Did anyone watch Fringe show tonight?

In summary: I won't give up on it yet. I'm going to watch the first few episodes tonight and then make a decision.In summary, the show "Fringe" was good while "Ba'Al, the storm god" was bad.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Did anyone watch this tv show tonight? It had a scene about an immersion tank that reminded me of the William Hurt movie "Altered States". I will be back after Andrew Zimmern's season premiere with more, but here are a few clips from Altered States.


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  • #2

I saw a few of the trailers, but didn't see it.
  • #3

I just turned it on, already missed the first twenty minutes of it though
  • #4

Okay, they just shot her up with LSD and stuck her into the tank. Everything went black then there was a picture of an apple and then commercials started. was the apple a commercial or part of the show?
  • #5

tribdog said:
Okay, they just shot her up with LSD and stuck her into the tank. Everything went black then there was a picture of an apple and then commercials started. was the apple a commercial or part of the show?
They actually tell you when the commercials start and how many seconds you have 60, 90, etc... before the show returns. Pay attention. :biggrin:

Anyway, there will be a repeat of the premiere on Sunday. Looks like it might be an interesting science fiction show. I'll be watching next tuesday for the second episode to see what it's like.
  • #6

they didn't say anything before the apple, the next commercial showed a frog and they said something. This commercial they didn't say anything , but showed a hand print with six fingers. I take that back they said 30 seconds, ohh 30 seconds is up
  • #7

frog again. and didnt say anything.
  • #8

tribdog said:
frog again. and didnt say anything.
Mine had leaves and they told me how long I had.
  • #9

I can't keep track of all this stuff. Isn't the lady a bit of a slut? her boyfriend is dead less than five hours and she's already flirting with someone else.
  • #10

the leaf with a triangle was the last one
  • #11

The first scene: she's with her boyfriend in bed.

A few minutes later, in a different scene: she tells him she loves him. My first thought: Oh that guy is sooooo going to die.

A few minutes after that: he gets killed.


Edit: Oops - he didn't die. About the show... well, I didn't get that "X Files" feel from it.
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  • #12

tribdog said:
I can't keep track of all this stuff. Isn't the lady a bit of a slut? her boyfriend is dead less than five hours and she's already flirting with someone else.
Yeah, but he was "evil".

Did I miss the explanation of how he came out of the coma and knew about the guy that blew him up and where he was?
  • #13

lisab said:
The first scene: she's with her boyfriend in bed.

A few minutes later, in a different scene: she tells him she loves him. My first thought: Oh that guy is sooooo going to die.

A few minutes after that: he gets killed.


Edit: Oops - he didn't die. About the show... well, I didn't get that "X Files" feel from it.
Yeah, he died, the show ended with him being dead for 5 hours, if you caught all of the show, you know what that means...:eek:
  • #14

You can watch the first episode on line http://www.fox.com/fod/play.php?sh=fringe"
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  • #15

Well I just watched the encore. It looks pretty good. Kinda makes me wish that I knew more chemistry (never really liked chemistry).

Unfortunately, I've got a class until 9 on Tuesdays and won't be able to see the episodes until after they've aired.

The intro to the next episode looks kinda interesting...
  • #16

I watched it from larkspur's link. I thought it was pretty lame. Although the blond is kinda hot.
  • #17

I had my firefox window minimized when I went to watch television. I watched Fringe and got freaked out by next week's sneak peek. When I came back to my computer it said "Fringe-Mozilla Fire..." down in the tool bar and I thought what the heck? but it was just this thread.
  • #18

tribdog said:
I had my firefox window minimized when I went to watch television. I watched Fringe and got freaked out by next week's sneak peek. When I came back to my computer it said "Fringe-Mozilla Fire..." down in the tool bar and I thought what the heck? but it was just this thread.
I haven't seen the sneak peak of tomorrow night's episode, I heard it looks good.
  • #19


Oh boy!

The season premiere of House is tonight followed by Fringe.
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  • #20

Fringe was good. Yes, it's outlandish, it's science fiction, but it's done well. I can't say the same for the recent made for tv movie "Ba'Al, the storm god" on the science channel a few days ago. I couldn't stomach it, it was just SO BAD. I mean BAD. Like, REALLY BAD.

House was a disappointment after such an awesome season finale, but I won't give it away for those that haven't seen it.
  • #21

Dammit, I keep missing that new House. The marathon USA had this weekend was nice though
  • #22

binzing said:
Dammit, I keep missing that new House. The marathon USA had this weekend was nice though
Tonight was the season premiere for House. Is Cuddy the sexiest woman on tv? YES. Why does she always wear clothing that's at least one size too small? She has money, she could buy clothes that fit.

The positions that she gets into when talking to House are SO INAPPROPRIATE. I love it.
  • #23

House is pretty much how I am or would be. I can't wait to be old (ok, I can wait, but it will be fun) (and i mean like 75 or 80) I plan on being the most cantankerous old bastard...Ah, it'll be fun.
  • #24

Dilema, The new show, "The Mentalist" is on at the same time as Fringe. Tonight's episode of Fringe looks interesting, plus I don't want to miss the story line, but The Mentalist also looked interesting from the previews.

I don't have TIVO and I don't even have a recorder since I moved. Rats, which one should I watch?
  • #25

Eight minutes! What do I watch??

10 GOOBF cards for the person that has an answer in the next 8 minutes.
  • #26

Evo said:
Eight minutes! What do I watch??

10 GOOBF cards for the person that has an answer in the next 8 minutes.

I watched Fringe last night. Now I know why I never knew it existed. It's on Fox. I almost never watch Fox. They usually have crappy shows. I was a bit puzzled by it though. Is this another one like 24 where it's a continuing story line rather than completely distinct episodes? If so, I won't be watching much of it. I can't ever guarantee I can watch TV the same time and night every week, so give up on shows that require I watch every week to keep track of the plot, and never have a satisfactory conclusion. I guess they do that to hook viewers to come back every week, but that backfires with me, because as soon as you miss an episode or two, there's no point watching again since you're too lost.
  • #27

It's a continuing story line, but not as bad as Lost, which totallly lost me. I never got into 24 because I didn't watch it from the beginning. I think if you couldn't watch Fringe on a regular basis you'd miss enough that you wouldn't get some of the things they're working on as each episode gives you another piece of the puzzle.

You can watch the entire show online any time you want by going here, I just haven't downloaded the player. http://www.fox.com/fod/play.php?sh=fringe

Fringe won last night, BTW. I went to the other show during commercials and it wasn't as interesting.
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  • #28

I immediately switch channels at commercials, but I always forget what I was watching and what channel it was on. I'm going to stick with Fringe, even though I think calling some of the stuff they are doing as being "on the fringe" is pushing it. The real chart goes something like: Mainstream--fringe--crackpottery--Fox science.
  • #29

tribdog said:
The real chart goes something like: Mainstream--fringe--crackpottery--Fox science.


I really didn't understand what was going on with the old guy who had injected the younger guy with some sort of metal stuff. The old guy seemed rather nuts, and it seemed like everyone would still trust him to do whatever, even though I was pretty sure he was the one who belonged locked in a mental institution.

So, yeah, it seemed to start off with a premise of crackpot science, and then the outcome of the crackpottery was something that only Fox could conjure up.

It's definitely NOT a show for someone who can't completely suspend their disbelief when watching a show, or who would get annoyed by things that completely violate all known physical laws. There were parts that aren't even internally consistent. Like they were moving around those metal bits to different parts of the guy's brain with magnets to "tune him in" better, yet when they had stuck him into the MRI, which is a giant magnet, that didn't scramble the metal bits all over the place...whatever it was they were supposed to be doing to him.

I preferred House's brain but not brain, cancer but not cancer story line to what Fringe was doing. :rolleyes:
  • #30

I have a hard time watching House because of one episode. To diagnose a homeless woman who died he tasted her vomit soaked bag. There is no doctor in the world who is going to taste the vomit of a dead homeless person. Then he didn't even have to get the rabies shots at the end of the show, but they would have made him. Trust me I know. I had to go through the treatment and they really make a big deal about making sure you don't take any chances with rabies.
  • #31

Moonbear said:
I really didn't understand what was going on with the old guy who had injected the younger guy with some sort of metal stuff. The old guy seemed rather nuts, and it seemed like everyone would still trust him to do whatever, even though I was pretty sure he was the one who belonged locked in a mental institution.
That was explained in the first episode. The old man was was a brilliant scientist at Harvard that became involved in some weird fringe military experiments in the 1970's. He either went crazy or they "made" him crazy, it's not clear, they just got him out of the mental institution since what is happening now appears to be a continuation of his original work by someone else. During his lucid moments he remembers enough to answer some questions.

The people writing and producing this show
J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, and Robert Orci (series creators; also are writing the upcoming Star Trek flick) are co-developing the story-line for the comic as well as its artwork. Staff writers include Zack Whedon, Julia Cho, and Mike Johnson (Batman/Superman),
So, it's science-fiction along that line.

Related to Did anyone watch Fringe show tonight?

1. What is the premise of the Fringe show?

The Fringe show follows a team of FBI agents and scientists as they investigate strange and unexplained phenomena, often with a scientific or technological basis.

2. Is Fringe based on real science?

While the show does incorporate real scientific concepts and theories, it also takes creative liberties for the sake of storytelling.

3. How many seasons of Fringe are there?

There are five seasons of Fringe, with a total of 100 episodes.

4. Who are the main characters in Fringe?

The main characters are FBI agent Olivia Dunham, scientist Walter Bishop, and his son, Peter Bishop.

5. Can Fringe be watched without seeing previous episodes?

While each episode has its own standalone plot, there are overarching storylines and character development that may be missed if not watched in order.

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