set is linearly independent) its basis is in ℝ6?

I'm just confused by how the book writes the ℝ as ℝn and ℝm. I know m represents the rows and n represents columns. In the Invertible Matrix Theorem, it states Col A = ℝn for an n x n matrix. So is this referring to the rows or the columns? The other confusing part the was mentioned in a theorem was that a column space of an m x n matrix A is a subspace of ℝm.

Are column spaces of a matrix just its column vectors? Or is it the span of the column vector?
  • #8
MienTommy said:
Ah, it seems the trouble I am having is knowing the size of the subspaces.
For a set S to be a spanning set for a vector space V, or a basis for V, it must be a subset of V. You asked if two vectors in ##\mathbb R^3## span ##\mathbb R^2##. The set that contains those two vectors and nothing else, is a subspace of ##\mathbb R^3##, not ##\mathbb R^2##. Edit: I wrote that incorrectly. The sentence should say "spans a subspace", not "is a subspace".

MienTommy said:
So, an ℝ3 subspace is not in three dimensions?
##\mathbb R^3## has exactly one 0-dimensional subspace, infinitely many 1-dimensional subspaces, infinitely many 2-dimensional subspaces, and exactly one 3-dimensional subspace. The 0-dimensional subspace is {0}. The 3-dimensional subspace is ##\mathbb R^3##.

MienTommy said:
I've always thought ℝ2 was a subspace in two dimensions, ℝ3 is a subspace in three dimensions, etc..
##\mathbb R^3## is a 3-dimensional vector space. ##\mathbb R^2## is a 2-dimensional vector space. Every vector space is a subspace of itself.

MienTommy said:
So the superscript k in ℝk only represents the rows in a column vector?
A column vector has only one row. (Edit: Oops. I was pretty tired when I wrote that nonsense) The k tells you that the elements of the set are ordered n-tuples: ##(x_1,\dots,x_n)##. They can be written either as ##n\times 1## matrices or as ##1\times n## matrices. The former option has a number of advantages that make it more popular.

I think it would be best if you study the basic definitions first (vector space, span, linearly independent, basis, subspace), and then ask your questions again.
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  • #9
MienTommy said:
Ah, it seems the trouble I am having is knowing the size of the subspaces. So, an ℝ3 subspace is not in three dimensions?
There are many subspaces of the vector space ##\mathbb{R}^3##. The subspace that consists only of <0, 0, 0> is zero-dimensional. Any line through the origin will be a one-dimensional subspace. Any plane through the origin will be a two-dimensional subspace. ##\mathbb{R}^3## is considered to be a subspace of itself. What is common to all of these subspaces is that any vectors in any of them have three coordinates.
MienTommy said:
I've always thought ℝ2 was a subspace in two dimensions
##\mathbb{R}^2## is a vector space. (It is also a subspace of itself.)
MienTommy said:
, ℝ3 is a subspace in three dimensions
##\mathbb{R}^2## is a vector space. (It is also a subspace of itself.)
MienTommy said:
, etc.. So the superscript k in ℝk only represents the rows in a column vector?
Every vector in ##\mathbb{R}^k## will have k coordinates. Rows is not really the right term here.
MienTommy said:
so if I have the following vectors: x = x1 = [1 2 3 4 5 6]. x2 = [2 2 1 3 4 5], x3 = [1 2 9 9 2 1], x4 = [5 9 3 2 1 6]
Written as column vectors [x1 x2 x3 x4] Could I say that the column space of A is in ℝ6?
Yes, some subspace of ##\mathbb{R}^6##. If they are linearly dependent, the dimension of the subspace they span will be less.
MienTommy said:
And the row space is in ℝ4?
MienTommy said:
And it's null space is in ℝ4?
MienTommy said:
And (if this set is linearly independent) its basis is in ℝ6?
Yes and no, assuming you're still talking about ##x_1 \dots x_4##. When we talk about a basis, it's a basis for some subspace of whatever is the relavant vector space. We don't talk about the basis for a set of vectors.
MienTommy said:
I'm just confused by how the book writes the ℝ as ℝn and ℝm. I know m represents the rows and n represents columns. In the Invertible Matrix Theorem, it states Col A = ℝn for an n x n matrix.
This doesn't make sense to me.
MienTommy said:
So is this referring to the rows or the columns? The other confusing part the was mentioned in a theorem was that a column space of an m x n matrix A is a subspace of ℝm.

Are column spaces of a matrix just its column vectors?
The column space of a matrix is the subspace that is spanned by those vectors.
MienTommy said:
Or is it the span of the column vector?
  • #10
Fredrik said:
A column vector has only one row.
I disagree. A column vector has only on column. It could be thought of as an n x 1 matrix.
Fredrik said:
I think it would be best if you study the basic definitions first (vector space, span, linearly independent, basis, subspace), and then ask your questions again.
Good advice...
  • #11
Krylov said:
I'm not sure that was the OP's intention, since

but well... this makes things even more obvious.
I frankly didn't notice that. But the column vectors are in [itex]R^3[/itex] and the OP specifically talked at [itex]R^2[/itex].
  • #12
HallsofIvy said:
I frankly didn't notice that. But the column vectors are in ##R^3## and the OP specifically talked at ##R^2.##
Yes, I understand. When I wrote my initial reply I read the OP's question the other way around (i.e. I read that he was talking about ##\mathbb{R}^3## instead of ##\mathbb{R}^2##). When I then read your reply, I realized that the answer to his question is even more obvious than I originally thought: the vectors are not even in the space.
  • #13
Just a technical detail:
Fredrik said:
For a set S to be a spanning set for a vector space V, or a basis for V, it must be a subset of V. You asked if two vectors in ##\mathbb R^3## span ##\mathbb R^2##. The set that contains those two vectors and nothing else, is a subspace of ##\mathbb R^3##, not ##\mathbb R^2##.
To get a subspace (instead of two isolated vectors), you have to take the span of that set of vectors.
  • #14
Mark44 said:
I disagree. A column vector has only on column. It could be thought of as an n x 1 matrix.
mfb said:
Just a technical detail:To get a subspace (instead of two isolated vectors), you have to take the span of that set of vectors.
Thanks for catching those silly mistakes. This sort of thing happens a lot when I write a post a few hours past my bedtime.

Related to Does This Set Form a Basis for R2?

What is basis and dimension?

Basis and dimension are concepts in linear algebra that describe the fundamental structure of a vector space. Basis refers to a set of vectors that can be combined in a linear combination to create any vector in the space. Dimension is the number of vectors in a basis set.

Why is understanding basis and dimension important?

Understanding basis and dimension is crucial in linear algebra because it allows us to represent and manipulate vector spaces in a more efficient way. It also helps us to understand the properties and relationships of vectors within a space.

How do you find the basis of a vector space?

To find the basis of a vector space, we need to determine a set of linearly independent vectors that span the entire space. This can be done through various methods, such as Gaussian elimination or using the Gram-Schmidt process.

What is the difference between basis and spanning set?

Basis and spanning set are related concepts, but they are not the same. A spanning set is a set of vectors that can span a vector space, but it may not be the most efficient or minimal set. A basis, on the other hand, is a minimal spanning set that is also linearly independent.

Can a vector space have more than one basis?

Yes, a vector space can have multiple bases. This is because there may be multiple ways to represent a vector space with a minimal set of linearly independent vectors. However, all bases for the same vector space will have the same number of vectors, which is the dimension of the space.

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