Bubble sort doesn't stop as expected

In summary, the conversation discusses the implementation of a bubble sort algorithm in Python and the need to detect when the sorting is complete. The code is corrected multiple times and suggestions are given on how to improve its efficiency. The conversation also mentions the importance of understanding how bubble sort works and provides a link to a helpful resource. In the end, the correct code is provided and the conversation ends with the topic of further testing and potential improvements.
  • #1
This was written in python as an excersie, it's a terribly inefficient use of python. Still I don't understand why the sort doesn't stop as soon as possible
can anyone one point out the error?

def   bubbleSort (theList):
      size = len(theList) - 1
      while (size > 0):
         index = 0
         while (index < size):
             if (theList[index] > theList[index+1]):
                 temp = theList[index]
                 theList[index] = theList[index+1]
                 theList[index+1] = temp
             index = index + 1
       size = size - 1
       print theList
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  • #2
In order to stop as soon as possible you'd need some way to detect that no further sorting needs to be done. For example, if you make it through a complete pass without having to swap any entries then the list must be all in order and you can quit.
  • #3
Would it be better to have the second loop run under the parameters?

(while size != index)

Or do I need to create a separate statement of some kind to operate under?
  • #4
Can you indent "size = size - 1"?
  • #5
I indented but it looped twice instead of 3 times, the list sorted was three items [9,8,10]
  • #6
I got it, I need to indent the index iteration as well so that it is in the if statement. Dumb me

I sometimes forget that the if is in the loop instead of a superimposed rule for the loop,

Thanks for the help everyone. :biggrin:
  • #7
Can you adjust the while-condition then?
  • #8
mr.me said:
I got it, I need to indent the index iteration as well so that it is in the if statement. Dumb me

Uhh... :rolleyes: Did that work? :confused:
  • #9
I was trying to say that it did I believe it did, at least it only printed the the list once when I ran it with the print in the loop. Is there something else going on that I don't understand?
  • #10
Perhaps you should try a couple of longer unsorted lists...

The algorithm of bubble sort "bubbles" through the list one index at a time.
If you only increment the index if you actually swap, you won't properly bubble through the list.
  • #11
Earlier I was asking how I could adjust the while condition to allow it to stop after the first sort
I don't know what I would adjust it to
  • #12
It shouldn't stop after the first sort.

The outer while-loop needs to make one extra iteration.

Hint: now it decrements size to 0 and then stops, without executing for size=0.
  • #13
Is this correct ?

def bubbleSort (theList):
    size = len(theList) - 1
    while (size > 0):
        index = 0
        while ( index>size ):
            if (theList[index] > theList[index+1]):
                temp = theList[index]
                theList[index] = theList[index+1]
                theList[index+1] = temp
            index = index + 1
        size = size - 1
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  • #14
Did you try it?
  • #15
Yes, it works and exists. I fixed an indent on the post that might have made it look wrong

I guess what I was asking is in languages where it is necessary to write a sort like this, is the code stylistically correct.

Again, thanks for all the help.
  • #16
Well, you're writing in Python now - the only language where indenting is significant.

Btw, you algorithm still won't work.
You should really try it on some longer unsorted lists...

(You needed to fix the outer-while-loop, not the inner-while-loop.)
  • #17
I tried it on a longer list, and it's obviously I don't understand what I'm doing, can you show me a correct way to do it, I don't mean to just ask for the answer but I don't understand what the problem is anymore and now I'm more confused
  • #18
Well, I think you should try to understand how bubblesort works.
If you do, the program should make more sense.

Perhaps you should take a look at the wiki article:

There's a nifty animation, showing the steps there, right above the following text:
wikipedia said:
An example on bubble sort. Starting from the beginning of the list,compare every adjacent pair, swap their position if they are not in the right order(the latter one is smaller than the former one). After each iteration, one less element (the last one) is needed to be compared until there is no more element left to be compared.

Note that this text is exactly the algorithm, and it matches 1-to-1 with your program.
  • #19
I think I got it, half the time the problem I was having was that in my text editor my print statement was set outside the function and always displayed unsorted, I don't know why it copied correctly here, so even when I made (several tries) the first loop while(0<size) it wasn't working

Now I feel like a dummy

  • #20
What do you have now then?
  • #21
It sorted several lists of many elements, correctly

def bubbleSort (theList):
    size = len(theList) - 1
    while (0<size): #Corrected the condition for the first while                                      
                           #it is now set to perform from a range of 0 through size
        while ( index<size ):
            if (theList[index] > theList[index+1]):
                temp = theList[index]
                theList[index] = theList[index+1]
                theList[index+1] = temp
            index = index + 1       
        size = size - 1
  • #22
Hmm, I would assume that it would still sort your initial list the wrong way...
Your correction shouldn't make a difference.
The outer-while-condition is the same even though the arguments are switched around.

That is because you should have "while (size >=0):" instead of "while (size > 0):".
  • #23
It does seem to work on several tests, however I changed it and noticed no difference
  • #24
Well, either way, I'm off to bed now. :zzz:

Related to Bubble sort doesn't stop as expected

1. Why does bubble sort not stop as expected?

There can be several reasons why bubble sort does not stop as expected. It could be due to a coding error, improper implementation of the algorithm, or an unexpected input that causes the algorithm to enter an infinite loop.

2. How can I fix the issue of bubble sort not stopping?

To fix the issue of bubble sort not stopping, you can review your code and check for any logic errors. You can also make sure that the algorithm is implemented correctly and that it can handle all possible inputs. Additionally, you can use debugging tools to track the execution of the algorithm and identify the source of the problem.

3. Is bubble sort not stopping a common problem?

Yes, bubble sort not stopping is a common issue that can occur during the implementation of the algorithm. It is important to thoroughly test and debug the code to ensure that it functions correctly in all scenarios.

4. Can the input data affect the stopping of bubble sort?

Yes, the input data can affect the stopping of bubble sort. If the data is already sorted or almost sorted, the algorithm may not need to perform many iterations, causing it to appear as though it has not stopped. Conversely, if the data is completely unsorted, the algorithm may take longer to complete, giving the impression that it is not stopping.

5. Are there any alternative sorting algorithms to consider if bubble sort does not stop as expected?

Yes, there are several alternative sorting algorithms that can be used if bubble sort does not stop as expected. These include selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quick sort. It is important to choose the appropriate algorithm based on the input data and the desired performance.

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