Complex Laurent Series for (z+2)/(z-1) on Annulus Region

In summary, the student is trying to find the Laurent series for the function f(z), but is having trouble understanding what to do with the annuli. He recommends trying a different function and seeing if that works better.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the Laurent series of


[itex]C_1: 1 < |z|[/itex]
[itex]C_2: 0 < |z| < 1[/itex]

Homework Equations

I have a formula for computing Laurent series, but it includes an integral that is impossible to solve. For everything that I've read, no one actually solves them this way. I don't think there's any relevant equations that I know that can help.

The Attempt at a Solution

I've been stumped on this for four days now. I've been trying to self-work through a complex analysis textbook over the summer, and I'm really close to giving up as I completely can't wrap my head around the annulus type Laurent series stuff.

Any advice helps. I've read lots and Googled lots. I know Taylor series and such...
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  • #2
Note that

[tex]\frac{z+2}{z-1} = \frac{z - 1 + 3}{z - 1} = 1 + \frac{3}{z - 1}[/tex]

Can you express the second term as a power series?
  • #3
OK, yes. Thank you!

I recognize that... but a power series around what value? What do I do with the C_0 and C_1 annuli?

A power series around 0 makes it pretty easy (though the answer doesn't appear sensical), but the C_0 says 1 < |z| and the |z| doesn't meet that condition at 0. Although, I really don't understand what we're doing with these rings at all...
  • #4
Zero. They're both expansions about the point zero but Laurent series are convergent in annular domains separated by singular points. z=1 is a singular point of that function so any laurent series about the point zero will converge in one ring with |z|<1 and outside that ring another different Laurent series represents the function again between singular points but this time it's 1 and infinity. To find out that second one, write:


Now, what is the region of convergence of a power series representation for that expression?
  • #5
How did I know to write it like that? It makes sense (and thanks a TON for your explanation of the annulus stuff)... I guess I just don't see how you go from the z+2/z-1 to the proper representation for the right series "on demand" so to speak.
  • #6
gbu said:
How did I know to write it like that? It makes sense (and thanks a TON for your explanation of the annulus stuff)... I guess I just don't see how you go from the z+2/z-1 to the proper representation for the right series "on demand" so to speak.

Some general guidelines:

You know that if your regions of convergence are centered at the origin, you will need a series that is centered at the origin, so you will have powers of z. More generally, for a region of convergence centered at a point w, you will need powers of (z-w).

If the series has positive powers, i.e. z^n where n is positive, then z can't be too large, so you know the region of convergence will be inside a circle, not outside of it.

Conversely, if the series has negative powers, i.e. z^(-n) for positive n, then z can't be too small, so the region of convergence will be outside a circle.

Then you just need to "pattern match" your given function to standard functions whose series expansions you know.

Taking the simplest example, f(z) = 1/(1-z), we know that

[tex]\frac{1}{1-z} = 1 + z + z^2 + \ldots = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}z^n[/tex]

which converges inside the unit circle. If I need convergence outside the unit circle, I know I'll need powers of z^(-1), so I need to manipulate the function accordingly:

[tex]\frac{1}{1-z} = \frac{z^{-1}}{z^{-1} - 1} = -z^{-1} \frac{1}{1 - z^{-1}}[/tex]

which equals

[tex]-z^{-1}(1 + z^{-1} + z^{-2} + \ldots) = -z^{-1}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}z^{-n} = -\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}z^{-n}[/tex]

which converges outside the unit circle.
  • #7
P.S. If everything I wrote in the previous post makes sense, the next step would be to try a slightly different function and see if you can manipulate it into a suitable form for expressing as a series. I suggest trying something like

[tex]f(z) = \frac{1}{z + 2}[/tex]

If you get stuck or want to check your answer, post your work here.

Related to Complex Laurent Series for (z+2)/(z-1) on Annulus Region

1. What is a complex Laurent series?

A complex Laurent series is a mathematical representation of a complex function in the form of a power series, where both positive and negative powers of the variable are allowed. It is used to represent functions with singularities or poles, which cannot be represented by a regular Taylor series.

2. How is a complex Laurent series different from a regular Taylor series?

A regular Taylor series only allows for positive powers of the variable, while a complex Laurent series allows for both positive and negative powers. This allows for the representation of functions with singularities or poles, which cannot be represented by a regular Taylor series.

3. Can every complex function be represented by a Laurent series?

Not every complex function can be represented by a Laurent series. The function must have at least one singularity or pole for it to be represented by a Laurent series. If the function is analytic (has no singularities), then it can be represented by a regular Taylor series.

4. How is a complex Laurent series used in practical applications?

A complex Laurent series is used in many areas of mathematics and physics, such as in the study of complex analysis, differential equations, and signal processing. It allows for the approximation of complex functions and can be used to solve problems involving singularities or poles.

5. What is the process for finding a complex Laurent series?

To find a complex Laurent series, one must first identify the singularities or poles of the function. Then, using the formula for a Laurent series, the coefficients can be determined by integrating or differentiating the function. This process can be repeated for each singularity or pole, resulting in a representation of the function as a Laurent series.

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