Categories of Pointed Sets - Aluffi, Example 3.8

If we have a set $S$ and a point $s \in S$, then we might try to think of the elements $t \in S$ that are somehow close to $s$. In the case of $S = \mathbb{R}$, we could easily make up a definition of "close to" (and it might involve $\epsilon$ and $\delta$), but if we are talking about something more abstract than $\mathbb{R}$, it might not be clear how to define "close to". However, if $S$ comes with a point $
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Paolo Aluffi's book: Algebra: Chapter 0 ... ...

I am currently focussed on Section I.3 Categories ... ... and am trying to understand Example 3.8 which is introduced as a concrete instance of the coslice categories referred to in Example 3.7 ...

Examples 3.7 and 3.8 read as follows: I do not have a basic understanding of the category of Example 3.8 my questions may not be well formulated ... for which I apologise in advance ...

My questions are as follows:Question 1

In the above text by Aluffi we read the following:

" ... ... An object in SET* is then a morphism \(\displaystyle f \ : \ \{ \ast \} \longrightarrow S\) in Set where \(\displaystyle S\) is any set. ... ... "
My question is as follows: what exactly is \(\displaystyle \ast\) ... ?

and ... ... is there only one \(\displaystyle \ast\) for the category ... or one for each set ... if it is just a singleton for each set why not refer to it as a special element \(\displaystyle s \in S\) ...
Question 2

In the above text by Aluffi we read the following:

" ... ... Thus we may denote object of Set* as pairs \(\displaystyle (S,s)\) where \(\displaystyle S\) is any set and \(\displaystyle s \in S\) is any element of \(\displaystyle S\) ... ... " My question is as follows: is there only one special element of \(\displaystyle S\) in the category ... ... or are elements \(\displaystyle (S, s_1)\) and \(\displaystyle (S, s_2)\) in the category Set* where \(\displaystyle s_1\) and \(\displaystyle s_2\), like \(\displaystyle s\), belong to the set \(\displaystyle S\).

Question 3

In the above text by Aluffi we read the following:

" ... ... A morphism between two such objects \(\displaystyle (S,s) \longrightarrow (T,t)\), corresponds then to a set-function \(\displaystyle \sigma \ : \ S \longrightarrow T\) such that \(\displaystyle \sigma (s) = t\). ... ... "

My question is as follows: the prescription \(\displaystyle \sigma \ : \ S \longrightarrow T\) such that \(\displaystyle \sigma (s) = t\) does not tell us how the other elements of \(\displaystyle S\) are mapped ... ... ? ... and there are many alternatives ... and hence presumably, many \(\displaystyle \sigma\)s ... ... ? ... ... can someone clarify this matter ...
Hope someone can help ...

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  • #2
Peter said:
In the above text by Aluffi we read the following:

" ... ... An object in SET* is then a morphism \(\displaystyle f \ : \ \{ \ast \} \longrightarrow S\) in Set where \(\displaystyle S\) is any set. ... ... "

My question is as follows: what exactly is \(\displaystyle \ast\) ... ?
Doesn't the text say that $A=\{*\}$ is a fixed singleton? We fix an arbitrary one-element set $A$ and call its element $*$.

Peter said:
is there only one \(\displaystyle \ast\) for the category ... or one for each set
Let's read the text again: Let $\mathsf{C}=\mathsf{Set}$ and $A=$ a fixed singleton $\{*\}$. That is, we consider a class of all sets and a particular one-element set. Where does the idea that there is one $*$ for each set come from? However, it is true that we could consider different one-element sets and get, strictly speaking, different categories $\mathsf{Set}^*$, but they will be isomorphic.

Peter said:
is there only one special element of \(\displaystyle S\) in the category ... ... or are elements \(\displaystyle (S, s_1)\) and \(\displaystyle (S, s_2)\) in the category Set* where \(\displaystyle s_1\) and \(\displaystyle s_2\), like \(\displaystyle s\), belong to the set \(\displaystyle S\).
I assume that by "elements \(\displaystyle (S, s_1)\) and \(\displaystyle (S, s_2)\) in the category Set*" you mean objects of the category Set*. Yes, for each nonempty set $S$ and each $s\in S$ there is an object $(S,s)$ in Set*.

Peter said:
My question is as follows: the prescription \(\displaystyle \sigma \ : \ S \longrightarrow T\) such that \(\displaystyle \sigma (s) = t\) does not tell us how the other elements of \(\displaystyle S\) are mapped ... ... ? ... and there are many alternatives ... and hence presumably, many \(\displaystyle \sigma\)s ... ... ?
Yes. Just like there are many morphisms between given objects of the category Set, there are in general many morphisms between any two objects in Set*.
  • #3
Peter said:
I am reading Paolo Aluffi's book: Algebra: Chapter 0 ... ...

I am currently focussed on Section I.3 Categories ... ... and am trying to understand Example 3.8 which is introduced as a concrete instance of the coslice categories referred to in Example 3.7 ...

Examples 3.7 and 3.8 read as follows:Since I do not have a basic understanding of the category of Example 3.8 my questions may not be well formulated ... for which I apologise in advance ...

My questions are as follows:Question 1

In the above text by Aluffi we read the following:

" ... ... An object in SET* is then a morphism \(\displaystyle f \ : \ \{ \ast \} \longrightarrow S\) in Set where \(\displaystyle S\) is any set. ... ... "
My question is as follows: what exactly is \(\displaystyle \ast\) ... ?

and ... ... is there only one \(\displaystyle \ast\) for the category ... or one for each set ... if it is just a singleton for each set why not refer to it as a special element \(\displaystyle s \in S\) ...

It is a "generic" singleton set. If you prefer, you may think of it as the set $\{1\}$, although that notation implies we have some sort of numeric structure, which is not the case. In the category $\mathbf{Set}$, singletons are unique-up to set-isomorphism (bijection).
Question 2

In the above text by Aluffi we read the following:

" ... ... Thus we may denote object of Set* as pairs \(\displaystyle (S,s)\) where \(\displaystyle S\) is any set and \(\displaystyle s \in S\) is any element of \(\displaystyle S\) ... ... " My question is as follows: is there only one special element of \(\displaystyle S\) in the category ... ... or are elements \(\displaystyle (S, s_1)\) and \(\displaystyle (S, s_2)\) in the category Set* where \(\displaystyle s_1\) and \(\displaystyle s_2\), like \(\displaystyle s\), belong to the set \(\displaystyle S\).

It is possible to have $(S,s_1)$ and $(S,s_2)$ where $S = S$ but $s_1 \neq s_2$-but the idea is we are thinking of each $S$ as "coming with" a distinguished point", or "base point" that "roots it." I admit it may not immediately be clear *why* we are doing this, but perhaps this might make it clear.

In the category $\mathbf{Set}$, there is an initial object $\emptyset$: that is, there is a unique function $\emptyset \to A$ for any $A$, the empty function. We also have terminal objects, there is a unique function $A \to \{\ast\}$ (these are called "constant functions"). Note that the initial object and the terminal object are "different". Using pointed sets fixes this asymmetry.

Question 3

In the above text by Aluffi we read the following:

" ... ... A morphism between two such objects \(\displaystyle (S,s) \longrightarrow (T,t)\), corresponds then to a set-function \(\displaystyle \sigma \ : \ S \longrightarrow T\) such that \(\displaystyle \sigma (s) = t\). ... ... "

My question is as follows: the prescription \(\displaystyle \sigma \ : \ S \longrightarrow T\) such that \(\displaystyle \sigma (s) = t\) does not tell us how the other elements of \(\displaystyle S\) are mapped ... ... ? ... and there are many alternatives ... and hence presumably, many \(\displaystyle \sigma\)s ... ... ? ... ... can someone clarify this matter ...
Hope someone can help ...


Morphisms in a category are typically NOT unique, just as morphisms in $\mathbf{Set}$ are non-unique (we typically have MANY functions $f:A \to B$, for any pair $(A,B) \in [\mathcal{Obj}(\mathbf{Set})]^2$). Just so, a morphism in $\mathbf{Set}_{\ast}$ is a function $f: (A,a_0) \to (B,b_0)$ such that $f:A \to B$ is a function with $f(a_0) = b_0$. Such maps are called "base-point preserving".
  • #4
Deveno said:
It is a "generic" singleton set. If you prefer, you may think of it as the set $\{1\}$, although that notation implies we have some sort of numeric structure, which is not the case. In the category $\mathbf{Set}$, singletons are unique-up to set-isomorphism (bijection). It is possible to have $(S,s_1)$ and $(S,s_2)$ where $S = S$ but $s_1 \neq s_2$-but the idea is we are thinking of each $S$ as "coming with" a distinguished point", or "base point" that "roots it." I admit it may not immediately be clear *why* we are doing this, but perhaps this might make it clear.

In the category $\mathbf{Set}$, there is an initial object $\emptyset$: that is, there is a unique function $\emptyset \to A$ for any $A$, the empty function. We also have terminal objects, there is a unique function $A \to \{\ast\}$ (these are called "constant functions"). Note that the initial object and the terminal object are "different". Using pointed sets fixes this asymmetry.
Morphisms in a category are typically NOT unique, just as morphisms in $\mathbf{Set}$ are non-unique (we typically have MANY functions $f:A \to B$, for any pair $(A,B) \in [\mathcal{Obj}(\mathbf{Set})]^2$). Just so, a morphism in $\mathbf{Set}_{\ast}$ is a function $f: (A,a_0) \to (B,b_0)$ such that $f:A \to B$ is a function with $f(a_0) = b_0$. Such maps are called "base-point preserving".
Thanks Evgeny, Deveno ... appreciate your help ...

Reflecting on your posts now ... still a bit puzzled though ... especially about {*} ...

  • #5
Peter said:
Thanks Evgeny, Deveno ... appreciate your help ...

Reflecting on your posts now ... still a bit puzzled though ... especially about {*} ...


In category theory, one is concerned with how things BEHAVE, not what they "are". For example, the groups:

$\{1,i,-1,-i\}$ under complex multiplication and $\{[0]_4,[1]_4,[2]_4,[3]_4\}$ under addition modulo $4$ are regarded as "the same", since there exists a group isomorphism between them (what kind of things "isomorphisms" are will vary from category to category).

With sets, an "isomorphism" is a bijective function. It is pretty clear that if $\{a\}$ and $\{b\}$ are two one-element sets, then:

$f:\{a\} \to \{b\}$ given by $f(a) = b$ is a bijection between them. So insofar as their "set-behavior" is concerned, there really isn't any significant difference between them except for the SYMBOL we attach to their sole element. Put another way, the most significant ALGEBRAIC property of a "set without algebraic structure" is its SIZE (its cardinality).

For example, the sets $\{1,2,3\}$ and $\{\text{Alice},\text{Bob},\text{Carol}\}$ are "essentially the same set" (up to a re-naming). We might represent both/either by $\{a,b,c\}$.

In algebraic topology, it is common for one to make a structure out of "loops in a space", $X$. A loop is just a continuous function:

$f:\Bbb I = [0,1] \to X$, where $f(0) = f(1)$.

To compose loops, its typical to run one after another, but this only makes sense if both loops start and end at "the same place". So one "picks a basepoint". It often turns out it doesn't matter "which point in $X$" one chooses, as long as you "stick with it". So we pick a generic point, and call it $\{\ast\}$ (or we could call it $x_0$, no real difference).

Another facet of category theory is the emphasis on arrows rather than objects. With sets, we don't "need elements", we can instead speak of a mapping $\{\ast\} \to A$, which picks out the element of $A$ that is the image of this mapping. Such a mapping is necessarily injective, and thus can be considered a kind of "inclusion" function.
  • #6
Deveno said:
In category theory, one is concerned with how things BEHAVE, not what they "are". For example, the groups:

$\{1,i,-1,-i\}$ under complex multiplication and $\{[0]_4,[1]_4,[2]_4,[3]_4\}$ under addition modulo $4$ are regarded as "the same", since there exists a group isomorphism between them (what kind of things "isomorphisms" are will vary from category to category).

With sets, an "isomorphism" is a bijective function. It is pretty clear that if $\{a\}$ and $\{b\}$ are two one-element sets, then:

$f:\{a\} \to \{b\}$ given by $f(a) = b$ is a bijection between them. So insofar as their "set-behavior" is concerned, there really isn't any significant difference between them except for the SYMBOL we attach to their sole element. Put another way, the most significant ALGEBRAIC property of a "set without algebraic structure" is its SIZE (its cardinality).

For example, the sets $\{1,2,3\}$ and $\{\text{Alice},\text{Bob},\text{Carol}\}$ are "essentially the same set" (up to a re-naming). We might represent both/either by $\{a,b,c\}$.

In algebraic topology, it is common for one to make a structure out of "loops in a space", $X$. A loop is just a continuous function:

$f:\Bbb I = [0,1] \to X$, where $f(0) = f(1)$.

To compose loops, its typical to run one after another, but this only makes sense if both loops start and end at "the same place". So one "picks a basepoint". It often turns out it doesn't matter "which point in $X$" one chooses, as long as you "stick with it". So we pick a generic point, and call it $\{\ast\}$ (or we could call it $x_0$, no real difference).

Another facet of category theory is the emphasis on arrows rather than objects. With sets, we don't "need elements", we can instead speak of a mapping $\{\ast\} \to A$, which picks out the element of $A$ that is the image of this mapping. Such a mapping is necessarily injective, and thus can be considered a kind of "inclusion" function.

Thanks for a really helpful and clarifying post, Deveno ...

Great to know about the link with algebraic topology ...

Sorry to be a bit slow in responding ... had to travel out of Tasmania for a whole ...


Related to Categories of Pointed Sets - Aluffi, Example 3.8

1. What are categories of pointed sets?

Categories of pointed sets are a type of mathematical structure that combines the concepts of both sets and functions. They are used to study relationships between different sets, and are characterized by having a set of objects and a set of arrows (or functions) between those objects.

2. How are categories of pointed sets defined?

Categories of pointed sets are defined as a collection of objects and arrows, where the objects are sets and the arrows are functions between those sets. Additionally, there must be an identity arrow for each object and a composition operation that satisfies certain axioms.

3. What is the significance of Example 3.8 in Aluffi's book?

Example 3.8 in Aluffi's book introduces the concept of categories of pointed sets and provides an example of how they can be used to study relationships between sets. It also demonstrates how categories can be used to define and study specific mathematical structures.

4. What is the difference between a pointed set and a category of pointed sets?

A pointed set is a single mathematical object that consists of a set and a distinguished element in that set. A category of pointed sets, on the other hand, is a collection of pointed sets that also includes arrows and a composition operation. Categories of pointed sets are a more general and abstract concept than individual pointed sets.

5. How are categories of pointed sets used in mathematics?

Categories of pointed sets are used in mathematics to study relationships between different sets and structures. They allow for the comparison and classification of different mathematical structures, and can also be used to define and study specific structures such as groups, rings, and vector spaces.

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