Dark matter or just unobservable?

In summary, Jonjo is new to physics and has a strong interest in dark matter and energy. They have a theory based on dimensional particle abstraction and are looking for literature on the topic. Although there have been previous studies on higher dimensional solutions, it is a challenging area of research due to experimental constraints and lack of testable predictions. However, work is ongoing in this field.
  • #1
I’m new to these forums and indeed physics as a practice. Although physics has always interested me, it has only been later in life that I have started to invest time in it and started a degree course in my spare time. I do have a propensity for coming at things from odd directions and so please don’t get too annoyed at a maybe silly question.

I like many, am interested in the question of dark mater and energy. However, none of the theories seem to completely explain the observed. WIMPs have been favourite for some time, but appear to have been hypothesised because the known candidate, Neutrinos, do not have the necessary mass.

However, what I have been unable to find (and am hoping you can point me in the direction of) is a theory based on dimensional particle abstraction (my term).

We understand from string theory the concept of multiple dimensions containing branes etc. If one thinks of a two dimension being, existing in a 2d universe, then any object traveling in the plane of a third dimension would not be directly observable by the 2d being. The object may be seen to affect the 2d universe and this effect could indeed be measured. We have all seen the demonstration of warping of space/time using a stretched rubber sheet and ball. If we consider a being existing on a 2d universe represented by the sheet, then that being will observe the effect the ball has on his universe (stretching), but will have no concept of the ball, it’s shape or how to measure it.

We assume that after the big bang, all matter expanded into a three dimensional universe plus space/time. This is assumed because it is observable; the background radiation from the event can be directly measured. However, if the big bang spewed out matter and energy in 5+ dimensions, we may only have observed the tip of an iceberg. All particles at their most elemental may move between these dimensions, existing and ‘not existing’ in an observable manner. Might not matter itself work in the similar way? Any particle existing or moving purely in say a 5th dimension would still have mass and therefore affect and be affected by gravity, but would not necessarily interact with matter existing in a 3d universe and would be invisible. However, it would still coalesce with observable matter due to gravitational attraction.

I’m sure this has already been debunked, but would still like to see any literature concerning it. Was there a theory and if so, does anyone know the name?

Sorry for what might be a really naive question.

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  • #2
Jonjo said:
However, if the big bang spewed out matter and energy in 5+ dimensions, we may only have observed the tip of an iceberg.

Welcome to PhysicsForums, Jonjo!

If I remember correctly, Kaluza & Klein introduced a 5 dimensional theory as early as 1919. There have been lots of studies of higher dimensional solutions, and in fact these are on-going and an active area of research. However, such theories have severe constraints because we have a lot of experimental requirements (i.e. they must otherwise lead to identical predictions for the "tip" we actually see). Unfortunately, that rules out most.

To get anywhere with such a theory, you need to come up with an experimentally testable prediction that separates it from standard 4-D. Or solve some thorny outstanding theoretical problem. There are a number of theories that postulate "rolled up" dimensions, and you often see 10-D or 11-D as candidates. But despite having a lot of potential, these theories (string, LQG, etc.) have yet to produce anything very convincing. But work proceeds. :)

Related to Dark matter or just unobservable?

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a type of matter that is believed to make up about 27% of the universe. It does not emit or absorb light, making it invisible and difficult to detect. Its existence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter.

2. How is dark matter different from regular matter?

Dark matter differs from regular matter in that it does not interact with electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible. It also does not emit or absorb light, making it difficult to detect using traditional telescopes.

3. What is the evidence for the existence of dark matter?

The evidence for the existence of dark matter comes from observations of the rotation and movement of galaxies and galaxy clusters. The observed gravitational effects on visible matter cannot be explained by the amount of regular matter present, leading scientists to propose the existence of dark matter.

4. How do scientists study dark matter?

Scientists study dark matter through various methods, including using gravitational lensing to indirectly detect its presence, studying the movement of galaxies and galaxy clusters, and conducting experiments with particle accelerators to try and produce dark matter particles.

5. Is dark matter the same as dark energy?

No, dark matter and dark energy are two distinct phenomena. Dark matter is a type of matter that has mass and exerts a gravitational force, while dark energy is a theoretical form of energy that is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.

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