Covariant quantum field theories

In summary: A_0 \psi \ =\ 0Thus the charge oscillates in phase with the local potential as a result of the covariant interaction term. As a result energy conservationis preserved.I hope this helps!In summary, the conversation revolved around the concept of a covariant field theory and its relationship to Lorentz invariant field theories. The Structure Decomposition Principle was discussed as well as the need for creation and annihilation operators in covariant theories. The homogeneous Lorentz group and the generally covariant homogeneous group GL(R,4) were also mentioned. The question of whether GL(R,4) is unitarizable and if there is a concept of a covariant field were raised, along with
  • #1
Jim Kata
I am not as well read as most of the people in here so I thought I would ask you guys first. What work has been done in the way of developing a covariant field theory? I'm going to ramble for just a little bit so try to follow. It seems to me that QFT is built on two principles Poincare invariance and the Structure Decomposition Principle. A covariant field theory, in my opinion, would be built on basically the same two things except this time it would be General covariance and the Structure Decomposition Principle. The structure decomposition principle implies, in my mind, the need for creation and annihilation operators, and the covariant part would require the generalization of the concept of a field. I am referring to this generalization as a covariant field. The homogeneous Lorentz group is O(3,1) and the corresponding generally covariant homogeneous group, at least locally, is GL(R,4). I guess my question is: is GL(R,4) unitarizable? Have people come up with the concept of a covariant field? If they have, why did it not work? Is it non-renormalizable, power counting sense? The reason I ask is because I think I have a covariant field theory. It's not completely done yet.
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  • #2
Perhaps you might find the textbook "Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime and Blackhole Thermodynamics" by Wald useful.
  • #3
olgranpappy said:
Perhaps you might find the textbook "Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime and Blackhole Thermodynamics" by Wald useful.
I think that Jim Kata has something different in mind.

By the way, I was also involved in a problem of constructing a covariant field theory:
but it does not seem to be what he has in mind either.
  • #4
Jim Kata said:
I am not as well read as most of the people in here so I thought I would ask you guys first. What work has been done in the way of developing a covariant field theory? I'm going to ramble ...

In 1948, P.G. Bergmann and co-workers, at Syracuse university, started a massive program concerned with the formulation of covariant quantum field theories. Over a period of 12 years, they produced a great work about the subject. The Syracuse's program, I strongly believe, is a must read for anyone interested in the covariant formalism! I would be surprised if you have never seen the following;

P.G. Bergmann, Phys.Rev.75,680(1949).
Bergmann & Brunings, Rev.Mod.Phys,21,480(1949).
Bergmann, Penfield, Schiller & Zatzkis, Phys.Rev,80,81(1950).
Anderson & Bergmann, Phys.Rev,83,1018(1951).
Begmann & Schiller,Phys.Rev.89,4(1953).
J.N.Goldberg, Phys.Rev.89,263(1953).
Bergmann & Thomson, Phys.Rev.89,400(1953).
Goldberg, Phys.Rev.99,1873(1955).
Bergmann,Goldberg,Janis & Newman, Phys.Rev.103,807(1956).
Anderson, Phys.Rev.112,1826(1958).


  • #5
Im a little confused by what you mean Jim. Write down the difference between a lorentz invariant field theory and a covariant field theory explicitly. I think we have different terminology in mind.

My main objection to not using SL(2,C) as the main isometry group of spacetime, is the fact that the irreducible unitary representations of whatever else you use (if they even exist) would either not match the known particle spectrum and properties, or imply extra unobserved transformation properties.
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  • #6
Thanks for the help

I posted this question on a different forum, and didn't really get a good reply, but I typed up my argument in Latex on there. So instead of re-typing the whole thing, I'll just give you the url to the question:

I have way more than what I've written in this link, and I am working on typing it in post script right now, but I suck at Latex so it's going to take me a while to finish it. But when I do, I'll let you take a look, and tell me a.) what I did wrong or b.) who did it before me.

Another question, what tags to do you use to write LaTeX in these forums?
  • #7
Jim Kata said:
I posted this question on a different forum, and didn't really get a good reply, but I typed up my argument in Latex on there. So instead of re-typing the whole thing, I'll just give you the url to the question:

I have way more than what I've written in this link, and I am working on typing it in post script right now, but I suck at Latex so it's going to take me a while to finish it. But when I do, I'll let you take a look, and tell me a.) what I did wrong or b.) who did it before me.

Another question, what tags to do you use to write LaTeX in these forums?

It seems you are reading Weinberg volume I, (which is not really advisable
as an introduction...) Weinberg uses the term "Structure Decomposition
Principle" to state that experiments done in CERN are not correlated to
experiments done in Stanford at the same time.

All Quantum Field Theories involving interaction are covariant theories, and
only free particles are Lorentz (Poincaré) invariant without covariant terms.
I do not see why the General Linear groups should be related to covariant
theories.Regards, Hans
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  • #8
Covariance results in the most elementary sense from locality. To explain
this a bit look at the following: Let a photon with a linear polarization in
the x direction [itex]\epsilon = (0, A_x, 0, 0)[/itex] arrive at the wave function of an electron
at rest. How will this modify the phase of the electron's wave function in
the x-direction?

Answer: It doesn't, because of locality. The increase in spatial frequency
is nullified by the covariant interaction term:

[tex] \partial_x \psi - ieA_x \psi \ =\ 0[/tex]

One expects the charge density to be accelerated in the x-direction
as a result of the changing vector potential [itex]E = -\partial A_x /\partial t[/itex], it does indeed
accelerate but the corresponding spatial deBroglie frequency is nullified.

If this wasn't the case then the phase would be dependent on an
instantaneous integration over all of x, meaning that arbitrary distant
events would be of direct influence on the phase of the wave function.
This is similar to the well known fact that a charge in a central potential
has an energy which is independent of the local potential. A particle
descending in the potential well acquires a kinetic energy equal but
opposite to the lowered potential energy.

[tex] \partial_t \psi - ieV \psi \ =\ 0[/tex]

In the latter case there is a phase change in space for instance
corresponding with the angular momentum. In the first case the
energy of the electron does change as well as the phase in the
This all means that the wave-function of the electron is not longer
Lorentz invariant, but it does become so again when combined
together with the interaction term. Covariant stands for: together
being Lorentz invariant.

Technically the derivatives have to be replaced by the covariant
derivatives to make the interacting theory Lorentz invariant again:

[tex] \partial_\mu \psi \ \rightarrow\ \partial_\mu \psi - ieA_\mu \psi [/tex]Regards, Hans
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  • #9
response to Hans

This is in response to Hans. What me and you are talking about are two different things, but in the same jest. What you wrote down is called the covariant derivative, but that's not the meaning of covariant to which I am referring. Maybe, I used poor terminology, but I referring to covariant in the sense that a vector transforms like [tex]\bar p^\alpha = \frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}{{\partial x^\beta }}p^\beta [/tex]. The reason I'm working with [tex]Gl(4,\mathbb{R})[/tex] and not [tex]\frac{{SL(2,\mathbb{C})}}{{Z_2 }}[/tex] is because I'm considering coordinate changes of the the form
[tex]\frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}{{\partial x^\beta }}[/tex] not Lorentz transformations. And to my knowledge the group that represents [tex]\frac{{\partial \bar x^\alpha }}{{\partial x^\beta }}[/tex] is [tex]Gl(4,\mathbb{R})[/tex]. To illustrate what I mean by a covariant field theory, consider the following. All massive fields obey the the Klein Gordon equation [tex][\partial ^\mu \partial _\mu - m^2 ]\psi _l[/tex], well a covariant field theory would obey the same equation except you'd have [tex]
[g^{\mu \tau } \partial _\mu \partial _\tau - m^2 ]\psi _l[/tex] not
[tex][\eta ^{\mu \tau } \partial _\mu \partial _\tau - m^2 ]\psi _l[/tex]. I think my real problem is that I am not very well read on the history of the approaches to quantum gravity. I am sure this has been tried before.
  • #10
Hi Jim, there's something a little fishy about this business, but I am not going to dwell on it b/c I think I might be off. It seems to me Gl(4,R) wants a linear non symmetric connection to transform properly, but again I think I have something different in mind.

Anyway, I think what you are trying to do is to extend the poincare group to the general affine group GA(4,R) ~ GL(4,R) + translations.

I looked up a reference and it seems Y Ne'eman has done a lot of work on this subject. You can try this:

Ne'eman et al, GL(4,R) (bar) group topology, covariance and curved space spinors Int J Mod physics. A2 (1987) 1655

I gather the difficulty with the whole program is getting the double cover to work out for fermions, but there's probably a reference there to the simpler boson case. Its likely old stuff tho, so you'd have to do some journal hunting. Good luck
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  • #11
Jim Kata said:

:smile: I think you need to know few things about GL(n,R), the set of real n by n matrices with nonvanishing determinant. It consists of two open subsets, the matrices of negative and positive determinant. It is of dimension [tex]n^{2}[/tex] , not compact, not connected, not simply connected and nonabelian (n>2). It has no finite dimensional spinor representation ( SO(n) is the maximal compact Lie subgroup of GL(n,R). It has no unitary representation(unitary matrices U(n) form a subset of GL(n.R))

The Lie algebra of GL(n,R) is given by;

[tex] \left [ X_{ab}, X_{cd} \right] = \delta_{bc} X_{ad} - \delta_{da} X_{cb}[/tex]


[tex]X_{ab} = | a \rangle \langle b |[/tex]

or,if you like,

[tex]X_{ab} = x_{a}\partial_{b}[/tex]

Clearly the generators are not self-adjoint;

[tex]X_{ab} \neq X^{\dagger}_{ab}[/tex]


[tex]\exp (i \omega^{ab}X_{ab}) [/tex]

is not unitary!:wink:



Related to Covariant quantum field theories

1. What is a covariant quantum field theory?

A covariant quantum field theory is a mathematical framework used to describe the behavior of elementary particles and their interactions. It combines principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity to study the behavior of particles at a subatomic level.

2. How is a covariant quantum field theory different from a non-covariant one?

In a non-covariant quantum field theory, the equations and laws are not invariant under Lorentz transformations, which describe how measurements of space and time appear to different observers. In a covariant theory, these laws and equations are invariant, allowing for a more consistent and accurate description of particle interactions.

3. What are some examples of covariant quantum field theories?

Some examples of covariant quantum field theories include the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the interactions of elementary particles, and Quantum Electrodynamics, which describes the interactions between charged particles and electromagnetic fields.

4. Why is it important to study covariant quantum field theories?

Studying covariant quantum field theories is important because they provide a fundamental framework for understanding the behavior of particles and their interactions. They also allow for the prediction and testing of new particles and phenomena, and have practical applications in fields such as particle accelerators and cosmology.

5. What are some current challenges or unanswered questions in the study of covariant quantum field theories?

Some current challenges and unanswered questions in the study of covariant quantum field theories include the unification of all fundamental forces, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the development of a theory of quantum gravity. Additionally, there are ongoing efforts to improve the precision and accuracy of calculations within these theories, and to better understand the role of symmetry in particle interactions.

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