Big bang contradicts flat universe?

In summary: The OP may be attempting to equate the Hubble sphere with the Big Bang - space can be Eucledean on a large scale but our observable limit is the same in every direction.So even if the universe is infinite - our Hubble sphere is finite.I think the OP assumes flat means 2D
  • #1
big bang contradicts flat universe??

Hi, the data says our universe is flat, but we are also told it starts from big bang into a 3 dimensional world.

How can our universe is flat from all direction while we live now in 3 D universe from a big bang? it has to be a curve if it is from big bang homogenously inflate in all 3 directions
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  • #2

lookaround9 said:
Hi, the data says our universe is flat, but we are also told it starts from big bang into a 3 dimensional world.

How can our universe is flat from all direction while we live now in 3 D universe from a big bang? it has to be a curve if it is from big bang homogenously inflate in all 3 directions
This post isn't coherent. Why would you think this?

Anyway, for the most part nobody expects that our universe started flat, but rather that it became flat because of how the universe expanded with time (specifically at early times). Though there is some work that may indicate that a flat universe is indeed more likely from the start.
  • #3

Hmm - A universe that begins with a big bang, and then mysteriously expands at e60 for a few milliseconds - how can such as universe not look nearly dead flat 13.7 billion years later? How do you explain exansion - you can't. It is an effective theory. It works, but, nobody can explain why - or how. A thousand or so years from now we will probably laugh, much like we do now at Ptolemy's epicycles [which was also an effective theory - for centuries].
  • #4

the big bang shall bang into a sphere like structure. then a sphere like universe shall not be flat, it shall have some curvature, unless the universe is 2 d or a cubic like structure.
  • #5

lookaround9 said:
the big bang shall bang into a sphere like structure. then a sphere like universe shall not be flat, it shall have some curvature, unless the universe is 2 d or a cubic like structure.
Well, who says it would produce a sphere-like structure in the first place? There's certainly no reason to think so within the big bang theory.
  • #6

Chronos said:
Hmm - A universe that begins with a big bang, and then mysteriously expands at e60 for a few milliseconds - how can such as universe not look nearly dead flat 13.7 billion years later? How do you explain exansion - you can't. It is an effective theory. It works, but, nobody can explain why - or how. A thousand or so years from now we will probably laugh, much like we do now at Ptolemy's epicycles [which was also an effective theory - for centuries].

Right, but present-day epicycles are growing embarassingly hard to swallow by now, let's hope it does not take us a thousand years to laugh this time.
  • #7

Chalnoth said:
Well, who says it would produce a sphere-like structure in the first place? There's certainly no reason to think so within the big bang theory.

please explain how we ends in current 3d world from the big bang?

I hope you not resort to holographic 2d world theory.
  • #8

lookaround9 said:
please explain how we ends in current 3d world from the big bang?

I hope you not resort to holographic 2d world theory.
I do not understand the question. But it sounds to me like you're thinking of the 'big bang' as an explosion. It is not.
  • #9

lookaround9 said:
Hi, the data says our universe is flat, but we are also told it starts from big bang into a 3 dimensional world.

How can our universe is flat from all direction while we live now in 3 D universe from a big bang? it has to be a curve if it is from big bang homogenously inflate in all 3 directions

The OP may be attempting to equate the Hubble sphere with the Big Bang - space can be Eucledean on a large scale but our observable limit is the same in every direction.So even if the universe is infinite - our Hubble sphere is finite.
  • #10

I think the OP assumes flat means 2D
  • #11

DLuckyE said:
I think the OP assumes flat means 2D
Perhaps. If so, in answer to that point, "flat", in geometric terms only means that triangles have angles which add up to 180°. So if you take three lasers, and align them so that they form a triangle, then measure the angles, in a flat universe you'll get exactly 180°.

This is, effectively, what we do when we compare lengths on the cosmic microwave background with lengths in the nearby universe. By comparing how far apart things appear to be on the sky, we are effectively drawing triangles with ourselves at one of the corners of the triangle. And when we compare, we get that our universe is flat to within the experimental error (currently around half a percent or so).

Related to Big bang contradicts flat universe?

What is the Big Bang theory and how does it contradict a flat universe?

The Big Bang theory is the scientific explanation for the origin and evolution of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as a singularity and has been expanding ever since. This contradicts a flat universe, which suggests that the universe is infinite and has always existed in the same state.

How does the Big Bang theory support the idea of an expanding universe?

The Big Bang theory is based on observations of the universe's expansion. The theory proposes that the universe began as a single point and has been expanding ever since, as evidenced by the observed redshift of distant galaxies.

Why is a flat universe considered a more likely possibility than a curved one?

A flat universe is considered more likely because it is supported by observations and measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is thought to be leftover radiation from the Big Bang. These measurements suggest that the universe is very close to flat, with only a slight curvature.

Can a flat universe and the Big Bang theory coexist?

Yes, a flat universe and the Big Bang theory can coexist. In fact, the Big Bang theory is often used to explain the flatness of the universe. According to the theory, the rapid expansion of the universe during the early stages of the Big Bang could have flattened out any initial curvature.

Are there any alternate theories that can explain the origin and evolution of the universe without contradicting a flat universe?

There are some alternate theories, such as the steady state theory, that propose a flat and infinite universe without the need for a Big Bang. However, these theories have not been supported by as much evidence as the Big Bang theory, which is currently the most widely accepted explanation for the origin and evolution of the universe.

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