Begin to use assembly without any programming knowledge

In summary, programming is a vast field with various languages and applications. Assembly is useful for creating fast and compact code, but it may not be the best choice for beginners. High-level languages like PERL, Visual Basic, JavaScript, and C/C++ are more commonly used and have plenty of resources available online. It is recommended to have a specific goal in mind when choosing a programming language.
  • #1
I don't know anything about programming. Is it okay if I start with assembly? And more importantly, how can I begin to use assembly without any knowledge. If you could offer me a book / website, I'd really be pleased.
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  • #2
Programming is a very large field.

Assembly is useful for creating fast running code that is small in size so its easy to store and easy for a processor to execute. However its generally highly optimized for a specific application to assist in maximizing those attributes. If you have a specific application, it might very well be the best choice but not necessarily to start with.

A lot of programming is done in high-level languages so that constructs like if-then-else statements or conditional looping statements or variables to store the data in are easy to implement. Its far more likely to be useful later on to know a high-level language.

A question of what you'd like to do with the code is another thing to keep in mind, some languages are far better suited than others to certain tasks.

4 you might want to investigate would be:
PERL - the language of CGI scripts and free to use
Visual Basic - can be scripted for free on Windows or compiled with the MS Editor
JavaScript - free to use within a browser or full JAVA if you want to compile it
C or C++ - the standard code for high-level languages

Both PERL and Java have similar constructs and syntax to the C language so they are easy transitions. Visual Basic is by far the easiest as the varibles need not be declared and its case-insensitive so "X" is the same as "x" whereas in C or Java they would be different.

All of these have a tremendous amount of support available on the internet with countless examples and explanations all over the place. I'd say just search by the name of the language and "Hello World" and you should find plenty to keep you busy for some time.

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  • #3

Starting with assembly without any programming knowledge can be challenging, but it is certainly possible. Assembly is a low-level programming language that requires a deep understanding of computer architecture and hardware. It is not recommended for beginners, as it can be difficult to learn and master.

However, if you are determined to learn assembly, there are a few things you can do to get started. First, it is important to have a basic understanding of computer architecture and how a computer works. This will provide you with the foundation you need to understand assembly language.

Next, you can begin by learning the basics of assembly language, such as its syntax, data types, and instructions. There are many online resources and books available that can help you learn assembly language. Some recommended resources include "Assembly Language Step-by-Step" by Jeff Duntemann and "The Art of Assembly Language" by Randall Hyde.

It is also helpful to have access to a development environment where you can write and test assembly code. Some popular options include NASM, MASM, and TASM.

In addition to learning the technical aspects of assembly language, it is important to practice writing code and solving problems. This will help you develop your programming skills and improve your understanding of assembly language.

Overall, starting with assembly without any programming knowledge can be challenging, but with dedication and the right resources, it is possible. Remember to take your time and practice regularly, and don't hesitate to seek help from online communities or forums if you encounter any difficulties.

Related to Begin to use assembly without any programming knowledge

1. What is assembly language?

Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is used to write instructions for a computer's processor. It is considered a "low-level" language because it is very close to the computer's hardware and is not as easily readable as high-level languages like Java or Python.

2. Can I learn assembly without any programming knowledge?

While it is not impossible, it is highly recommended to have some basic understanding of programming concepts before attempting to learn assembly. This will make it much easier to grasp the complex syntax and logic used in assembly language.

3. Do I need any special software or hardware to use assembly?

To write and run assembly code, you will need an assembler program and a computer with a compatible processor. Many assemblers are available for free online, and most modern computers have a processor that can run assembly code.

4. How long does it take to learn assembly?

The time it takes to learn assembly will vary depending on your previous programming experience and how much time you dedicate to learning. However, it is generally considered a difficult language to learn and can take several months to become proficient.

5. What are the benefits of using assembly over other programming languages?

Assembly is often used for tasks that require precise control over a computer's hardware, such as operating system development or embedded systems. It can also be more efficient than high-level languages, as it allows for direct manipulation of the computer's registers and memory.

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