Does the Confusing Supernova Challenge the Big Bang Theory?

  • Thread starter pbethala
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    Big bang
In summary, Alain Blanchard of the European Space Agency stated that data collected from the European XMM Space satellite ‘leaves little room for dark energy.’ (ESA News release 12 December 2003).
  • #1
I stumbled across a creationist site today ( Almost all of their objections to the Big Bang have been solved except this:

(c) Confusing supernova. Type Ia supernova explode with a known intensity, and therefore their distance should correlate well with the observed red shift. However, some supernovas at great distance have been found to be brighter than expected, and some nearer have been found to be dimmer. The preferred solution is that the cosmological constant, (the repulsive force sometimes called dark energy) was at first weaker than thought when z <1.5, but then kicked in with a vengeance and today the universe is thought to be expanding faster than expected with values of z >1.5. However, this leads to many more anomalies. Other observations suggest that the cosmological constant is either zero or very small, but nowhere near enough to account for the expansion of the universe that the big bang theory requires. Alain Blanchard of the European Space Agency stated that data collected from the European XMM Space satellite ‘leaves little room for dark energy.’ (ESA News release 12 December 2003).

What does this mean for the Big Bang?
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  • #2
Hi pbethala and welcome to these Forums!

I respond to your post with the assumption that you are not one of the six-day creationists whose site you have stumbled upon, otherwise I am wasting my time!

There are indeed questions to be asked about the Mainstream [itex]\Lambda[/itex]CDM (Big Bang) model, however they may well have straight forward answers, but even if not then that would not be fatal to the whole theory but simply adjust timescales and the suchlike here and there.

You will find most of these issues discussed elsewhere on these Forums, we question to understand, whereas you will find 'Creationists' tend to ask a question about the 10% evidence where there seems to be a problem, and choose to ignore the 90% evidence which gives a solid foundation for the standard view, in order to overthrow the whole works.

For such people I would also point out the Old Testament Bible treats the Earth as flat (Psalm 19) and fixed in space (Psalm 93:1 & Psalm 104:5), are they also going to refute Kepler and the Apollo photographs of the whole Earth?

If gravitation from matter and radiation dominate the early universe then it is expected to decelerate according to the well tested theory of General Relativity. This would mean standard candles would be brighter than expected with a linear expansion.

In 1998 Supernove Type Ia were seen at about z ~ 1 that were fainter than expected. If they were standard candles then this would mean that they were further away than expected and therefore the universe must have been accelerating rather than decelerating.

This requires a special form of energy with negative pressure, called Dark Energy. (May I recommend Scholarpedia - which is peer reviewed unlike Wikipedia - though its articles are slow to come on line as they are being written and reviewed carefully).

Beyond z> 1.5 in the earlier universe they become brighter than expected again, meaning there the expansion was decelerating as 'normal'.

Thus we can observe the early epoch (z > 1.5) where the expansion was decelerating as 'normal' and the recent epoch (z < 1.5) where DE has kicked in. Note: In your post you have got your < & > signs the wrong way round)

Of course we can ask questions about how 'standard' the SNe Ia candle actually is over cosmological time and also which cosmological models fit the data and it is the standard model that fits all the known data best.

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  • #3
pbethala said:
... Alain Blanchard of the European Space Agency stated that data collected from the European XMM Space satellite ‘leaves little room for dark energy.’ (ESA News release 12 December 2003).

What does this mean for the Big Bang?

For some years I've been hearing Alain Blanchard voice his doubts. But my impression is that since around 2005 he is talking about it less and less often. I think he is somewhat a lone isolated figure now. He never had an iron-clad case----his objections and alternative ideas were always iffy---and he doesn't seem to have convinced the rest of the community.

This doesn't PROVE anything. Since 2005 as we hear less and less it seems less and less likely that he was on to something real. You never get ultimate certainty.

Your quote may be referring to some other discrepancies, including some very recent observations. The thing is, there are ALWAYS new observations and possible discrepancies are remarked----and they are usually minor and usually get explained away, or they cause a minor modification of some part of the picture.

In the case of Blanchard, even if his arguments stood up and people were taking him seriously it would JUST CHANGE SOME NUMBERS. His argument would not make a qualitative difference to there having been a hot dense state of the universe at the beginning of expansion. If i remember correctly, he was still using the usual Friedmann model of an expanding universe, it just needed different numbers to work.

I don't know what bugs some people about expansion cosmology. It is beginning to seem pretty funny to me. Have you any idea why it seems to get their goat?
  • #4
Garth said:
Hi pbethala and welcome to these Forums!

I respond to your post with the assumption that you are not one of the six-day creationists whose site you have stumbled upon, otherwise I am wasting my time!

There are indeed questions to be asked about the Mainstream [itex]\Lambda[/itex]CDM (Big Bang) model, however they may well have straight forward answers, but even if not then that would not be fatal to the whole theory but simply adjust timescales and the suchlike here and there.

You will find most of these issues discussed elsewhere on these Forums, we question to understand, whereas you will find 'Creationists' tend to ask a question about the 10% evidence where there seems to be a problem, and choose to ignore the 90% evidence which gives a solid foundation for the standard view, in order to overthrow the whole works.

For such people I would also point out the Old Testament Bible treats the Earth as flat (Psalm 19) and fixed in space (Psalm 93:1 & Psalm 104:5), are they also going to refute Kepler and the Apollo photographs of the whole Earth?

If gravitation from matter and radiation dominate the early universe then it is expected to decelerate according to the well tested theory of General Relativity. This would mean standard candles would be brighter than expected with a linear expansion.

In 1998 Supernove Type Ia were seen at about z ~ 1 that were fainter than expected. If they were standard candles then this would mean that they were further away than expected and therefore the universe must have been accelerating rather than decelerating.

This requires a special form of energy with negative pressure, called Dark Energy. (May I recommend Scholarpedia - which is peer reviewed unlike Wikipedia - though its articles are slow to come on line as they are being written and reviewed carefully).

Beyond z> 1.5 in the earlier universe they become brighter than expected again, meaning there the expansion was decelerating as 'normal'.

Thus we can observe the early epoch (z < 1.5) where the expansion was decelerating as 'normal' and the recent epoch (z < 1.5) where DE has kicked in. Note: In your post you have got your < & > signs the wrong way round)

Of course we can ask questions about how 'standard' the SNe Ia candle actually is over cosmological time and also which cosmological models fit the data and it is the standard model that fits all the known data best.


Thank you Garth for clearing this up for me. I am fairly new to the wonderful world of physics, and I am interested to learn more. Your assumption that I am not a YEC is correct. Also, thank you for referring me to Scholarpedia. One last thing: the section of your post that was about Dark Energy during the early epoch and the recent epoch being reversed is not of my doing - it was actually on the site itself! When will these creationists learn to stop misquoting?
  • #5
pbethala said:
When will these creationists learn to stop misquoting?
When will they learn anything?

Related to Does the Confusing Supernova Challenge the Big Bang Theory?

What is the Big Bang Theory?

The Big Bang Theory is a scientific theory that explains how the universe began. It suggests that around 13.8 billion years ago, all matter and energy in the universe were compressed into an extremely small and dense point called a singularity. This singularity then expanded rapidly, creating the universe as we know it.

What is the main problem with the Big Bang Theory?

The main problem with the Big Bang Theory is that it cannot fully explain the initial conditions of the universe. It does not address what caused the singularity to suddenly expand, or what existed before the singularity. These questions are still a topic of debate and research among scientists.

Is the Big Bang Theory widely accepted in the scientific community?

Yes, the Big Bang Theory is currently the most widely accepted explanation for the origin of the universe among scientists. However, it is constantly being tested and refined as new evidence and discoveries are made.

Are there any alternative theories to the Big Bang?

Yes, there are alternative theories that have been proposed to explain the origin of the universe, such as the Steady State Theory and the Oscillating Universe Theory. However, these theories have not been as widely accepted as the Big Bang Theory and are not supported by as much evidence.

What evidence supports the Big Bang Theory?

There is a significant amount of evidence that supports the Big Bang Theory, including the cosmic microwave background radiation, the abundance of light elements in the universe, and the expansion of the universe. Scientists also use mathematical models and computer simulations to test and support the theory.

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