Charge distribution with exponential form. Halzem and Martin. exercise 8.4

?$$\int_0^\infty r\sin(qr)e^{-mr} dr = \int_0^\infty r \frac{e^{iqr}-e^{-iqr}}{2i} \ e^{-mr} dr$$$$ = \frac{1}{2i} \int_0^\infty r e^{-r(m-iq)} \ dr - \frac{1}{2i} \int_0^\infty r e^{-r(m+iq)} \ dr$$$$ = \frac{1}{2i} \int_0^\infty r e^{-rx} \ dr - \frac{1}{2i} \int_0^\infty r
  • #1

Homework Statement

In the exercise 8.4 from Quarks and Leptons. An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics - F.Halzem,A.Martin we can see:

if the charge distribution [itex]\rho(r)[/itex] has an exponential form [itex]e^{-mr}[/itex], then:

[tex] F(q) \propto (1 - \frac{q^2}{m^2})^{-2} [/tex]

where F(q) is:

[tex] F(q) = \int\rho(x) e^{iq.x} d^3x [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

The book says that first we integrate the angular part and obtain:

[tex] F(q) = 2\pi \int\rho(r) (\frac{e^{iqr}-e^{-iqr}}{iqr}) r^2 dr [/tex]

Please, can anyone say me how can I obtain [itex] (\frac{e^{iqr}-e^{-iqr}}{iqr}) [/itex]
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  • #2
As the problem says, you integrate the angular part. Show us your work at doing that.
  • #3
Hello Vela. Thank you for your answer.

In spherical coordinates, we have

[tex] F(q) = \int\rho(r) e ^{i q r}r^2 dr \int_{0}^{\pi} sen \theta d\theta \int_{0}^{2\pi} d\phi = 2 * 2\pi \int\rho(r) e ^{i q r} r^2 dr [/tex]

But then, from where come:

[tex] (\frac {e ^{i q r}- e ^{-i q r}}{iqr} )[/tex]

I think that it comes from a property of Fourier transform. It looks like a [itex] sen (iqr) [/itex] but from where?

And moreover, I am not sure if [itex] e^{iqx}[/itex] in spherical coordinates were [itex] e^{iqr}[/itex]

Thank you.
  • #4
##\vec{q}\cdot\vec{x}## isn't equal to qr. Remember the dot product depends on the angle between the two vectors, not only on their magnitudes.
  • #5
Ok. Then I must write:

[tex] F(q) = \int\rho(r)\ e ^{i \ q \ r \cos \alpha}r^2 dr \int_{0}^{\pi} sen \theta \ d
\theta \int_{0}^{2\pi} d\phi = 2 * 2\pi \int\rho(r) e ^{i \ q \ r \ cos \alpha} r^2 dr

And [itex]\alpha [/itex] is the angle between q an r. Sorry, but now I don´t kown how to continue. I can´t integrate by parts... I don´t know which way to take.
  • #6
When evaluating the integral, orient the coordinate system so that q lies along the z-axis.
  • #7
I think that I have it already. I must make a little change:

[tex] F(q) = \int _{0}^{2\pi} d\phi \int_{0}^{\pi} e^{i \ q \ r \ cos \theta} sen \theta \ d\theta \int \rho (r) \ r^2 \ dr[/tex]

[itex] \theta [/itex] is the angle between z-axe and r, and q is along z-axe, so that [itex] \theta [/itex] is the angle between q and r.

[tex] \frac {d}{d\theta} e^{i \ q \ r \ cos \theta} = -i \ q \ r \ sen \theta \ e^{i \ q \ r \ cos \theta} [/tex]

so that:

[tex] \int_{0}^{\pi} e^{i \ q \ r \ cos \theta} sen \theta \ d\theta = [\frac{e^{i \ q \ r \ cos \theta}}{- \ i \ q \ r}]_{0}^{\pi} = [\frac{e^{i \ q \ r \ cos \theta}}{i \ q \ r}]^{0}_{\pi} = \frac{e^{i \ q \ r} - \ e^{- \ i \ q \ r }}{i \ q \ r}[/tex]

And finally we have:

[tex] F(q) = \int _{0}^{2\pi} d\phi \int_{0}^{\pi} e^{i \ q \ r \ cos \theta} sen \theta \ d\theta \int \rho (r) \ r^2 \ dr = 2\pi \int \rho (r) \ (\frac{e^{i \ q \ r} - \ e^{- \ i \ q \ r }}{i \ q \ r}) \ r^2 \ dr[/tex]

It´s incredible. I didn´t think never that I would be able to solve this problem. I have an exam of "Elementary particles" in the University in a few weeks. I work and I can´t visit the classes. I don´t know anybody that can help me becuase I don´t know the other students. When I am not able to solve a problem, then nobody can help me and it is frustrating.

I am very grateful, vela. Thank you very much.
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  • #8
I need help with this integral: charge distribution

Homework Statement

In the exercise 8.4 from Quarks and Leptons. An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics - F.Halzem,A.Martin we can see:

if the charge distribution [itex]\rho(r)[/itex] has an exponential form [itex]e^{-mr}[/itex], then:

[tex] F(q) \propto (1 - \frac{q^2}{m^2})^{-2} [/tex]

where F(q) is:

[tex] F(q) = \int\rho(x) e^{iq.x} d^3x [/tex]

Homework Equations

In spherical coordinates, we have

[tex] F(q) = \int _{0}^{2\pi} d\phi \int_{0}^{\pi} e^{i \ q \ r \ cos \theta} sen \theta \ d\theta \int \rho (r) \ r^2 \ dr = 2\pi \int \rho (r) \ (\frac{e^{i \ q \ r} - \ e^{- \ i \ q \ r }}{i \ q \ r}) \ r^2 \ dr[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not able to solve this integral:

[tex] F(q) = 2\pi \int e^{-mr} \ (\frac{e^{i \ q \ r} - \ e^{- \ i \ q \ r }}{i \ q \ r}) \ r^2 \ dr[/tex]

I have tried:

[tex] F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} \int (e^{Ar} - e^{-Br}) r \ dr = \frac{2\pi}{iq} ( \int (e^{Ar} \ r \ dr - \int e^{-Br} r \ dr)[/tex]

with [itex] A = iq-m[/itex] and [itex] B = iq+m[/itex]

Finally I have this solution :

[tex] F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} ( [...] + \frac{1}{(1-\frac{q^2}{m^2})^2 m^4 + 4q^2m^2} (2(m^2-q^2) - B^2 e^{Ar} - A^2 e^{-Br})) [/tex]

with [...] igual to the initial conditions when I integrate by parts. I suppose that it is possible to choose initials conditions so that [...] -> 0. But I think that there are too many coefficients. Why do I obtain [itex] 4q^2m^2[/itex] ? Is it a mistake or is the result good?

Thank you very much.
  • #9

I made an error with a sign. The result is:

[tex] F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} ( [...] + \frac{1}{(1-\frac{q^2}{m^2})^2 m^4 + 4q^2m^2} (4i q m + A^2 e^{-Br} - B^2 e^{Ar})) [/tex]

And if [...] -> 0, then:

[tex] F(q) = 2\pi \ (\frac{1}{(1-\frac{q^2}{m^2})^2 m^4 + 4q^2m^2} (4m + \frac{A^2 e^{-Br} - B^2 e^{Ar}}{iq})) [/tex]

But, what about [itex] 4q^2m^2[/itex]?
  • #10
It's kind of hard to follow what you did because you left out a lot of steps. Show how you integrated
$$\int_0^\infty re^{-r(m\pm iq)}\,dr$$ If you're familiar with Laplace transforms, you could also combine the exponentials to get
$$\int_0^\infty r\sin(qr)e^{-mr}\,dr$$ which is the Laplace transform of ##r\sin qr##.
  • #11
I thought also this integral that you say:
$$\int_0^\infty r\sin(qr)e^{-mr} dr $$
but, how can I integrate it?, by parts? When I integrate by parts I use:
$$ \int u \ dv = u \ v - \int v \ du $$
In your integral, who is ##u## and who is ##v##?

Now I show you the steps in the calculation of my integral:

$$ F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} \int (e^{Ar} - e^{-Br}) r \ dr = \frac{2\pi}{iq} ( \int (e^{Ar} \ r \ dr - \int e^{-Br} r \ dr) $$

with ##A = iq-m## and ## B = iq+m##

$$ F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} \left\{ ( \left[ r´ \frac{e^{Ar´}}{A} \right]_0 ^r - \int \frac{e^{Ar}}{A} dr ) - (\left[ r´ \frac{e^{-Br´}}{-B} \right]_0 ^r - \int \frac{e^{-Br}}{-B} dr) \right\}$$

$$ F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} \left\{ (\frac{re^{Ar}}{A}) - \left[\frac{e^{Ar´}}{A^2} \right]_0 ^r - ((-\frac{re^{-Br}}{B}) - \left[\frac{e^{-Br´}}{B^2} \right]_0 ^r) \right\} $$

$$ F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} \left\{ (\frac{re^{Ar}}{A}) - \left[\frac{e^{Ar}-1}{A^2} \right] + (\frac{re^{-Br}}{B}) + \left[\frac{e^{-Br}-1}{B^2} \right] \right\} $$

$$ F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} \left\{ r(\frac{e^{Ar}}{A} + \frac{e^{-Br}}{B}) - \frac{e^{Ar}}{A^2} + \frac{e^{-Br}}{B^2} + (\frac{1}{A^2} - \frac{1}{B^2}) \right\} $$

Here I imagine that we can choose the initial conditions so that ## r(\frac{e^{Ar}}{A} + \frac{e^{-Br}}{B}) = 0 ##

$$ F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} \left\{ \frac{A^2e^{-Br}-B^2e^{Ar}}{A^2B^2} + \frac{B^2-A^2}{A^2B^2} \right\} $$


$$A^2 = (iq-m)^2 = m^2 - q^2 - 2i \ qm $$
$$B^2 = (iq+m)^2 = m^2 - q^2 + 2i \ qm $$
$$B^2 - A^2 = 4i \ qm $$
$$A^2B^2 = (m^2 - q^2)^2 + 4q^2m^2 $$

$$ F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} \left\{ \frac{4i \ qm + A^2e^{-Br}-B^2e^{Ar}}{(m^2 - q^2)^2 + 4q^2m^2} \right\} $$

$$ F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} \left\{ \frac{4i \ qm + A^2e^{-Br}-B^2e^{Ar}}{(1 - \frac{q^2}{m^2})^2m^4 + 4q^2m^2} \right\} $$

$$ F(q) = 2\pi \left\{ \frac{1}{(1 - \frac{q^2}{m^2})^2m^4 + 4q^2m^2} (4m + \frac{A^2e^{-Br}-B^2e^{Ar}}{iq}) \right\} $$

So, ##F(q) \propto \frac{1}{(1 - \frac{q^2}{m^2})^2m^4 + 4q^2m^2}##. But the problem says that ##F(q) \propto \frac{1}{(1 - \frac{q^2}{m^2})^2}##

I think that something is wrong in my calculations because the problem don´t says nothing about ##m^4## and ##4q^2m^2##.

I thank you vela again for your inestimable help.
  • #12
In the denominator, expand ##(m^2-|\vec{q}|^2)^2##. Also, note that Halzen and Martin are using the convention ##q^2 = -|\vec{q}|^2##.
  • #13
elmerx25 said:
I thought also this integral that you say:
$$\int_0^\infty r\sin(qr)e^{-mr} dr $$
but, how can I integrate it?, by parts? When I integrate by parts I use:
$$ \int u \ dv = u \ v - \int v \ du $$
In your integral, who is ##u## and who is ##v##?
I'd actually use ##re^{-mr} = \frac{\partial}{\partial m}e^{-mr}## to get
$$\int_0^\infty r\sin(qr)e^{-mr}\,dr = -\frac{\partial}{\partial m}\int_0^\infty \sin(qr)e^{-mr}\,dr$$
  • #14
Ok. Finally I understand. From here:

$$ F(q) = \frac{2\pi}{iq} \left\{ \frac{4i \ qm + A^2e^{-Br}-B^2e^{Ar}}{(m^2 - q^2)^2 + 4q^2m^2} \right\} $$

I was working with a vector and finally I transform it into a four-vector using: ##q^2 = -|\vec{p}|^2##

$$ (m^2 - |\vec{q}|^2)^2 + 4|\vec{q}|^2m^2 = m^4 + |\vec{q}|^4 - 2m^2|\vec{q}|^2 + 4|\vec{q}|^2m^2 = m^4 + |\vec{q}|^4 + 2m^2|\vec{q}|^2 = (m^2 + |\vec{q}|^2)^2 = (m^2 - q^2)^2 $$

Oh vela! , you are really great!

Thank you very much. When I make my exam next week I´ll keep you in my mind.
  • #15
The variable r shouldn't be in your final result you're integrating with respect to it.
  • #16
Ok. Thanks.

Related to Charge distribution with exponential form. Halzem and Martin. exercise 8.4

1. What is the significance of using exponential form in charge distribution?

The exponential form in charge distribution is used to describe how the electric charge is distributed within a given region. This form allows for a more accurate representation of the charge distribution compared to other forms, such as Gaussian or uniform distributions.

2. How is the exponential form of charge distribution expressed mathematically?

The exponential form of charge distribution is expressed as ρ(r) = ρ0e^-λr, where ρ(r) is the charge density at a given point r, ρ0 is the maximum charge density, and λ is a constant that determines the rate at which the charge density decreases with distance.

3. What is the physical interpretation of the constant λ in the exponential form of charge distribution?

The constant λ in the exponential form of charge distribution represents the decay rate of the charge density with distance. A smaller value of λ indicates a slower decay, meaning the charge is more spread out, while a larger value of λ indicates a faster decay and a more concentrated charge distribution.

4. How is the total charge within a region calculated using the exponential form of charge distribution?

The total charge within a region can be calculated by integrating the charge density function ρ(r) over the entire region. For the exponential form, this would be ∫ρ(r)dV = ∫ρ0e^-λr dV, where dV represents the volume element.

5. Can the exponential form of charge distribution be used to describe real-world systems?

Yes, the exponential form of charge distribution is commonly used to model real-world systems, such as atomic nuclei and molecules. It provides a more accurate and realistic representation of the charge distribution compared to other forms, and can be easily adjusted by changing the value of λ to fit different systems.

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