Can We Cool a Macroscopic Crystal to 1 nK?

In summary: It is possible to prepare a Bose condensate from a dilute alkali metal vapor. It is also possible to prepare a Bose condensate from a gas of atoms in the ground state. But this is not the question at hand.
  • #1
Petr Matas
Is it theoretically possible to cool a macroscopic crystal (for example NaCl 1×1×1 cm) to an extremely low temperature, like 1 nK?
Will it retain its microscopic structure?
Does it have anything to do with zero point energy (I mean something like the lowest energy level of a quantum oscillator) or quantum uncertainty?
And how about a microscopic crystal, like 10×10×10 atoms?
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  • #2
The low-temperature behavior of the heat capacities of solids is very important in the statement of the 3rd law of thermodynamics, and also in the experimental testing of the Einstein and Debye crystal models. I'm not sure about temperatures of the nanokelvin range, though.

If a crystal is cooled quickly enough, it can be "frozen" in a state that is not the thermodynamically most stable one at low temperatures.
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  • #3
Petr Matas said:
Is it theoretically possible to cool a macroscopic crystal (for example NaCl 1×1×1 cm) to an extremely low temperature, like 1 nK?
Theoretically, there is no limit to how close to 0 K one can cool down to (without ever reaching it, per the 3rd law of thermodynamics). Practically, macroscopic crystals have been cooled below 1 K, using for instance adiabatic magnetization, see

Petr Matas said:
Will it retain its microscopic structure?
Yes. Why not?
  • #4
DrClaude said:
Petr Matas said:
Will it retain its microscopic structure?
Yes. Why not?
Because at extremely low temperatures the energy of individual atoms and thus their momentum is also extremely low and therefore very precisely specified. This should result in high uncertainty of their position. Shoudn't this lead to the crystal becoming liquid?
However, from another point of view, the crystal is just a large molecule. De-exciting it to its ground state makes it lose all energy and its temperature should be 0 K. And we know that molecules usually do retain their structure in the ground state.
The microcrystal's energy levels will be spaced coarsely and thus its temperature should be quantized.
Am I right?
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  • #5
Petr Matas said:
Because at extremely low temperatures the energy of individual atoms and thus their momentum is also extremely low and therefore very precisely specified. This should result in high uncertainty of their position. Shoudn't this lead to the crystal becoming liquid?
However, from another point of view, the crystal is just a large molecule. De-exciting it to its ground state makes it lose all energy and its temperature should be 0 K. And we know that molecules usually do retain their structure in the ground state.
The microcrystal's energy levels will be spaced coarsely and thus its temperature should be quantized.
Am I right?

If you have a harmonic oscillator in the ground state (a simple model of a single atom in a crystal), the expectation value of the magnitude of its momentum vector is not zero. That's because of the ground state energy.

Temperature is not quantized because it depends on the statistical probabilities of the excitation states of parts of the system. If you have a set of atoms that can only have energies ##E_1## or ##E_2## because of quantization, the probability of a randomly picked atom from the set having energy ##E_2## can still be any real number between 0 and 1.

The crystal does not de-excite to ground state in a realistical situation because it's constantly receiving thermal radiation and molecular collisions from its environment.
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  • #6
Petr Matas said:
Because at extremely low temperatures the energy of individual atoms and thus their momentum is also extremely low and therefore very precisely specified.
I don't see why low momentum means "more precisely specified."
  • #7
@hilbert2: Thank you for your clear explanation.

hilbert2 said:
Temperature is not quantized because it depends on the statistical probabilities of the excitation states of parts of the system.
Oh yes, that did not come to my mind. And any system is always entangled with its environment. Is it even possible to prepare a single atom with a 100% probability of it being in its ground state then? ΔE⋅Δt ≥ ½ħ comes to my mind as well, so maybe the answer is no, unless you have infinite time?

DrClaude said:
I don't see why low momentum means "more precisely specified."
This is not because the momentum's expectation value is very close to a zero vector (that would permit high uncertainty of the momentum vector), but because its magnitude is expected to be very low, which means that the momentum probability distribution has a sharp peak around the zero vector. However, that applies to a free particle. As the atom is bound in our case, its momentum uncertainty is high even in the ground state.
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  • #8
Petr Matas said:
Oh yes, that did not come to my mind. And any system is always entangled with its environment. Is it even possible to prepare a single atom with a 100% probability of it being in its ground state then? ΔE⋅Δt ≥ ½ħ comes to my mind as well, so maybe the answer is no, unless you have infinite time?

I don't think a 100% probability is possible, but if you prepare a Bose condensate from a dilute alkali metal vapor and then pick a single atom from it and measure its energy as accurately as possible, it could be very close to ground state after that (not sure how that would be done in practice).
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  • #9
Petr Matas said:
Is it theoretically possible to cool a macroscopic crystal (for example NaCl 1×1×1 cm) to an extremely low temperature, like 1 nK?
Will it retain its microscopic structure?
Does it have anything to do with zero point energy (I mean something like the lowest energy level of a quantum oscillator) or quantum uncertainty?
And how about a microscopic crystal, like 10×10×10 atoms?

That's a very good question. But what is relevant here is the momentum uncertainty of the whole crystal, not that of it's compound atoms. For a crystal or molecule of 1000 atoms, free to move in space, the uncertainty in position at a given temperature is given by the De Broglie wavelength, which is a consequence of Heisenberg's uncertainty relation:
As this length is also the uncertainty with which we can know the position of an atom in a crystal, it is better to say that in a crystal, the difference of the atomic positions (or the spatial correlation function) has a sharp value, rather than the positions itself.
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Related to Can We Cool a Macroscopic Crystal to 1 nK?

1. How is it possible to cool a macroscopic crystal to such a low temperature?

Cooling a macroscopic crystal to 1 nK is possible through a combination of techniques such as laser cooling, evaporative cooling, and magnetic trapping. These methods involve reducing the energy and motion of the crystal's atoms, resulting in a decrease in temperature.

2. What are the potential applications of cooling a macroscopic crystal to 1 nK?

The ability to cool a macroscopic crystal to 1 nK has potential applications in quantum computing, precision measurements, and the study of fundamental physics. This temperature range allows for the observation of quantum effects and the manipulation of individual atoms within the crystal.

3. What are the challenges in achieving a temperature of 1 nK?

One of the main challenges in cooling a macroscopic crystal to 1 nK is the loss of atoms due to collisions and interactions with the surrounding environment. This requires precise control and isolation of the crystal from external factors. Additionally, the cooling process must be carefully optimized to prevent the crystal from reaching a lower temperature than intended.

4. How is the temperature of a macroscopic crystal measured at such low levels?

The temperature of a macroscopic crystal at 1 nK can be measured using a variety of techniques, such as laser spectroscopy, thermometry, and noise thermometry. These methods involve measuring the energy and motion of the atoms within the crystal in order to determine its temperature.

5. Is it possible to cool all types of crystals to 1 nK?

Theoretically, it is possible to cool any type of crystal to 1 nK using the aforementioned techniques. However, the success and efficiency of the cooling process may vary depending on the specific properties and composition of the crystal. Some crystals may require more complex cooling methods or may not be able to reach such low temperatures due to their inherent properties.

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