In summary: Your Name]In summary, the concept of large-scale isotropy is fundamental in cosmology but is often defined vaguely. To develop a formal definition, we need to consider the concepts of statistical homogeneity and scale invariance. Additionally, using ##\Sigma_t## as a hypersurface of constant time can be useful in studying large-scale structures in the universe. It is important to have a clear understanding of large-scale isotropy in order to accurately interpret our observations of the universe.
  • #1
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This Insight is part of my attempt to develop a formal definition of ‘large-scale isotropy’, a concept that is fundamental to most cosmology, but that is nowhere that I have seen properly defined.
The definitions of isotropy are as precise as one could wish, but the ‘large-scale’ bit is in every case I have seen just a hand-wave. It turns out that it’s quite messy to try to make that ‘large-scale’ notion precise.
I made a thread on it, which is here.
It is possible that everything below is in that thread, in more up-to-date and better versions. But I am not sure, and as I don’t have time to check before the blogs are deleted, I’m posting the material below just in case.
If you’re interested in this topic, I’d suggest going to the linked thread first, and then only coming back to this post if there are links in the thread to it.
First, define ##\Sigma_t## as the hypersurface of constant time t in the foliation.
##d(t,P,Q)## is the length of the shortest path in ##\Sigma_t## from...

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  • #2
Thank you for bringing up the topic of large-scale isotropy in cosmology. I understand the importance of defining and understanding this concept in order to accurately interpret our observations of the universe.

After reading your post and following the link to your thread, I have a few suggestions for how we can approach this problem. First, I think it would be helpful to define what we mean by "large-scale" in the context of cosmology. Are we referring to scales on the order of galaxies, clusters of galaxies, or even larger structures? This will give us a starting point for our definition.

Next, I agree with your use of ##\Sigma_t## as the hypersurface of constant time t in the foliation. This is a useful tool for studying the large-scale structure of the universe.

In terms of defining large-scale isotropy, I think we need to consider the idea of statistical homogeneity. This means that on large scales, the distribution of matter and energy in the universe is the same in all directions. In other words, there are no preferred directions or locations on these large scales. This concept is closely related to isotropy and can help us define it more precisely.

Another approach could be to consider the concept of scale invariance. This means that the laws of physics remain the same at different scales. If we can show that the laws of physics are the same on large scales, then we can argue for large-scale isotropy.

I hope these suggestions are helpful in developing a formal definition of large-scale isotropy. As you mentioned, this is a fundamental concept in cosmology and it is important to have a clear understanding of it. I look forward to continuing this discussion and seeing where it leads.


Related to Defining Large-Scale Isotropy: A Formal Definition

1. What is large-scale isotropy?

Large-scale isotropy refers to the property of a system or phenomenon being the same in all directions on a large scale. This means that the system or phenomenon appears the same regardless of the direction it is observed from.

2. How is large-scale isotropy different from small-scale isotropy?

Large-scale isotropy is a property that applies to a system or phenomenon on a large scale, while small-scale isotropy applies to a smaller scale. Small-scale isotropy means that the system or phenomenon appears the same regardless of the direction it is observed from on a smaller scale, but this may not be true on a larger scale.

3. Why is it important to define large-scale isotropy formally?

Formally defining large-scale isotropy allows for a clear and precise understanding of the concept and its applications. It also provides a basis for testing and verifying the presence of large-scale isotropy in various systems and phenomena.

4. What are some examples of systems or phenomena that exhibit large-scale isotropy?

Some examples include the cosmic microwave background radiation, the distribution of galaxies in the universe, and the large-scale structure of the universe. These systems and phenomena appear the same regardless of the direction they are observed from on a large scale.

5. How is large-scale isotropy related to the cosmological principle?

The cosmological principle states that the universe is homogeneous (the same everywhere) and isotropic (the same in all directions). Large-scale isotropy is a manifestation of the isotropy aspect of the cosmological principle, as it refers to the universe appearing the same in all directions on a large scale.

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