Center of Mass Formula: Understanding the Intricacies

In summary, Mary Boas defines the center of mass of a body in 3 dimensions using three equations, where the integrals of the coordinates are multiplied by the mass and divided by the total mass. This differs from the standard undergraduate textbook formula, which simply divides the integral of the coordinate by the total mass. The advantage of Boas' definition is that it allows for calculating the center of mass for different subsets of a system, rather than just the entire system.
  • #1

I'm reading Mathematical Methods in the physical sciences by Mary Boas and in it, she defines the center of mass of a body in 3 dimensions

[tex] \int \overline {x}dM=\int xdM [/tex]

[tex] \int \overline {y}dM=\int ydM [/tex]

[tex] \int \overline {z}dM=\int zdM [/tex]

In standard undergraduate textbooks, I've always seen it written as

[tex] \overline {X}=\dfrac {1} {M}\int xdM [/tex]

I guess I don't understand the reasoning behind defining it the way she did. I know that [tex]\overline {x} [/tex] is constant so you can pull it out and you'd just simply get the [tex] \int dM [/tex], leaving you with the formula that is generally seen in undergraduate texts.

But why write the formula as she did to begin with. Is there a particular benefit to doing so?

Any insight would be great, thanks.
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  • #2
No, there's no benefit to writing it that way. Different style, I guess.
  • #3
Her way is more 'mathematical', which makes her book awkward.
  • #4
I think the advantage is that Boas' form gives the center of mass for any volume in a system, rather than only giving the center of mass for the entire system. For example, when considering the earth-moon system, we might want to calculate the center of mass of the moon and not the center of mass of the system--so you take your volume of integration around just the moon subset of the system, and you get the center of mass for just the subsystem. I guess you could do it like the style of Griffiths E&M and call it Menclosed but Boas' definition automatically clears up that ambiguity.
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  • #5

I can understand your confusion and curiosity about the different ways of representing the center of mass formula. The reason for the difference lies in the perspective from which the formula is being approached.

In Boas' definition, the center of mass is being calculated by taking the integral of the position coordinates (x, y, z) multiplied by the differential mass element (dM). This approach is more commonly used in advanced mathematical and physics texts, as it allows for a more abstract and general understanding of the concept. It also allows for the calculation of the center of mass for irregularly shaped bodies, which may have varying mass densities at different points.

On the other hand, the undergraduate formula represents the center of mass as a single point, represented by the vector \overline {X}. This approach is more practical for simple and symmetrical bodies, where the center of mass can be easily identified and calculated without the need for integrals. It also simplifies the calculation for introductory physics courses.

Both approaches are valid and have their own benefits. It ultimately depends on the context and purpose of the calculation. I hope this helps to clarify the intricacies of the center of mass formula for you.
  • #6

Dear reader,

Thank you for your question about the center of mass formula and its intricacies. I can provide some insight into the reasoning behind the different forms of the formula and their benefits.

First, let's define what the center of mass is. It is a point in a system or body where the mass is evenly distributed, meaning that the body would balance perfectly on that point. This point is important in physics and engineering, as it helps us understand the motion and stability of objects.

Now, onto the different forms of the formula. The first form, as written by Mary Boas, is known as the moment form. This form breaks down the center of mass calculation into its three components: x, y, and z. This can be useful in situations where the mass is not evenly distributed in all directions, and we need to consider each component separately. For example, if we have a rod with a heavier weight on one end, the center of mass will not be in the middle but will be closer to the heavier end. In this case, using the moment form allows us to easily calculate the center of mass along each axis.

On the other hand, the second form, as seen in undergraduate texts, is known as the weighted average form. This form simplifies the calculation by taking the average of the x, y, and z coordinates of all the individual mass elements. This is useful when the mass is evenly distributed, as it is a simpler and quicker calculation.

In summary, both forms have their benefits depending on the situation. The moment form allows for a more detailed analysis of the center of mass, while the weighted average form is a simpler and faster calculation for evenly distributed mass. As a scientist, it is important to understand and be able to use both forms in different scenarios. I hope this explanation helps you better understand the intricacies of the center of mass formula.

Best regards,

Related to Center of Mass Formula: Understanding the Intricacies

1. What is the center of mass formula?

The center of mass formula is a mathematical equation used to calculate the point at which an object's mass is evenly distributed in all directions. It takes into account the mass and position of all the individual particles that make up an object.

2. How is the center of mass formula used in physics?

In physics, the center of mass formula is used to determine the overall motion of a system of particles. It is also used in calculations involving torque, rotational motion, and collisions.

3. Can the center of mass formula be applied to objects of any shape?

Yes, the center of mass formula can be applied to objects of any shape as long as the mass and position of each individual particle is known. It can even be used for irregularly shaped objects by dividing them into smaller, simpler shapes.

4. How does the center of mass formula differ from the centroid formula?

The center of mass formula takes into account the distribution of mass within an object, while the centroid formula only considers the object's geometrical shape. This means that the center of mass can be located outside of the object, while the centroid is always located within the object.

5. Why is understanding the intricacies of the center of mass formula important?

Understanding the intricacies of the center of mass formula is important in physics, engineering, and other fields where the motion and stability of objects are critical. It allows for accurate predictions and calculations, and can also help in designing structures that are more stable and efficient.

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