Bullet Proof Shields For Military Infantry

In summary, the troops are running across an airport runway being shot at. The thinking is to keep the heavy pack on so you don't get shot in the back, but if so, ditch the pack and go ask for a back shield. There are some shields in sci fi movies and series, but they have no real purpose other than making us use an extra hand. As for the pack, it depends on which pack you mean. The large MOLLE ruck we usually ditch if assaulting an objective but carry if moving out of a kill box because it has all our stuff (mortar shells, food, sleeping bag, etc) but leaving it in a kill box seems like a bad idea. The IOTV is
  • #1
average guy
i saw some news footage awhile ago
and the troops were running across an airport runway
being sniped at.
where are they at with developing and issuing shields now?
anybody have first hand experience.
is the thinking keep the heavy pack on so
you don't get shot in the back?
if so i say ditch the pack and go ask for a back shield.
i have seen some shields in sci fi movies and series.
( my girlfriend watches them )

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  • #2
No idea what purpose a shield would really have besides make us use an extra hand which believe it or not will not be possible. As for the pack, it depends which pack you mean. The large MOLLE ruck we usually ditch if assaulting an objective but carry if moving out of a kill box simply because it has all our stuff (mortar shells, food, sleeping bag, etc) and leaving it in a kill box seems like a bad idea. Heck it can even be used to form low cover and base for firing.

The assault pack on the other hand is kept because it, well the name gives it away. So no it isn't used to stop from getting shot in the back. The IOTV is capable of stopping a 7.76mm round. (The IOTV is the body armor currently issued.)
  • #3
A good friend of mine is a forward air controller. Been shot 5 times. $6500 of body armor has kept him safe. It has ceramic plates in the critical spots. They shatter and are replaced.
  • #4
Engineers somewhere else said they're 2 packs; to paraphrase 'full pack' and 'attack pack'. The one time i saw on tv just looked bad, running across open space with full pack. Sounds like things are getting done right and that's good. Idea of shield is light and for temporary protection. Maybe just urban scenario and zero pack once again all sounds good. Go get 'em.

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  • #5
the pack contains equipment, and tools necessary to complete a particular mission.
as far as shields go, technology that can be implemented within ten years, maybe a monofilament mesh of some sort or active camouflage

Related to Bullet Proof Shields For Military Infantry

1. What materials are used to make bullet proof shields for military infantry?

Most bullet proof shields for military infantry are typically made from a combination of materials, including Kevlar, ceramic plates, and high-strength synthetic fibers such as Dyneema. These materials are chosen for their ability to absorb and disperse the energy of a bullet, thereby reducing its impact on the shield and the person holding it.

2. How effective are bullet proof shields in stopping bullets?

The effectiveness of a bullet proof shield largely depends on the materials used and the level of protection it provides. While no shield can offer 100% protection against all types of bullets, high-quality shields can greatly reduce the risk of injury or death. It is important to note that the effectiveness of a shield also depends on the angle at which the bullet hits it, the distance from which it is fired, and the type of firearm used.

3. Are bullet proof shields heavy and cumbersome to carry?

Modern bullet proof shields for military infantry are designed to be lightweight and easy to maneuver. While they may vary in weight depending on the level of protection they offer, most shields can be carried by a single person and do not hinder movement. Additionally, many shields come with ergonomic handles and straps to make them easier to carry and use in the field.

4. Can bullet proof shields withstand repeated shots?

The ability of a bullet proof shield to withstand repeated shots depends on the materials used and the level of protection it offers. Some shields are designed to stop multiple rounds, while others may only be effective against one or two shots. It is important for military personnel to regularly inspect their shields and replace them if they show signs of wear or damage.

5. How do bullet proof shields differ from bulletproof vests?

While both bullet proof shields and vests offer protection against bullets, they serve different purposes. Bullet proof shields are primarily used by military personnel in combat situations to provide portable cover and protection against gunfire. On the other hand, bulletproof vests are worn by individuals to protect their vital organs in the event of a shooting or other dangerous situation. Additionally, bullet proof shields are often larger and offer more comprehensive protection, while vests are more compact and designed to be worn under clothing.

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