Discrepancy in Hubble's "constant" and its implications

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  • Thread starter Phys12
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In summary, the debate over the Hubble constant and its possible increase or decrease in the early universe is complicated by the ambiguous use of the term "expansion rate." While the rate of expansion may be increasing, this does not necessarily mean that the Hubble constant is also increasing. The presence of dark energy, which causes objects in the universe to accelerate away from each other, may be responsible for the observed discrepancy in the Hubble constant, rather than new physics.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Why is the discrepancy in Hubble's "constant" an exciting news which could potentially point to new Physics ( https://www.spacetelescope.org/news/heic1908/ )?
If the Hubble's constant is greater now (to the best of our estimates) than it was in the early universe, doesn't it just imply that the universe's expansion rate is increasing, which was shown by the High-Z Supernova Search team in 1998 that discovered dark energy? Wouldn't this Hubble discrepancy just validate the presence of dark energy, instead of pointing towards new Physics?
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  • #2
Phys12 said:
If the Hubble's constant is greater now (to the best of our estimates) than it was in the early universe

It isn't. It's much smaller.

Phys12 said:
doesn't it just imply that the universe's expansion rate is increasing

The terminology here is unfortunate, since "expansion rate is increasing" does not mean the Hubble constant is increasing. It just means the Hubble constant is decreasing asymptotically towards a finite positive value, instead of decreasing to zero (and possibly negative values if the universe were going to recollapse).

The root of the problem is that "expansion rate" is ambiguous: it can refer to one of two things: either ##\dot{a}##, the rate of change of the scale factor with time, or ##H = \dot{a} / a##, the Hubble constant, which is the fractional rate of change of the scale factor with time ("fractional" because of the division by ##a##). "Accelerating expansion" means ##\dot{a}## is increasing. But if the accelerating expansion is due to dark energy, then ##H## will be decreasing, not increasing. (This is easy to work out from the Friedmann equations.)
  • #3
Phys12 said:
If the Hubble's constant is greater now (to the best of our estimates) than it was in the early universe,
As was already mentioned, it's smaller now. Compared with the time when the cosmic microwave background radiation was emitted, by a factor of about 20 000.
I know what's confusing you though. It's true that the measurements using the cosmic microwave background are looking at conditions in the early universe, while those using supernovae at conditions relatively recent. But the conditions from the early era are extrapolated to the present time using a model of expansion (which includes dark energy). The model predicts how the Hubble parameter should be changing over time, given the parameters measured.
The reported discrepancy is between values of the Hubble constant now, obtained by different methods. Not between its values at different times.
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  • #4
Not surprisingly that article misleads this detail. Wonder if this older version of Jorrie's cosmocalc still works.
[tex]{\small\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline T_{Ho} (Gy) & T_{H\infty} (Gy) & S_{eq} & H_{0} & \Omega_\Lambda & \Omega_m\\ \hline 14.4&17.3&3400&67.9&0.693&0.307\\ \hline \end{array}}[/tex] [tex]{\small\begin{array}{|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|} \hline S&T (Gy)&R (Gly)&D_{now} (Gly)&D_{then}(Gly)&D_{hor}(Gly)&V_{gen}/c&H/Ho \\ \hline 1090.000&0.000373&0.000628&45.331596&0.041589&0.056714&21.023&22915.263\\ \hline 339.773&0.002496&0.003956&44.183524&0.130038&0.178562&10.712&3639.803\\ \hline 105.913&0.015309&0.023478&42.012463&0.396668&0.552333&5.791&613.344\\ \hline 33.015&0.090158&0.136321&38.051665&1.152552&1.651928&3.200&105.633\\ \hline 10.291&0.522342&0.785104&30.917756&3.004225&4.606237&1.782&18.342\\ \hline 3.208&2.977691&4.373615&18.247534&5.688090&10.827382&1.026&3.292\\ \hline 1.000&13.787206&14.399932&0.000000&0.000000&16.472274&1.000&1.000\\ \hline 0.312&32.884943&17.184900&11.117770&35.666086&17.224560&2.688&0.838\\ \hline 0.132&47.725063&17.291127&14.219438&107.785602&17.291127&6.313&0.833\\ \hline 0.056&62.598053&17.299307&15.535514&278.255976&17.299307&14.909&0.832\\ \hline 0.024&77.473722&17.299802&16.092610&681.060881&17.299802&35.227&0.832\\ \hline 0.010&92.349407&17.299900&16.328381&1632.838131&17.299900&83.237&0.832\\ \hline \end{array}}[/tex]See S=1090 for roughly CMB time row S=1 for now in the H/H_0 column.

Cool calc still handles the latex pasting.
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  • #5
PeterDonis said:
The root of the problem is that "expansion rate" is ambiguous: it can refer to one of two things: either ##\dot{a}##, the rate of change of the scale factor with time, or ##H = \dot{a} / a##, the Hubble constant, which is the fractional rate of change of the scale factor with time ("fractional" because of the division by ##a##). "Accelerating expansion" means ##\dot{a}## is increasing. But if the accelerating expansion is due to dark energy, then ##H## will be decreasing, not increasing. (This is easy to work out from the Friedmann equations.)
Why will ##H## be decreasing if the accelerating expansion is due to dark energy? As long as the universe's expansion is accelerating and ##\dot{a}## is increasing, wouldn't ##H## increase too, regardless of the effect of dark energy?
  • #6
Phys12 said:
Why will ##H## be decreasing if the accelerating expansion is due to dark energy? As long as the universe's expansion is accelerating and ##\dot{a}## is increasing, wouldn't ##H## increase too, regardless of the effect of dark energy?

##H = \dot{a} a^{-1}## gives
$$\dot{H} = \ddot{a} a^{-1} - \dot{a} a^{-2},$$
so, if the second term dominates, then ##\dot{H}## can be negative when both ##\dot{a}## and ##\ddot{a}## are positive.
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  • #7
Phys12 said:
Why will ##H## be decreasing if the accelerating expansion is due to dark energy? As long as the universe's expansion is accelerating and ##\dot{a}## is increasing, wouldn't ##H## increase too, regardless of the effect of dark energy?
The rate of expansion is a reflection of the amount of space-time curvature in our universe*. The amount of space-time curvature is a function of the amount of stuff. More stuff = more curvature. Back when the universe was more dense, there was more space-time curvature, and the rate of expansion was higher.

The reason why dark energy causes an accelerated expansion is not because it causes the rate of expansion to increase. Rather, it causes objects in our universe to accelerate away from one another. And that can happen even while the rate of expansion is decreasing.

To see why, consider the case of a constant rate of expansion. A constant rate is a constant velocity per unit distance. Twice the distance, twice the recession velocity. So if a movement moves from its current distance to twice as far away, it will have sped up to twice its current speed.

Currently the rate of expansion is decreasing slowly enough that the distances between galaxies are increasing at an accelerated pace. That fact is fundamentally impossible if normal matter is all there is. Which is where dark energy comes in, or a cosmological constant. Either possibility poses theoretical challenges, but all of the alternatives proposed so far have proven false.

* Slight caveat: the amount of curvature can show up in either spatial curvature, the rate of expansion, or the rate of change of the expansion. Our universe appears to have little to no spatial curvature. The rate of change of expansion is low. So nearly all of the curvature shows up in the expansion itself.
  • #8
Moderator's note: I have deleted an off topic subthread (and made a small edit to one post that remains visible) that is not relevant or necessary to the main discussion.
  • #9
Moderator's note: Some more off topic posts have been deleted, and the poster who started the off topic subthread has been thread banned.
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Related to Discrepancy in Hubble's "constant" and its implications

1. What is the discrepancy in Hubble's "constant" and why is it significant?

The discrepancy in Hubble's "constant" refers to the discrepancy between the values obtained for the Hubble constant, which is a measure of the rate at which the universe is expanding. The most recent measurements of the Hubble constant show a discrepancy between the values obtained from different methods, indicating that our understanding of the universe's expansion may be incomplete. This is significant because it could potentially challenge our current theories of cosmology and the evolution of the universe.

2. How is the Hubble constant measured?

The Hubble constant is typically measured using two main methods: the cosmic distance ladder and observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The cosmic distance ladder involves using a series of distance indicators, such as supernovae and Cepheid variable stars, to measure the distance to objects in the universe. The CMB method involves studying the fluctuations in the temperature of the CMB, which can provide information about the expansion rate of the universe.

3. What are the implications of the discrepancy in Hubble's "constant"?

The discrepancy in Hubble's "constant" has significant implications for our understanding of the universe's evolution and the fundamental laws of physics. It could potentially challenge the current model of the Big Bang and the concept of dark energy, which is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. It could also lead to the need for new or modified theories to explain the observations.

4. What are some possible explanations for the discrepancy in Hubble's "constant"?

There are several possible explanations for the discrepancy in Hubble's "constant." One is that there may be errors in the measurements or methods used to obtain the values. Another is that there may be unknown or unaccounted for factors affecting the expansion of the universe, such as the presence of dark matter or dark energy. It is also possible that our current understanding of the laws of physics may be incomplete, leading to discrepancies in the measurements.

5. How can we resolve the discrepancy in Hubble's "constant"?

Resolving the discrepancy in Hubble's "constant" will require further research and data collection. This could involve improving the accuracy of the current measurement methods, as well as developing new methods for measuring the Hubble constant. It may also require a better understanding of the potential factors that could affect the expansion of the universe. Collaboration between different research teams and the use of multiple measurement methods could also help to resolve the discrepancy.

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