Detailed list of all known human ancestors

In summary: Earth.In summary, Carl Sagan's Cosmos video is a good introduction to the history of human evolution. However, the table of human ancestors in Wikipedia does not have the level of detail that OP is looking for. There are many gaps in our knowledge of the divergence of human species, and it is likely that the picture will become even more complex in the next few hundred years.
  • #1
Hi everyone,
In Carl Sagan's Cosmos there's a short animation video illustrating the shape of all human ancestors, starting from single cell organisms, morphing towards the modern humans. I've searched for a complete list of known human ancestors like that one, but I couldn't find anything like that. Is such a list available? Does anyone know? I believe we should have a lot of info on that...
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  • #2
letsplay14me said:
Hi everyone,
In Carl Sagan's Cosmos there's a short animation video illustrating the shape of all human ancestors, starting from single cell organisms, morphing towards the modern humans. I've searched for a complete list of known human ancestors like that one, but I couldn't find anything like that. Is such a list available? Does anyone know? I believe we should have a lot of info on that...
Welcome to the PF.:smile:

When I do a google search on List of All Known Human Ancestors, I seem to get some pretty good hits. Even the Wikipedia article would seem to address the list you are looking for, right?
  • #3
berkeman said:
Welcome to the PF.:smile:

When I do a google search on List of All Known Human Ancestors, I seem to get some pretty good hits. Even the Wikipedia article would seem to address the list you are looking for, right?

Thanks for the reply berkeman. I am specifically looking for all ancestors, not just hominids. And also, only ancestors, not cousins etc. I found this very helpful:[3425-EVO animation]/0/
  • #4
letsplay14me said:
Thanks for the reply berkeman. I am specifically looking for all ancestors, not just hominids. And also, only ancestors, not cousins etc. I found this very helpful:[3425-EVO animation]/0/
But this table from the Wikipedia link appears to start with single-cell organisms and steps up to modern humans:

Wikipedia Human Taxonomy.jpg
  • #5
If you trace along the right margin of the tree diagram in the Wikipedia article referenced by Berkeman you will see the line to humans bypasses reptiles, amphibians and true fish and goes directly from protomammals through several ancestoral taxons of these classes to Selachii (old name). This taxon included sharks and rays. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that our direct ancestor might have looked something like a shark.

I don't think you're going to find a record as detailed as you seem to want. At the genus and specie level, the record is simply not known at that level of detail.

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  • #6
It should be noted that there are still many missing links leading to the divergence of modern humans. We are certain there are species that we have not uncovered yet, and even the current classification of some of the Homo genus/tribe classifications are under debate. We should expect a very different, but more complete picture to emerge within the next few hundred years. We know too little right now. Maybe one day we will have a picture detailing the exact routes of evolution, down to the geographical locations and breeding events. Combining anthropology and computational mathematics seems to be the key here.
  • #7
As Fervent Freyja says, our knowledge of the divergence of species, even within primates, has a lot of holes. Also, I'm having to get used to a lot of taxonomic reorganization since I first studied this stuff. This description of our more recent ancestors within the class Mammalia is interesting. Although dogs and cats are highly domesticated, they are not that close to us within the class. Our closest non-primate mammalian relatives incude rabbits, tree shrews and rodents

You can click on various taxon or clade names in the decending tree diagram to get more detail.

"The common ancestor of Boreoeutheria lived between 100 and 80 million years ago. The boreoeutherian ancestor gave rise to species as diverse as giraffe, dog, mouse, bat, whale and humans. The concept of boreoeutherian ancestor was first proposed in 2004 in the journal Genome Research.[2][3] The genome sequence of the boreoeutherian ancestor can be computationally predicted with high accuracy. It is estimated to contain three billion base pairs."[2]
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  • #8
A good site for what the OP is looking for might be the Tree of Life web project:

For example, you can start on the page for Hominidae (, read about our closest relatives, then click on the left arrow on the tree diagram to explore the wider taxonomic groups containing humans (e.g. Catarrhini, primates, Eutheria, etc.). Of course, the last common ancestor of each grouping has gone extinct, so you'd have to infer the characteristics of that ancestor from the characteristics of the different extant and extinct species derived from that ancestor.

You could also start from the beginning ( and click down the branches until you reach humans, which can be a fun exercise.
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  • #9
letsplay14me said:
Thanks for the reply berkeman. I am specifically looking for all ancestors, not just hominids. And also, only ancestors, not cousins etc.

It would help if you stated for what capacity you want to know this information. Do you want to trace the evolution of skeletal anatomy, neuroanatomy, biochemical evolution, etc? As others have stated in this thread, there isn't a specific list of all ancestors. There is a thread of biological evolution that we can trace from single-celled organisms through to modern humans, but we can't name specific organisms in that pathway because such archetypal characters had an ephemeral presence in the phyletic line you are seeking. They are transitional forms and for the most part we do not have much of a fossil record of them. Most of the fossil history we have are of the stable-form mold which represent short or long branches from that threaded line.

This however, is the fossil record, if you're looking for a genetic trace, we can do much better. But it's not going to be a discrete list of "ancestors" or even ancestral forms, as it seems you are looking for..You're going to have to know your genomics.
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Related to Detailed list of all known human ancestors

1. What is a detailed list of all known human ancestors?

A detailed list of all known human ancestors is a comprehensive record of all species and individuals that are believed to have evolved into modern humans. This list includes both extinct and extant species, as well as their estimated time of existence and presumed relationships to each other.

2. Why is it important to have a detailed list of all known human ancestors?

Having a detailed list of all known human ancestors is important because it allows us to understand the evolutionary history of our species and how we came to be. It also helps us to better understand our place in the natural world and our relationship to other species.

3. How is a detailed list of all known human ancestors created?

A detailed list of all known human ancestors is created through a combination of fossil evidence, genetic analysis, and comparative anatomy. Scientists use these methods to piece together the evolutionary relationships between different species and individuals.

4. Is there a consensus among scientists about the detailed list of all known human ancestors?

While there is general agreement among scientists about the overall picture of human evolution, there is ongoing debate and new discoveries are constantly being made that may alter the current understanding of the detailed list of all known human ancestors.

5. Are there any gaps in the detailed list of all known human ancestors?

Yes, there are still many gaps in our knowledge of human evolution and the detailed list of all known human ancestors. This is due to the incomplete nature of the fossil record and the fact that new discoveries are constantly being made. However, ongoing research and advancements in technology are helping to fill in these gaps and improve our understanding of human evolution.

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