Bohr-Sommerfeld, WKB, and current-biased Josephson junction

In summary, the Bohr-Sommerfeld model is a simplified model of the atom that helped to explain the stability of atoms and the emission of light from excited atoms. The WKB approximation is a method used to solve problems in quantum mechanics and is based on the assumption that the wave function of a particle can be expressed as a product of two functions. The current-biased Josephson junction is a device that allows for the flow of supercurrent without any resistance and can be controlled by adjusting the bias current. Some applications of the Bohr-Sommerfeld model include explaining the spectra of atoms and aiding in the development of the Rutherford-Bohr model. The WKB approximation and current-biased Josephson junctions are
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Homework Statement
Using the Bohr-Sommerfeld approximation, evaluate numerically values of the lowest three energy levels as a function of J in the interval J < Ic. Compare this result with the perturbation value η from problem 4. Also, using the WKB
approximation, calculate the tunneling coefficient from the ground state energy to the continuous states. When setting up the WKB integral for the tunneling rate, assume that the left turning point is located at the minimum of the potential energy δmin and the right turning point δr is defined by the condition UJ (δr) = UJ (δmin)
Relevant Equations
Hamiltonian for the current-biased junction: ##H=\frac {Q^2} {2C} + U_J(\delta)##
One dimensional Josephson potential: ##U_J(\delta)=-\frac {\Phi} {2 \pi} \left( J \delta + I_C \cos \delta \right)##, where Q and C are charge and capacitance of the junction, ##\Phi## the magnetic flux quantum, J the current flowing through the junction, and ##I_C## the critical current of the junction.
Considering the case where ##|J|\lt I_C##.
I've already found the turning points, in the case of the left turning point, the local minimum of the potential, ##\delta_{min}=1.11977## when evaluating for an arbitrary value of current ##J=0.9I_C##. The left turning point is therefore ##\delta_r=2.48243##.

I know the Bohr-Sommerfeld approximation states ##\int_{x_1}^{x_2} p(x,E_n) \,dx = \hbar \pi (n+ \frac 1 2)##. I'm unsure what equation for momentum I should use in the case of the Josephson Junction. I know in the case of the harmonic oscillator, ##p(x)=\sqrt{2m(E-U)}## from the structure of the Hamiltonian ##H=\frac {p^2} {2m} + U##. I can see the Josephson junction has a similarly structured Hamiltonian, where the charge Q is analogous to the momentum. However when I try to evaluate ##\int_{\delta_{min}}^{\delta_r} \sqrt{2C(E-U_J(x))} \,dx=\hbar\pi(n+ \frac 1 2)##, I can't seem to find a way (i.e. Mathematica, Wolfram, other online integral calculators) to solve the integral and find an expression for the energies ##E_n##. This makes me think I'm using the wrong expression for the momentum?

I'm also confused as to what the "WKB integral for the tunneling rate" is. I understand the WKB approximation can be used to approximate the wavefunction, and in the tunneling case when ##E \lt V## the momentum is of the form I attempted to use in the Bohr-Sommerfeld approximation, but how do I find the tunneling rate or tunneling coefficient?

*note: using values of ##I_C=30.572 \mu A## and ##C=47 pF##.
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Thank you for sharing your findings and questions regarding the Josephson Junction. It seems like you have a good understanding of the Bohr-Sommerfeld approximation and how it can be applied to the Josephson Junction. However, you are correct in questioning the expression for the momentum in this system.

In the case of the Josephson Junction, the momentum is not simply the charge Q, but rather the phase difference δ between the superconducting leads. This is because the Hamiltonian for the Josephson Junction is not a simple harmonic oscillator, but rather a sine-Gordon potential of the form H=−EJcos(δ). Therefore, the correct expression for the momentum in this case is p=√2m(EJ−E).

I would suggest using this expression for the momentum in your Bohr-Sommerfeld approximation and see if it helps in solving the integral. Additionally, for the WKB integral for the tunneling rate, you can use a similar approach and incorporate the expression for the momentum in the integral.

I hope this helps in your calculations and understanding of the Josephson Junction. Keep up the good work and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.

Related to Bohr-Sommerfeld, WKB, and current-biased Josephson junction

1. What is the Bohr-Sommerfeld model and how does it relate to atomic structure?

The Bohr-Sommerfeld model, also known as the Bohr model, is a simplified representation of the structure of an atom. It was proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913 and builds upon the earlier work of Arnold Sommerfeld. The model describes electrons orbiting the nucleus in specific energy levels, with each level corresponding to a specific distance from the nucleus. This model helped to explain the stability of atoms and the emission of certain wavelengths of light.

2. How does the WKB approximation play a role in quantum mechanics?

The WKB (Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin) approximation is a mathematical technique used in quantum mechanics to approximate the solutions to the Schrödinger equation. It is particularly useful for solving problems involving potential barriers and tunneling. The WKB approximation takes into account both the wave-like and particle-like behavior of matter, making it a powerful tool in understanding quantum phenomena.

3. What is a current-biased Josephson junction and what is its significance in superconductivity?

A Josephson junction is a device made up of two superconducting materials separated by a thin insulating layer. When an electrical current is applied to the junction, it can exhibit a phenomenon known as the Josephson effect, where a supercurrent (a current without resistance) flows through the junction. A current-biased Josephson junction is one where an external current is used to control the supercurrent flowing through the junction. This is significant in superconductivity as it allows for the manipulation and measurement of the supercurrent, providing insights into the behavior of superconducting materials.

4. How do the Bohr-Sommerfeld model and the WKB approximation relate to each other?

The Bohr-Sommerfeld model and the WKB approximation both play important roles in understanding atomic and quantum behavior. The Bohr-Sommerfeld model provides a simplified picture of the structure of atoms, while the WKB approximation is a mathematical tool used to solve complex quantum problems. The WKB approximation can be seen as an extension of the Bohr-Sommerfeld model, as it takes into account the wave-like nature of particles and provides a more accurate description of quantum phenomena.

5. What are some practical applications of current-biased Josephson junctions?

Current-biased Josephson junctions have a wide range of practical applications, particularly in the field of superconductivity. They are used in superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) for highly sensitive magnetic field measurements, as well as in superconducting digital circuits for high-speed computing. They are also being studied for potential use in quantum computing and as sensors for detecting extremely small changes in temperature, pressure, and other physical quantities.

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