Determining Relative Position of Space Object to Earth

In summary, the conversation discusses a project involving determining the relative position of a space object to the Earth using data from a NASA API. The participant is willing to research and learn the necessary math and formulas, but wants to ensure that the information they have is sufficient. They also discuss the possibility of calculating the distance of the space object from the Earth, moon, and sun, as well as the importance of the object's orbit and whether it is for professional purposes. The conversation ends with a suggestion to use Google for further information on the necessary calculations.
  • #1

i'm doing a project where the goal is to get the relative position of a space object to the earth, roughly. Basically, i want to say that this object is currently e.g. above New York.

The data for any given space object that i have is

(It's sourced from an NASA API). The specific values are not important, just an example object.

I know nothing about how orbits are calculated and such, but I'm a pretty math-savvy guy and i'd be willing to research and learn it myself. But i don't want to spend 3 days digging into this stuff only to realize that what i want to do is not possible with the information i have.

So basically my question is the title. Also if you want to give me some pointers which of those values are important to me that would be amazing too.

Thanks in advance!

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  • #2
I think that if you want the relative position of it in relation to other space objects like the earth, the sun, the moon then first i think it has to stay in the same relative position. But the Earth and the moon are moving. Their positions change.

If you want you can calculate the distances of the space object from the moon, the sun and the earth. This i think may give you somehow its position relative to those space objects. The mathematical formula for the distance of two points(earth and the space object for example) in three dimensions of euclidean space is d=((x1-y1)2+ (x2-y2)2+(x3-y 3)2)1/2 where x=(x1,x2,x3) and y=(y1,y2,y3) are the coordinates of the points.

You substitute in the coordinates of x,y the corresponding coordinates of your space objects and you have their distance. If you have the distance of this space object from the Earth's ground is this ok?

If you want the orbit of a space object, i think its path to be an orbit it has to be regular repeating around another space object. Check the formulas of orbital mechanics if you want. Is it an elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic orbit? Is it a free or conic orbit?

Is this for professional purposes? You have a professional project on this? It may not be for professional purposes i am just asking.

I do not know if i helped. I hope i did.
  • #3
Py3_3 said:
Basically, i want to say that this object is currently e.g. above New York.

This should be fairly straight forward. The orbital data from NASA should allow you to calculate the right ascension and declination of an object at the current (or any other) time. Once you have the RA and Dec you can calculate the longitude and latitude of the point on the Earth where the object is at zenith.

I don't have references, but Google will give you the math and code examples for doing this.
  • #4
I think what i wrote is not applicable about the distances of these space objects because someone should have their coordinates in a coordinate system. I am sorry for that.

Related to Determining Relative Position of Space Object to Earth

1. How do scientists determine the relative position of a space object to Earth?

Scientists use a variety of techniques, such as radar, optical telescopes, and radio telescopes, to track the movement of space objects and calculate their position relative to Earth.

2. Why is it important to determine the relative position of space objects to Earth?

Knowing the relative position of space objects is important for a variety of reasons, including predicting potential collisions with Earth and understanding the movements and orbits of celestial bodies.

3. Can scientists determine the relative position of space objects in real time?

Yes, with advanced technology and tracking systems, scientists are able to determine the relative position of space objects in real time.

4. How accurate are the measurements of the relative position of space objects?

The accuracy of the measurements depends on the technology and techniques used, but in general, scientists are able to make very precise calculations and measurements of the relative position of space objects.

5. Are there any challenges or limitations to determining the relative position of space objects to Earth?

Yes, there are some challenges and limitations, such as atmospheric interference and the distance of the space object from Earth, which can affect the accuracy of the measurements. Additionally, some space objects may have irregular or unpredictable orbits, making it more difficult to determine their relative position.

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