Bungee Jumping-Tension+Air resistance with regards to max extension

In summary, a person of mass 75 kg jumps from a bridge with a rope stretched to twice its natural length. The acceleration due to gravity, acceleration due to tension, and drag are all found. The maximum extension of the rope is found and the speed of entry to the water is found.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Bungee Jumping
l=natural length of rope
x=extension of rope
y=total distance fallen
m=mass,a=acceleration,v=velocity,g=acceleration due to gravity
k=air resistance co-efficient

Given data: The rope is stretched to twice its natural length by a mass of 75kg hanging at rest from its free end

The bungee jumper jumps off a bridge, as he falls, he experiences quadratic drag (kv^2), when the rope begins to extend, he also experiences a deceleration due to the tension in the rope. Find the maximum extension of the rope (x) with regards to the mass of the jumper (m) and the natural length of the rope(l).

Previous questions were without air resistance, which i worked out fine.

Homework Equations

F=ma (a=F/m)
T=jx (Hookes Law, j not k to avoid confusion with drag)

The Attempt at a Solution

General thought pattern:
Find the acceleration in terms of all the variables, from the acceleration, find the velocity through whichever means possible. Equal the velocity to 0, as this is when the extension will be at a maximum. Manipulate it into the form x=something.

a=acceleration due to gravity-acceleration due to tension - drag
a=g-(75g/lm)x -kv^2 ((75g/lm)x was found as the deceleration due to tension in one of the previous questions)

So i now have a formula for a in terms of the extension and the velocity, the trouble comes when i attempt to substitute a for either (d/dx)0.5x^2 or v(dv/dx). As the formula contains both x and v, I am always left with trying to do either (75g/lm)x dv or kv^2 dx. The solution my teacher came up with was to treat x or v respectively as a constant(which they're not), but i don't really think that is the appropriate way to go about it.
I've also tried to use v^2 = u^2 +2as, but i then realized that only works for constant acceleration. I can calculate the velocity of the jumper when x=0, so I am fine with tension or air resistance by themselves, it is when trying to put them both together where i become stuck.
So I am really just trying to find a way to get started on this question without running into a brick wall, the only thing i can currently think of at this point is equating x to v somehow, but i have no idea if that will work or not.
Yes, this is for an assignment, I'm not asking for anyone to do it for me, I am just looking for a place to start on this little piece of hell. If more info is needed, the assignment is here: http://www.qsa.qld.edu.au/downloads/senior/snr_maths_c_***_sample_2.pdf (9th page) or just ask. Many thanks
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  • #2
link not working. please post the original question AS IT IS.
  • #3
Dynamics — Bungee jumping
New Zealand is the home of bungee jumping. One of the
major jumps is located on a bridge over the Shotover
River near Queenstown.
In this case, the bridge is 71 m above the river.
Two types of jumps are available — wet and dry. In a dry
jump, the person’s fall ends just above the water surface.
In a wet jump the person is submerged to a depth of 1 m.
Participants jump from the bridge, fastened to an elastic
rope that is adjusted to halt their descent at an
appropriate level.
The rope is specially designed and its spring constant is
known from specifications. For the purposes of the problem, we will assume that the rope is
stretched to twice its normal length by a person of mass 75 kg hanging at rest from the free
end. It is necessary to adjust the length of the rope in terms of the weight of the jumper.
1. For a person of mass m kg, calculate the depth to which a person would fall if attached
to a rope of the type described above, with length l metres. Treat the jumper as a
particle so that the height of the person can be neglected. Discuss the assumptions
made in this calculation.
2. If you were the person jumping off the 71 m attraction, find the length of rope needed
for a dry jump, where the descent is halted 1 m above the water.
3. Now find the length of rope needed for a wet jump, where the descent would end 1 m
below the surface of the water. Find the speed of entry to the water.
4. In practice, the bungee rope is attached to the ankles of the jumper. Refine the
previous model to allow for the height of the jumper and modify the earlier calculations.
Is the difference significant?
5. At present, the model does not include air resistance. Discuss the changes which
would have to be made to the model to include air resistance, which is proportional to
the velocity of the jumper. Discuss the difficulties involved with the mathematics of this
6. Read the newspaper article entitled “Bungee jumping requires leap of faith” (available
from the Bungee.com website, www.bungee.com/bzapp/press/lj.html). Use
mathematics to support or refute the journalist’s comments.

It is Q5 i am talking about
  • #4
I was skeptical as to what Q5 actually involved, but the teacher said i need to get a function x in terms of l and m
Also, i know it says proportional, not quadratic drag, teacher said to change it
  • #5
thiras, in Q 5 they are saying that air resistance is proportional to the velocity of the jumper. why are you using quadratic terms in velocity for air resistance ?
  • #6
My teacher said that she thought that quadratic was easier to work with, and that's what she used in her workings. This might be a good time to point out that as of this morning she hasnt figured out how to do it yet, which is why I'm here asking you guys
  • #7

Related to Bungee Jumping-Tension+Air resistance with regards to max extension

1. What is the relationship between tension and maximum extension in bungee jumping?

The tension in a bungee cord is directly related to the maximum extension it can reach. As the jumper falls, the bungee cord stretches and the tension increases. When the tension reaches a certain level, it will balance out the force of gravity and the jumper will stop falling. This is the maximum extension of the bungee cord. Therefore, the higher the tension, the greater the maximum extension.

2. How does air resistance affect the maximum extension of a bungee cord?

Air resistance, also known as drag, plays a significant role in the maximum extension of a bungee cord. As the jumper falls, air resistance increases and creates a force that opposes the motion. This force decreases the acceleration of the jumper and can also cause the bungee cord to reach its maximum extension sooner. Therefore, air resistance can reduce the maximum extension of a bungee cord.

3. Is there a maximum weight limit for bungee jumping?

Yes, there is typically a weight limit for bungee jumping. This is because the bungee cord and other equipment used are designed to support a certain amount of weight. Exceeding this weight limit can put too much strain on the equipment and increase the risk of injury. The weight limit can vary depending on the location and type of bungee jumping, so it is important to check with the specific company or location beforehand.

4. Can the length of a bungee cord affect the maximum extension?

Yes, the length of a bungee cord can affect the maximum extension. A longer cord will have a greater potential to stretch and therefore can reach a greater maximum extension. However, using a longer cord also means that the jumper will experience a longer free fall before the bungee cord starts to stretch, which can increase the risk of injury. Therefore, the length of a bungee cord should be carefully chosen to balance the maximum extension and the safety of the jump.

5. How is the maximum extension of a bungee cord calculated?

The maximum extension of a bungee cord can be calculated using the equation: E = (mg + 1/2ρAv2) / k, where E is the maximum extension, m is the mass of the jumper, g is the acceleration due to gravity, ρ is the density of air, A is the cross-sectional area of the jumper, v is the velocity of the jumper, and k is the spring constant of the bungee cord. This equation takes into account the forces of gravity, air resistance, and the elasticity of the bungee cord to determine the maximum extension. However, it is important to note that this is a theoretical calculation and the actual maximum extension may vary due to other factors such as the weight and length of the bungee cord, and the skill of the bungee jump operator.

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