Conservation Laws and Symmetries Particle Physics

In summary: Energy of π0 mesonE = 350 MeVRest mass Energy of π0 mesonE0 = 135 MeVAccording to the problem statement, the kinetic energy is 350 MeV. The total energy, E, is the kinetic energy plus the rest mass energy.The initial momentum of the π0 is given by the equation: p = √(E^2 – Eo^2)/ c.p = √(350 MeV)^2 – (135 MeV)^2 / cIt wouldn't hurt to use parentheses or brackets in your notation.p = √(E^2 – Eo^2)/
  • #1
2) A π0 of kinetic energy 350 MeV decays in flight into 2 γ rays of equal energies. Determine the angles of the γ rays from the incident π0 direction.

Not sure where I am going wrong but my answer is not correct.

Energy of π0 meson
E = 350 MeV

Rest mass Energy of π0 meson
E0 = 135 MeV

Initial momentum of π0 meson
P = √E^2 – Eo^2 / c
P = √(350 MeV)^2 – (135 MeV)^2 / c
P = 322.9163978 MeV/c

Law of conservation of Energy
E = Egamma + Egamma
Egamma = E/2
Egamma = 350MeV/2
Egamma = 175 MeV

Angle of gamma ray
θ = cos-1(Pc / 2E)
θ = cos-1(322.9163978 MeV/c) c / (2)(175 MeV)
θ = cos-1(0.922618279)
θ = 22.688 degrees
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  • #2
highwayman1739 said:
2) A π0 of kinetic energy 350 MeV decays in flight into 2 γ rays of equal energies. Determine the angles of the γ rays from the incident π0 direction.

Not sure where I am going wrong but my answer is not correct.

Energy of π0 meson
E = 350 MeV

Rest mass Energy of π0 meson
E0 = 135 MeV
According to the problem statement, the kinetic energy is 350 MeV. The total energy, E, is the kinetic energy plus the rest mass energy.

Initial momentum of π0 meson
P = √E^2 – Eo^2 / c
It wouldn't hurt to use parentheses or brackets in your notation.

p = √(E^2 – Eo^2)/ c


p = √(E2 – Eo2)/ c


[itex] p = \frac{\sqrt{E^2 - E_0^2}}{c} [/itex]

P = √(350 MeV)^2 – (135 MeV)^2 / c

Here you need to add the rest mass energy to the kinetic energy to find the total energy, E. :wink:
  • #3
If I add kinetic energy and rest energy (350+135 = 485 MeV) and use this value for E my momentum seems to be to large (p = 465.83). Unless I am making another mistake in the part below.
θ = cos-1(Pc / 2E)
θ = cos-1(465.83 MeV/c) c / (2)(175 MeV)
θ = cos-1(1.33)(which cannot be )
  • #4
highwayman1739 said:
If I add kinetic energy and rest energy (350+135 = 485 MeV) and use this value for E my momentum seems to be to large (p = 465.83).
So far that looks right to me. :approve: Specifically, I got 465.83 MeV/c.

Unless I am making another mistake in the part below.
θ = cos-1(Pc / 2E)
That's almost right, but you're missing an additional factor of 2 in there somewhere. I see you've put one '2' in there already, presumably because each photon's contributes half of the total momentum in the x direction. But also remember that each photon contributes half the total energy too. I only see one of the factor of '2's in there.


There is another way to do this, which is the long way. Use the formula E = hc/λ, and solve the the wavelength of each photon (remember that each photon only contributes half the total energy. Then realize |p| = h/λ, and that the x-component of each photon's momentum, px = pcosθ = hcosθ/λ, contributes to half the total momentum of the original pion. (Don't worry about the momentums in the y-direction, they are equal and opposite, so they cancel.)

You'll end up with a cosθ = ratio, where the "ratio" is guaranteed to be be less than 1 (assuming the original pion had non-zero rest mass, which of course is true).

[Edit: corrected a mistake.]
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  • #5

The angles of the γ rays from the incident π0 direction are 22.688 degrees and 157.312 degrees. This is because the decay of the π0 meson into two γ rays is a symmetric process, where the two γ rays have equal energies and are emitted in opposite directions from the initial direction of the π0 meson. This conservation of energy and symmetry can be explained by the laws of conservation of energy and momentum, which are fundamental principles in particle physics. The angle of 22.688 degrees is the angle between one of the γ rays and the initial direction of the π0 meson, and the angle of 157.312 degrees is the angle between the other γ ray and the initial direction. This result is in accordance with the laws of conservation of energy and momentum, and demonstrates the importance of these laws in understanding the behavior of particles in particle physics experiments.

Related to Conservation Laws and Symmetries Particle Physics

1. What are conservation laws in particle physics?

Conservation laws in particle physics are fundamental principles that state that certain quantities, such as energy, momentum, and electric charge, are conserved in all physical interactions. This means that these quantities cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred or transformed between particles.

2. How are conservation laws related to symmetries in particle physics?

Conservation laws are closely related to symmetries in particle physics. Each conservation law is associated with a specific symmetry, such as time translation symmetry for conservation of energy or rotational symmetry for conservation of angular momentum. These symmetries dictate the behavior of particles and the laws of nature.

3. What is the role of conservation laws and symmetries in the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Standard Model of particle physics is built upon the principles of conservation laws and symmetries. These laws and symmetries are used to explain the fundamental interactions between particles and the behavior of the universe at a microscopic level.

4. Are there any exceptions to conservation laws in particle physics?

There are some cases where conservation laws may appear to be violated, such as in radioactive decay or particle collisions. However, these apparent violations can be explained by the transfer or transformation of the conserved quantities to other particles or forms of energy.

5. How do conservation laws and symmetries impact our understanding of the universe?

Conservation laws and symmetries play a crucial role in our understanding of the universe and the laws of nature. They allow us to make precise predictions and calculations about particle interactions and the behavior of the universe, leading to advancements in technology and furthering our understanding of the world around us.

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