Confidence intervals, which formula to use

In summary, you are asking for a confidence interval for the mean assuming the population variance is known, and a confidence interval for the mean assuming the population variance is unknown.
  • #1
I have created 1000 random samples of size 10, where X~N(8,2). For each sample I have calculated the sample mean, sample variance, (sigma1)2 and (sigma2)2.

I want to find a 95% confidence interval for the mean assuming the population variance is known, and a 95% confidence interval for the mean assuming the population variance is unknown.

What formula do I use for these?

I think, given that I am sampling from a normal distribution, for the known confidence interval, would be:

(X1bar X2bar) +- za/2s.e.(X1bar-X2bar) given that the samples are sufficiently small enough.

For unknown, I think it's:

(X1bar X2bar) +- t((n1+n2-2),a/2) s.e(X1bar-X2bar) <<s.e has a tilda over it, also this formula assumes the sigmas are the same.

Is this correct?
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  • #2
wtmoore said:
I have created 1000 random samples of size 10, where X~N(8,2). For each sample I have calculated the sample mean, sample variance, (sigma1)2 and (sigma2)2.

I want to find a 95% confidence interval for the mean assuming the population variance is known, and a 95% confidence interval for the mean assuming the population variance is unknown.

I don't understand why your notation involves two different means and variances when you have one population N(8,2) and 1000 samples of 10 realizations each. Where does the 1,2 come from? Are they the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval?

(You should look at instead of using the SUB tag.)

Can you explain your objective in doing this calculation. As I understand your post, you already know the population mean and variance. So why are you seeking a confidence interval for it? Is this an experiment in testing the theory of confidence intervals?
  • #3
Stephen Tashi said:
I don't understand why your notation involves two different means and variances when you have one population N(8,2) and 1000 samples of 10 realizations each. Where does the 1,2 come from? Are they the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval?

(You should look at instead of using the SUB tag.)

Can you explain your objective in doing this calculation. As I understand your post, you already know the population mean and variance. So why are you seeking a confidence interval for it? Is this an experiment in testing the theory of confidence intervals?

It's a tutorial question for a class I'm taking. It's basically revision, I will write out the formulas for the two sigmas. My understanding was they they were the population variances, but, I meant to say that the sigmas have hats on them for estimated, so I think they are sample variances that are estimates for the population.

both sigmas have a hat on for estimated
σ12 = [sum(from i=1 to n)(xi-xbar)2]/n

σ22 = same but divided by n+1(Will have a look at LaTeX, usually I get some of it to work and when it comes to summations and things I can't grasp it, which is weird as I'm quite good at coding in R, maple, etc)
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  • #4
wtmoore said:
It's a tutorial question for a class I'm taking. It's basically revision
Revison? - do you mean "review"?

I think they are sample variances that are estimates for the population.
The formulas are estimators of the population variance. They are also two alternative definitions for "sample variance". Textbooks differ as to which definition they use.

That clears up the definition of the sigmas, but your statement of the assignment is still incoherent. For an assigned problem, its best to obey the format of the homework section of the forum and state the exercise exactly as it was assigned. Can you do that?
  • #5
I can, but it's not homework, it is revision for exams, they are extra problems we can choose to do which will help us in exams.

The question is stated as it is, but instead of saying I wish to find, it says, find, I haven't left any information out, and have asked it in the first person instead.

Related to Confidence intervals, which formula to use

1. What is a confidence interval?

A confidence interval is a range of values that is likely to include the true value of a population parameter with a certain level of confidence. It is used to estimate the population parameter based on a sample of data.

2. How is a confidence interval calculated?

A confidence interval is calculated using a formula that takes into account the sample size, sample mean, and standard deviation of the sample. The most commonly used formula is (sample mean) ± (critical value) * (standard deviation)/(√sample size).

3. What is the purpose of using a confidence interval?

The purpose of using a confidence interval is to provide a range of values that is likely to include the true value of a population parameter. It allows for a more accurate estimation of the true value, as opposed to only relying on a single point estimate.

4. How do I determine which formula to use for calculating a confidence interval?

The formula used for calculating a confidence interval depends on the type of data and the population parameter being estimated. For example, if you are estimating the population mean, you would use a different formula than if you were estimating the population proportion. Consult with a statistician or refer to a statistical textbook for the appropriate formula for your specific situation.

5. What is the significance of the confidence level in a confidence interval?

The confidence level refers to the level of certainty that the true value of the population parameter falls within the calculated confidence interval. For example, a 95% confidence level means that 95 out of 100 intervals calculated from different samples would include the true population parameter. A higher confidence level indicates a greater level of certainty, but also results in a wider interval.

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