Calculating velocity in a slingshot

In summary, the student attempted to find the initial velocity of a projectile after it was launched from a slingshot. They used Hooke's law and found the potential energy in the spring. They then used this potential energy to calculate the velocity of the projectile. However, they found that the values didn't work out right. They believe it was a calculation error due to using SI units.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I launched a projectile from a slingshot to different distances by pulling the band back different distances. The projectile was launched horizontally, and the slingshot was a fixed height, 48 cm, above ground.
Known Data for the first run:
Height: 48 cm
Distance the band was pulled back: 4 cm
Force on the band at this stretched point: 1 N
Average distance the projectile traveled after launch: 17 cm
Mass of projectile: 100 gm

Now I need to know how to find the initial velocity of the projectile when it leaves the slingshot, so I can theoretically determine how far the projectile ought to have gone.

Homework Equations

s = ut + 1/2 at2
Potential Energy of Spring = 1/2 kx2

The Attempt at a Solution

Using the force and the extension, I determined k from Hooke's law. Then, using k and extension, I found the potential energy in the spring. Assuming all this energy got converted to kinetic energy, I equated this potential energy to 1/2 mv2. Using the known mass of the projectile, I was able to calculate the velocity of the projectile at launch.

However, using the height, gravitational acceleration, and the knowledge that the initial vertical velocity was 0, I was able to calculate the time the projectile was in motion for. Then, using the initial velocity of the projectile derived earlier, and the time, I calculated the horizontal distance it should have covered ignoring air resistance. However, the values didn't work out right.

Can you tell me where I'm going wrong, or suggest your own method for calculating the velocity of a projectile after it is launched from a slingshot.
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  • #2
If I were to do this, I would trust the projectile motion calculation for finding the initial horizontal velocity. I would also trust conservation of mechanical energy, i.e. that the potential energy stored in the rubber band is converted to kinetic energy of the projectile. I would not trust the validity of Hooke's Law which rubber bands do not generally obey. They also show "hysteresis", i.e. the force they exert depends on what was previously done to them and for how long. In short, I would not assume that the potential energy in the "spring" is (1/2) kx2.

There is a simple test. Hang different masses from your rubber band and measure how much it stretches for each mass. Plot mg vs. x and see if you get a straight line. If you do, Hook's Law is valid and the slope is the spring constant. Repeat your measurements a few times and see how reproducible the results are.
  • #3
Holy ****, as I begin writing this post, there's this strong feeling of deja vu hitting me.

Anyhow, yes, I am aware of the problems of inelasticity. However, it doesn't matter, since the elasticity was calculated after each experiment, and that was the value used. The consistency of the elasticity didn't matter so much. The spring constant did reduce a lot during the course of the experiment, indicating a decrease in elasticity, but that didn't affect my calculations in any way.

I have got my calculations in place now, I think it was just a calculation error due to SI units not being used. Its fixed now. Thanks for your suggestion though, kuruman.

Related to Calculating velocity in a slingshot

1. How do you calculate the velocity of a projectile in a slingshot?

The velocity of a projectile launched from a slingshot can be calculated using the formula v = √(2gh), where v is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and h is the height of the slingshot.

2. Do you take into account the mass of the projectile when calculating velocity in a slingshot?

Yes, the mass of the projectile is an important factor in calculating velocity in a slingshot. The formula for velocity takes into account the gravitational potential energy of the projectile, which is affected by its mass.

3. How does the angle of the slingshot affect the velocity of the projectile?

The angle of the slingshot affects the velocity of the projectile by changing the direction of the launch. The optimal angle for maximum velocity is 45 degrees, as this maximizes the horizontal and vertical components of the launch.

4. Is the velocity of a projectile in a slingshot constant?

No, the velocity of a projectile in a slingshot is not constant. It decreases as the projectile travels through the air due to air resistance and gravity. The initial velocity at the moment of launch is the maximum velocity that the projectile will reach.

5. Can you use the same formula to calculate velocity in a slingshot for different projectiles?

Yes, the formula for calculating velocity in a slingshot can be used for different projectiles as long as the mass and height of the slingshot remain constant. However, the air resistance and other external factors may affect the actual velocity of the projectile in each case.

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