Different results in the unit root test. Why?

In summary: This can help to reduce the impact of autocorrelation in the data. In summary, when conducting unit root tests on a 1000-data set generated by random error (i.i.d.), the test statistics obtained from different software packages may vary due to different methods and parameters used. The Phillips-Perron test, which is based on the Dickey-Fuller distribution table, can result in more negative test statistics due to adjustments for autocorrelation in the data. The truncation lag is a parameter that specifies the number of lags to be used in the test, and can help to reduce the impact of autocorrelation.
  • #1
Situation: I had tired a 1000-data generated by random error(i.i.d.), then I sub it into different unit root tests. I got different results among the tests. The following are the test statistics I got:

For R project:
adf.test @ tseries ~ -10.2214 (lag = 9)
ur.df @ urca ~ -21.8978
ur.sp @ urca ~ -27.68
pp.test @ tseries ~ -972.3343 (truncation lag =7)
ur.pp @ urca ~ -973.2409
ur.kpss @ urca ~ 0.1867
kpss.test @ tseries ~ 0.1867 (truncation lag =7)

(adf test) ~ -0.43979

1. Why there are different test statistics? Even in tests under same test name, say Phillips-perron test (pp.test & ur.pp), they have different test statistics.
2. Don't the Phillips-perron test based on the Dickey-Fuller distribution table? How the value being so negative (-9xx)?
3. What is truncation lag? Is it the same with lag terms?
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  • #2
Answers:1. Different test statistics can occur due to different test parameters and methods used by different software packages. For example, the R package uses a different method of calculating the test statistic than the MATLAB package. Additionally, different test parameters may be used in each package, such as the lag option for pp.test and ur.pp.2. The Phillips-Perron test is based on the Dickey-Fuller distribution table, but the results are adjusted for autocorrelation in the data. This can result in a more negative test statistic, which would explain why the values you have are so negative. 3. The truncation lag is related to the lag terms, but it specifies the number of lags to be used in the test, rather than the number of observations used in the test. For example, if the truncation lag is set to 7, the test will only use the first 7 lags.
  • #3

1. There are different test statistics because each unit root test has its own assumptions and methodology. These differences can lead to varying results depending on the data being tested. For example, the ADF test assumes a specific trend in the data, while the Phillips-Perron test does not. Additionally, different tests may use different lag lengths or critical values, which can also impact the results. It is important to carefully consider which test is appropriate for your data and to interpret the results accordingly.

2. The Phillips-Perron test is based on the Dickey-Fuller distribution, but it also takes into account the estimated autocorrelation in the data. This can result in negative test statistics, as seen in your results. This does not necessarily mean that the data is stationary, but rather that it does not exhibit a unit root.

3. Truncation lag refers to the number of lagged terms included in the test. This can vary depending on the test being used. In your results, the truncation lag for the PP test and KPSS test is 7, while for the ADF test it is 9. Lag terms refer to the number of lagged differences included in the test. These can also vary depending on the test and the data being used. It is important to understand the differences between these terms and how they may affect the results of the test.

Related to Different results in the unit root test. Why?

1. What is a unit root test?

A unit root test is a statistical test used to determine whether a time series dataset is trend-stationary or difference-stationary. In simpler terms, it helps to determine whether a time series data has a long-term trend or if it is fluctuating around a constant mean.

2. What are the different types of unit root tests?

There are several types of unit root tests, including the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, the Phillips-Perron (PP) test, and the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) test. These tests differ in their assumptions and statistical properties, but they all aim to determine the presence of a unit root in a time series dataset.

3. What can cause different results in a unit root test?

Different results in a unit root test can occur due to a variety of factors. Some common reasons include the choice of test used, the sample size, the presence of outliers or structural breaks in the data, and the underlying assumptions of the test.

4. How do I interpret the results of a unit root test?

The results of a unit root test are typically presented as a test statistic and a p-value. If the test statistic is greater than the critical value and the p-value is greater than the chosen significance level (e.g. 0.05), then we fail to reject the null hypothesis of a unit root. On the other hand, if the test statistic is less than the critical value and the p-value is less than the significance level, we can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the data is stationary.

5. What should I do if I get conflicting results from different unit root tests?

If you get conflicting results from different unit root tests, it is important to carefully examine the assumptions and properties of each test and consider the characteristics of your dataset. You may also want to consult with a statistician or conduct further research to determine the most appropriate test for your specific data. It is also recommended to run sensitivity analyses and to consider the results in conjunction with other statistical techniques to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the data.

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