Building programs yourself vs interships, for experience

In summary: Do both. Doing your own programs shows self-motivation. Getting an internship gives you interview experience, gives you a tangible job reference and gives you practical team experience. Also an internship can lead to a job at the interning company.
  • #1
I'm trying to get some more work experience for my computer science resume since it's practically empty. All of the internships I've found so far are too demanding of my time since I'm a full time student. Would it be worth my time to create my own software and put that on my resume or should I continue searching for internships?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
Your own projects will need time as well, and it is harder to show that you put time into them. Contributing to open-source projects is another option.
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  • #3
Do both. Doing your own programs shows self-motivation. Getting an internship gives you interview experience, gives you a tangible job reference and gives you practical team experience. Also an internship can lead to a job at the interning company.
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  • #4
mfb said:
Your own projects will need time as well, and it is harder to show that you put time into them. Contributing to open-source projects is another option.
I like the open source idea, is there a particular website that's best known for this?
  • #5
Github and sourceforge hosts many open source projects.

However you should find them based on interest. As an example, the project is always looking for people to investigate and fix issues that they will vet and then add to the official project.
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  • #6
jedishrfu said:
Github and sourceforge hosts many open source projects.

However you should find them based on interest. As an example, the project is always looking for people to investigate and fix issues that they will vet and then add to the official project.
Thanks for the help! I definitely don't want to wait around until I graduate to find experience
  • #7
jedishrfu said:
Do both. Doing your own programs shows self-motivation. Getting an internship gives you interview experience, gives you a tangible job reference and gives you practical team experience. Also an internship can lead to a job at the interning company.
I agree here. Do both. You could or should be able to get recognition for your individual project IF YOU ARE SHARING IT WITH THE TARGETED USERS for the application.
  • #8
I know when I and my coworkers interview candidates, we get particularly interested when we see extracurricular items listed related to our work. One person had C/C++ audio processing on Arduino and Raspberry PI platforms, another had contributed to the Processing foundation and yet another had worked on a team for some open source initiatives. These people are truly interested in programming and have gone above and beyond regular coursework. These are the kinds of people we want working for us.

Also don't sell yourself short, sometimes your hobbies should be listed and may interest an interviewer with the same interests:
- read and write sci-fi / fantasy novels
- active member of Society for Creative Anachronism, designing your own costumes and accoutrements
- compete in robotics competitions as part of a team doing hardware/software development...
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  • #9
jedishrfu said:
I know when I and my coworkers interview candidates, we get particularly interested when we see extracurricular items listed related to our work. One person had C/C++ audio processing on Arduino and Raspberry PI platforms, another had contributed to the Processing foundation and yet another had worked on a team for some open source initiatives. These people are truly interested in programming and have gone above and beyond regular coursework. These are the kinds of people we want working for us.

Also don't sell yourself short, sometimes your hobbies should be listed and may interest an interviewer with the same interests:
- read and write sci-fi / fantasy novels
- active member of Society for Creative Anachronism, designing your own costumes and accoutrements
- compete in robotics competitions as part of a team doing hardware/software development...
Wow that's really good advice, thank you! It''s encouraging to hear that non-work related activities do help. I would like to do as much as possible and use my time as efficiently as possible but sometimes I just have no idea where to start, whether internship or learning things on my own. I'm not a procrastinator by any means, I just want to make sure I'm using my time wisely.

Related to Building programs yourself vs interships, for experience

1. What are the main differences between building programs yourself and internships for gaining experience?

Building programs yourself involves working independently on personal projects, while internships involve working within a company or organization under the guidance of experienced professionals. Building programs yourself allows for more creative freedom and self-directed learning, while internships provide hands-on experience in a professional setting.

2. Which option is more beneficial in terms of skill development?

Both options can be beneficial for skill development. Building programs yourself allows for more exploration and experimentation, while internships provide practical experience and exposure to real-world projects. It ultimately depends on the individual's learning style and goals.

3. How do internships and building programs yourself differ in terms of networking opportunities?

Internships offer the opportunity to network with professionals in the industry and potentially secure future job opportunities. Building programs yourself may not provide as many networking opportunities, but it allows for showcasing your skills and projects to potential employers.

4. Are internships or building programs yourself more valuable on a resume?

Both internships and building programs yourself can add value to a resume. Internships demonstrate practical experience and working within a team, while building programs yourself showcases initiative, creativity, and self-motivation. It is beneficial to have a balance of both experiences on a resume.

5. Which option is more cost-effective?

Building programs yourself can be more cost-effective as it only requires access to a computer and the necessary software. Internships may involve transportation costs and potentially unpaid work, depending on the company. However, internships can also offer paid opportunities and valuable connections that can benefit one's career in the long run.

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