Does anyone here watch/play sports?

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In summary, there is a wide range of sports that have been mentioned in this conversation. Some individuals have played multiple sports throughout their lives, including gymnastics, football, soccer, basketball, paintball, MMA, ultimate frisbee, hurling, bowling, golf, and cycling. Others have a preference for certain sports, such as NFL, college basketball, and soccer, and enjoy watching skilled players. Some have had to take a break from playing due to injuries, while others have continued to participate in sports like biking and walking for exercise. There are also mentions of favorite teams, such as the Green Bay Packers, Chelsea, and Liverpool FC. However, there are some who do not watch or play sports at all and prefer other activities
  • #1
If yes, which ones?
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  • #2
Not really. Never really been into them that much. Though i'd probably be fairly good at them if I did.

I did gymnastics as a kid though for about four years.

I sometimes catch a football game, but this is pretty rare.
  • #3
Played soccer and basketball when I was small..Also skateboarded through middle school, hah.
Did competitive paintballing until I dedicated all my time to football in high school (dumb move since our team was horrid which made playing not that fun)
Did MMA till I got hurt, so I don't really do much. Ultimate Frisbee is always fun when you get enough people.

I'm an avid NFL fan (go Dolphins!), I love it. My favorite sport by far, followed by basketball.
  • #4
I enjoy watching college basketball games. In particular, the Kansas University team.
  • #5
Have played soccer at many levels since I was 5 years old (now 31). I spent a summer touring Europe playing in soccer tournaments before I decided to go to college in 1998. Have also ref'd and coached. I tore my Achilles last summer playing, so I have been sidelined since last July. I hope to start running again and getting some touches on the ball this spring.

I have also played, coached and ref'd a sport called" for 5 years before I moved away.

I grew up in Green Bay, so I am a Packer fan. I try to watch the games if they are on TV. In my current state of lameness due to my Achilles injury, I have watch quite a few EPL games on TV. I try to follow any teams with Americans playing in England.
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  • #6
I generally don't watch sports.

I have played soccer, run, cycled, canoed, practiced tae kwon do (and kempo, kung fu, and MMA) and done outdoor activities. I prefer to participate than spectate. Once in a while, I might catch a football (soccer) match. I don't care who wins, I just like watching skilled players.

Lately, I'm too busy, except to go walking.
  • #7
The only competitive sports I've ever played regularly were bowling from when I was in elementary school until sometime in high school, and golf intermittently from high school onward. When I started teaching here, the other members of my department all played golf so it was natural for me to join them. But I haven't done that in many years, as my original colleagues retired or moved on to other jobs.

I used to be into non-competitive bicycle touring, taking long rides on weekends and shorter rides during the week, either by myself or with a bicycle club. But I stopped that about ten years ago after getting sideswiped by a pickup truck, and not having enough time any more to ride a lot anyway. I figured I'd get more exercise by walking instead of cycling to work, so now I walk everywhere I can, and probably average about an hour a day walking from one place to another in town.

My choices for watching sports on TV are limited because I don't have cable or satellite TV, just the broadcast stations we can get with an antenna on the roof. I'm not a big sports fan, but I do watch major events (basketball Final Four this weekend, the Masters golf tournament, the World Series, the Super Bowl, the Olympics), and I watch some pro and college football games during the season.
  • #8
I don't have time to watch sports, but I made an exception for the World Cup. :biggrin:

When I play sports, soccer is my game of choice. I started playing when I was 5 and, like Norman, continued playing on many levels until I decided to go back to school about two years ago. I played (american) football for a couple years during high school and didn't like it.
  • #9
i watch soccer and my favorite team is As ROma this year was hard for us and next year we will come back
and i definitely play soccer as a very strong defender
  • #10
Yes, I live in the US so naturally I love Football, Baseball and Basketball. But I also enjoy Bowling, Rugby, Track and Field as well as Soccer. I love Chelsea and Liverpool FC :)
  • #12
  • #13
I play anything sports. My favorite is Soccer. I have been playing it since I was 5. I would also play basketball, football, and tennis. I did paintball and its been years since I have gone. I am hoping to play sometime soon. I also work out in the gym at my school. I'm open to any sport really haha.

As for watching sports, I would follow the USA Men's National Soccer Team and the San Diego Chargers (Football). Of course, the biggest thing I would follow is the World Cup! Ha!
  • #14
I watch and play cricket. Does that count? Oh and I also play tennis but that's not as important...
  • #15
Don't watch them, don't play them.

Related to Does anyone here watch/play sports?

1. What are the benefits of watching/playing sports?

Watching and playing sports can have multiple benefits for both physical and mental health. Physically, it can improve cardiovascular health, muscular strength and endurance, and coordination. Mentally, it can improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost self-confidence.

2. What are the potential risks associated with sports?

Some potential risks of playing sports include physical injuries such as sprains, strains, and fractures. Additionally, there is a risk of overtraining and burnout if not properly managed. For spectators, there is a risk of emotional investment and potential disappointment if their favorite team or player does not perform well.

3. How can watching/playing sports impact society?

Sports have a significant impact on society, both culturally and economically. They can bring people together and promote unity and national pride. They also have the power to influence social and political issues. Economically, sports generate billions of dollars in revenue and create jobs in various industries such as broadcasting, merchandising, and tourism.

4. What are some popular sports around the world?

The most popular sports vary by country and region, but some of the most widely played and watched sports globally include soccer, basketball, cricket, tennis, and baseball. Other popular sports include American football, rugby, golf, and boxing.

5. How can someone get involved in sports if they have never played/watched before?

There are many ways to get involved in sports, even if you have never played or watched before. You can start by joining a recreational league or team in your community, attending local sporting events, or volunteering at sporting events. You can also watch and learn about different sports through television, online streaming, or by attending live games. It's never too late to start enjoying and participating in sports!

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