Deriving E=mc^2 from relativistic doppler effect

In summary, the equation E=mc^2 is derived from the relativistic doppler effect. It uses energy-momentum conservation and the relativistic definition of (invariant) mass. Before the emission of the two photons, the four-momentum of the body is ##p=(M c^2,0,0,0)##. Afterwards, it's ##p'=(M c^2-E,0,0,0)## and the mass after the emission. The modern way to introduce special relativity is to start with an analysis of the possible realizations of the symmetries of space-time. Roughly the assumptions are: For an inertial observer space and
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  • #3
Yes, it's correct, but a bit complicated. Using energy-momentum conservation and the relativistic definition of (invariant) mass, it's much more clear. Before the emission of the two photons the four-momentum of the body is ##p=(M c^2,0,0,0)##. Afterwards, it's ##p'=(M c^2-E,0,0,0)## and the mass after the emission
##M'^2 c^4=p'^2=(Mc^2-E)^2##, which implies that ##M'=M-E/c^2##. You don't need two reference frames and not this somewhat problematic non-relatistic approximation for the momentum of the body in the other reference frame.
  • #4
In the wikipedia page there is this formula

Here it says that P' should be 0 but shouldn't it stay Mv since there is no change from the previous scenario?

Also in vanhees71's reply, why is the momentum p Mc2?

I got this question from a problem that says use the relativistic doppler effect( which said f=f0(√(1-v/c)/(1+v/c)) for an object that moves at velocity v and sees light with frequency f from a stationary object). The problem said that a stationary object emits photon of E/2 to x and -x direction. In rest frame there is no change in momentum but in the frame of the moving object there is a difference in energy for the two photons and therefore a difference in momentum. However the stationary object does not move, this means that the loss in momentum is not a loss in v but in m.
  • #5
I'm only using covariant quantities, i.e., when I write the four-momentum of a classical particle (or an on-shell quantum of a asymptotic free field) I have
or, as in my previous post, this quantity multiplied by ##c##. I'm not so familiar with how to distribute the factors of ##c## since in my daily work, ##c=1## ;-)). I also use always and without exception the invariant mass defined as the scalar quantity
$$M^2 c^2=p \cdot p=\frac{E^2}{c^2}-\vec{p}^2 \; \Leftrightarrow \; E=c \sqrt{m^2 c^2+\vec{p}^2}.$$
The Wikipedia "derivation" uses a quite questionable non-relativistic approximation. I think that's dangerous.

The modern way to introduce special relativity is to start with an analysis of the possible realizations of the symmetries of space-time. Roughly the assumptions are: For an inertial observer space and time are homogeneous and space isotropic, and the physical laws are the same in any inertial reference frame. Analyzing these assumptions leads to the conclusion that there are two kinds of spacetime manifolds that realize these symmetries, and that's the Galilei-Newton spacetime (a fiber bundle) and the Einstein-Minkowski spacetime (a pseudo-Euclidean affine manifold). Observable facts indicate that the latter is a far better approximation of the spacetime describing nature.

The Wikipedia example for the change of the (invariant!) mass of a composite body due to realease of energy in form of two ##\gamma## quanta is a very nice example, which of course can (and in my opinion must!) be analyzed in a fully relativistic exact way. That's simply energy-momentum conservation and the use of a proper orthochronous Lorentz boost. The assumption is that in the rest frame of the body two photons with exactly the same momentum are emitted from the body due to, e.g., some decay of a particle (at rest) in it (my favorite is ##\pi^0 \rightarrow \gamma \gamma## ;-)).

In this rest frame we have the four-momentum of the body ##p_B=(M c,0,0,0)## before the decay and ##p_B'=(M' c,0,0,0)## after the decay. The two photons have momenta ##q_1=(|\vec{q}_1|,\vec{q}_1)## and ##q_2=(|\vec{q}_1|,-\vec{q}_1).## Note that the photons have four-momenta as if they were particles of (invariant) mass 0.

Then the energy-momentum conservation tells you that
$$p_B=p_B' + q_1+q_2 \; \Rightarrow \; (M c,0,0,0)=(M'c,0,0,0)+(2|\vec{q}_1|,0,0,0).$$
You get the (invariant) mass of the body after the decay by
$$M'^2 c^2=p_B' \cdot p_B'=(p_B-q_1-q_2)^2=(M c - 2 |\vec{q}|_1)^2$$
where ##E_{\gamma}=2|\vec{q}_1|c## is the total energy of carried off by the two photons.

Now going to another frame via a Lorentz boost doesn't change anything with this calculation, but the observer will see one photon blue and the other photon red shifted, but the energy-momentum balance will hold exactly true, and that's why the invariant mass before and after the decay will come out exactly the same. You don't even need to do the somewhat involved calculation, because what I did above is to use only covariant four-vector manipulations and also defined the invariant mass as an invariant Minkowski product of the four-momentum vectors of the body and the two photons before and/or after the decay.

Have a look at my SR FAQ, which I've started to write for this forum. You can download it from here:

Related to Deriving E=mc^2 from relativistic doppler effect

1. How is the relativistic Doppler effect related to E=mc^2?

The relativistic Doppler effect is a phenomenon that describes the change in frequency of light or sound waves as the source or observer moves at speeds close to the speed of light. This effect is an essential component in the derivation of Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, which states that energy (E) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c^2).

2. Can you explain the steps involved in deriving E=mc^2 from the relativistic Doppler effect?

The derivation of E=mc^2 from the relativistic Doppler effect involves several mathematical equations and concepts from special relativity, including time dilation, length contraction, and the Lorentz transformation. It begins by considering a moving object emitting light waves and observing the change in frequency as perceived by a stationary observer. By equating the change in energy of the light waves to the change in kinetic energy of the object, the equation E=mc^2 is derived.

3. What is the significance of E=mc^2 in the field of physics?

E=mc^2 is one of the most famous equations in physics and has significant implications in the fields of energy, mass, and the relationship between the two. It is essential in understanding the concept of mass-energy equivalence, which states that mass and energy are two forms of the same entity and can be converted into one another. This equation also plays a crucial role in nuclear physics and the development of nuclear energy.

4. Are there any real-life applications of the relativistic Doppler effect and E=mc^2?

Yes, there are several real-life applications of both the relativistic Doppler effect and E=mc^2. The relativistic Doppler effect is used in various technologies, such as GPS systems, satellite communications, and medical imaging. E=mc^2 is the fundamental equation behind nuclear energy and is also used in particle accelerators, nuclear reactors, and nuclear weapons.

5. Can E=mc^2 be used to explain the existence of mass in the universe?

Yes, E=mc^2 can be used to explain the existence of mass in the universe. According to this equation, mass is equivalent to a large amount of energy, and the conversion between the two can occur under certain conditions. This concept helps explain the formation of mass in the early universe and the role of mass in the formation of stars and galaxies.

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