Difference between two polarization directions

In summary: something (like an electric field) is a pretty arbitrary choice, but x-polarization happens when the electric field is pointing along the x-axis, and y-polarization happens when the electric field is pointing along the y-axis.
  • #1
Light can be x- or y-polarized. However, the polarization depends on the direction of the electric field (lets talk only of linear polarization). Now, what's the difference between x and y polarization? I mean why isn't there an intermediate polarization direction. One could rotate the electric field and yields a lot more polarization direction than only x- and y.

You know what I mean?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is no difference, ofcourse. It just depends on how you choose your coordinate axes. If you put your x-axis along the E-field it is polarized in the x-direction and if you choose your y-axis along the E-field it is polarized in the y-direction. If you're in a bad mood you may even choose your axes as to polarize the light in an arbitrary direction. Nature doesn't care one bit.
  • #3
Arbitrary polarisations can be expressed as a linear combination of two orthogonal polarisations. This is useful because we can analyse each polarisation component separately, then add them at the end to arrive at the total result.

  • #4
Why can then certain materials only absorb light of a certain polarization if the direction of the polarization depends only on the manner one has chosen the x and y axis? (I mean the material does not care about my chose)?
  • #5
That depends on the structure of the material. In the case of linear polarizers they will stop linearly polarized light in one direction and let light that is polarized along an other direction through. These principal directions are generally perpendicular so naturally you choose your axes such that the coordinate axes coincide with those directions.
  • #6
Light can be rotated by an electromagnetic field. See http://www.teachspin.com/instruments/faraday/index.shtml
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  • #7
Kruger said:
Light can be x- or y-polarized. However, the polarization depends on the direction of the electric field (lets talk only of linear polarization). Now, what's the difference between x and y polarization? I mean why isn't there an intermediate polarization direction. One could rotate the electric field and yields a lot more polarization direction than only x- and y.
You know what I mean?

This is a quantum-mechanical effect, due to the quantum mechanical nature of spin. Clasically, light can have an infinite number of degrees of polarization. However, a single photon, treated quantum mechanically, will be polarized either x or y. When you shine light through a calcite crystal, the quantum nature of polarization shows up - light follows one of two paths, not a continuum of paths.

This is very similar to the manner in which an electron (actually, to be really precise, a silver ion) in the Stern-Gerlach experiment is either polarized "up" or "down". The calcite crystal example is the optical analog of the Stern-gerlach experiment.

Maybe someone else can address the "why" question a little better (of course, ultimately, no why question has an answer, but sometimes useful things can be said about "why" questions in the context of a certain theory. This may be a more abstract answer than you really want, though.]

I can describe the math a bit, though.

A general state of spin can be represented by [itex]\alpha[/itex] |x-polarized> + [itex]\beta[/itex] |y-polarized>, where [itex]\alpha[/itex] and [itex]\beta[/itex] are complex number. Here |x> and |y> are vectors - together, these form a basis for the general represnetation of spin. This is why we say that spin must be |x> or |y>, because these two vectors span the vector space of possible spins.

So if you know what a vector space is, that has all the math you need to calculate how spin acts.

There are alternative vector bases for spin, for instance light can also be represented as a linear combination of left-circularly-polarized and right-circularly-polarized light.
  • #8
pervect said:
This is a quantum-mechanical effect

I'm not sure that it is necessary to resort to quantum effects to describe light polarization. The classical description (the direction of the E-field vector) should be sufficient to address the OP's question, no ?
  • #9
vanesch said:
I'm not sure that it is necessary to resort to quantum effects to describe light polarization. The classical description (the direction of the E-field vector) should be sufficient to address the OP's question, no ?

The OP asks
I mean why isn't there an intermediate polarization direction?

The way I look at it, the classical answer is that there are intermediate polarization directions - an infinite number of them. The idea that light has only two fundamental polarization states is a quantum-mechanical idea.
  • #10
pervect said:
This is a quantum-mechanical effect, due to the quantum mechanical nature of spin. Clasically, light can have an infinite number of degrees of polarization. However, a single photon, treated quantum mechanically, will be polarized either x or y. When you shine light through a calcite crystal, the quantum nature of polarization shows up - light follows one of two paths, not a continuum of paths.

The x and y-axis in the absence of an external reference are completely arbitrary. The dual paths in a calcite crystal are due to an external reference being imposed on the system via the crystal structure of the calcite.

I see no need to involve photon spin in this discussion whatsoever, the math you quote is simply expressing a vector as the linear sum of a predefined orthognal basis. You don't need to know anything about spin, you just need to understand basic linear algebra, if you understand the concept of an orthogonal basis, then understanding polarisation is a breeze.


Related to Difference between two polarization directions

1. What is polarization direction?

Polarization direction refers to the orientation of electromagnetic waves as they propagate through space. It is the direction of the electric field vector in the wave, which is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

2. What are the two types of polarization directions?

The two types of polarization directions are linear and circular. In linear polarization, the electric field vector remains in a fixed direction as the wave propagates. In circular polarization, the electric field vector rotates around the direction of propagation.

3. How are polarization directions measured?

Polarization directions can be measured using a polarimeter, which is a device that can detect the orientation of the electric field vector in an electromagnetic wave. Another method is to use a polarizing filter, which only allows waves with a certain polarization direction to pass through.

4. What is the difference between parallel and perpendicular polarization directions?

The difference between parallel and perpendicular polarization directions is the relative orientation of the electric field vector to the direction of wave propagation. In parallel polarization, the electric field vector is parallel to the direction of propagation, while in perpendicular polarization, it is perpendicular.

5. Why are polarization directions important?

Polarization directions are important in many fields, including optics, telecommunications, and atmospheric science. They can affect the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves, and can also provide information about the properties of the medium through which the waves are traveling.

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