Complete the following: If I were 18 again I would

  • Thread starter timejim
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In summary: It's only for a semester. 2) You can always go back and finish it later. In summary, the person is struggling to complete a coursework requirement for their job while also having to visit clients. They would benefit from finding an alternate way to complete the requirement.
  • #1
I would absolutely concentrate on going to and finishing college with a degree in either Forestry or Physics, then, after that, I would go thru the process of becoming a family man.
Physics news on
  • #2
I would take more risks in life. I'm not talking about the "skydiving" type of risks, but the "I should have done this instead of nothing" risks.

Of course, 18 was just under a year ago, so I guess I got some time.
  • #3
I am 18,
  • #4
I would oppose my father and go for a degree in astronomy, which had been my lifelong dream.
  • #5
Originally posted by Andy
I am 18,
So am I. Well. Give or take. 30 years.
  • #6
hrrmm, 3 years ago...I wouldn't change a thing. I'm going back to school now, and sure I could say I would have just stuck with it then, but I wouldn't be the same person I am now (which is a lot more rounded, experienced, and skilled)
  • #7
I'm 19 next month so if i could have the year again, i would proabably have gone out with my friends a lot more, and lived life a little... However i was emotionally attached to someone and that prevented me from seeing my friends as much...sorry guys!
  • #8
As long as you learn from your mistakes.
  • #9
Originally posted by Evo
I would oppose my father and go for a degree in astronomy, which had been my lifelong dream.

Do it now.

I remember an article by Dear Abby where an older person said she wanted to go back to college, but she thought she was too old. Abby said, "How old will you be if you don't try it?"
  • #10
If I had the time, I would go back in a heartbeat.

The problem is when you have a huge mortgage, no significant other to help, and you work 12-16 hours a day, and also on weekends, it leaves little time to study, let alone have a life. :frown:
  • #11
Originally posted by Evo
If I had the time, I would go back in a heartbeat.

The problem is when you have a huge mortgage, no significant other to help, and you work 12-16 hours a day, and also on weekends, it leaves little time to study, let alone have a life. :frown:

True, the person Abby was dealing with appeared to have the time, just was afraid to make the attempt.

You know though, amature astronomy is great too and it has been said that time spent in studying the heavens is not wasted. Are you an amature astronomer?
  • #12
Originally posted by Artman
Are you an amature astronomer?
Very amateur. Before I moved here, I had friends with very nice telescopes, went to some great star parties. I haven't been lucky enough to meet anyone with similar interests here.
  • #13
Originally posted by Evo
Very amateur. Before I moved here, I had friends with very nice telescopes, went to some great star parties. I haven't been lucky enough to meet anyone with similar interests here.
Surely, there is a local college or university with a telescope, though, right? One single class can introduce you to a wealth of people with the same interests and focus. Even if you can't make all of the classes (or even if you end up dropping the class), you'll hopefully find another star-partyer or three! Also, check to see if there are any astronomy clubs at the colleges. At least it's a place to start...:wink:
  • #14
Very good idea Tsunami!

I may do that if I can ever get out from under this ever increasing pile of work. Right now I'm in the middle of an online course. I'm on a very slow dial up out here in my cow pasture, so I am hopping over here to PF while pages download. [zz)]

I have 27 hours of coursework (for my job) that I was advised today needs to be completed by Friday. Of course I don't have time during the day to do it, I have too many clients to visit. :frown:
  • #15
Originally posted by Evo
Very good idea Tsunami!

I may do that if I can ever get out from under this ever increasing pile of work. Right now I'm in the middle of an online course. I'm on a very slow dial up out here in my cow pasture, so I am hopping over here to PF while pages download. [zz)]
One word: SATTELITE! :wink:

I have 27 hours of coursework (for my job) that I was advised today needs to be completed by Friday. Of course I don't have time during the day to do it, I have too many clients to visit. :frown:
:frown: Awwwww... Don't cry! Remember two things: 1. Just like my LEGS (!) - life is SHORT! and 2. Spring term is just around the corner! Check into it!

Like Artman says "DO IT NOW"!
  • #16

Do you own a telescope yourself? There are some very nice small scopes available for only a couple hundred dollars that ae very fine quality (Not quite as good as a 14" Dobsonian at a star parties, but nice none the less). Like a 4.5" Dobsonian, or a 3" F/5 Refractor, either are decent and easy to move and setup.

Even when you have very little time, I am currently going back to school and working a full and part time job, you can grap a short tube 3" and carry it out back in one trip and stay out for fifteen or twenty minutes to see the rings of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter, some of the brigher Nebula, star clusters, split doubles, etc.

I like Tsunami's suggestion of taking a course. Sounds like fun.
  • #17
"I'm a boy and I'm a man, I'm 18 and I like it."

-Alice Cooper

I would quit pot and undertake more appropriate, prescribed drugs - if I only knew then!
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  • #18
Originally posted by Artman
Do you own a telescope yourself?
I sold mine when I moved, with the intention of buying a nicer one.

There are some very nice small scopes available for only a couple hundred dollars that ae very fine quality (Not quite as good as a 14" Dobsonian at a star parties, but nice none the less). Like a 4.5" Dobsonian, or a 3" F/5 Refractor, either are decent and easy to move and setup.
Actually, I have been intending to buy another one recently.

Even when you have very little time, I am currently going back to school and working a full and part time job
Sounds like you're busy too!

With spring coming up, I will probably buy one. It's much too cold and windy here in the winter.
  • #19
Originally posted by Evo
Actually, I have been intending to buy another one recently.
  • #20
Be some kind of really strange time traveler and invent all sorts of neat paradoxes.

  • #21
If I were 18 again I would...

... have more sex?! :wink:

Related to Complete the following: If I were 18 again I would

1. What is the one piece of advice you would give to your 18-year-old self?

If I were 18 again, I would advise myself to always prioritize my mental and emotional well-being. It's easy to get caught up in the stress and pressure of school and future plans, but taking care of yourself should always come first.

2. What do you regret most from your teenage years?

If I were 18 again, I would regret not taking more risks and stepping out of my comfort zone. It's important to push yourself and try new things, even if they may seem scary at the time.

3. How has your perspective on life changed since you were 18?

If I were 18 again, I would realize that life is full of ups and downs and it's important to embrace and learn from both. It's also important to not take things too seriously and to enjoy the present moment.

4. What advice would you give about choosing a career path?

If I were 18 again, I would advise myself to not be afraid of exploring different career options and to not feel pressured to have it all figured out right away. It's okay to change your mind and try different paths until you find what truly makes you happy.

5. How can I make the most out of my teenage years?

If I were 18 again, I would remind myself to live in the present and not worry too much about the future. It's important to cherish the memories and experiences that come with being a teenager, as they will shape who you become in the future.

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