Base 10 Number System Explained

  • Thread starter mtanti
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In summary: Rather, numbers were written out in words. (This is still the case in some languages, e.g. German.)The first place where we know that a 'modern' place-value number system was used was in India in the 9th century. They used dots for numbers below 100, horizontal lines for hundreds, and so on. Zero was used in the form of a dot. The same system was used in Cambodia about a century later, and shortly thereafter (in the 11th century) it was introduced to Persia. In the 12th century Fibonacci introduced it to Europe. For some reason, zero was indicated by the word "o" (from the Latin "nulla").
  • #1
I read that we use a base 10 number system because we have 10 fingers. What does that have to do? If that was the case then we would use the 10 symbol digits (0-9) when counting on our fingers and not start form 1 and end at 10.
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  • #2
The most common base systems used in the world's languages are (in order): base 10, corresponding to the number of fingers; base 20, corresponding to the number of fingers and toes; and base 5, corresponding to the number of fingers on a hand. This alone makes a case for the digit-base connection. (Heck, the "digit" of a number and a "digit" of a person are even the same word in English.)

The idea that 0 is a number is a revolutionary idea and is newer than the development of language.
  • #3
Yes but you are not using your fingers as the set of numbers unless one of them is zero. It's like a base 9 system, starting from 1 till 9 and then introducing a new magic number to continue counting... I don't think this extra digit, zero, comes from the fact that we have 10 fingers.
  • #4
The number "10", in ANY base system, is its own BASE REPRESENTATION of the base number itself. What's your problem here?
  • #5
mtanti said:
I don't think this extra digit, zero, comes from the fact that we have 10 fingers.

The concept of "ten" is much older than the concept of "zero", which is itself older than the concept of positional notation.
  • #6
So how did the concept of base ten notation take off from the fact that we have 10 fingers?
  • #7
mtanti said:
So how did the concept of base ten notation take off from the fact that we have 10 fingers?

Breaking numbers up into powers of ten seems to have been recursively putting objects in bijection with the number of fingers: ten objects <--> ten fingers, ten groups of ten fingers <--> ten tens <--> one hundred, one hundred groups of ten fingers <--> ten hundreds <--> one thousand. Th Greek 'coded' number system shows rather direct influences of this concept (e.g. "nine hundred" was represented with a single symbol).

The base-10 positional system was based on the fact that 10 was already the basis for the spoken language.

Here's a link (found on the Phrontistery) about the origins of numeration:
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  • #8
So base 10 originated after each finger was given a numbered name and then it developed? Why wasn't 10 expressed as 1 digit then?

Could it be that the first time a list of numbers was written it was like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

and the modern way to list numbers is like this:

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

which means that at the introduction of zero, the list was shifted forward?
  • #9
mtanti said:
So base 10 originated after each finger was given a numbered name and then it developed? Why wasn't 10 expressed as 1 digit then?

1. Speech originated long before writing. Fingers weren't always given numbered names, although by my understanding this was common in South America, but the collection of fingers typically corresponded to a short name.*
2. In many systems 10 is expressed as a single digit. It was a coil in ancient Egyptian (medju), [itex]\iota[/itex] (iota) in ancient Greek and X (ex) in classical Latin. In fact, reprsenting 10 as more than one symbol was pretty rare until fairly recently. In Europe it didn't really happen until Leonardo Fibonacci introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals.

* I've already mentioned base-5 and base-20 systems. In fairness, I have heard of a duodecimal (base-12) system, as well as a system that is essentially base-100, but I've only heard of one of each of these as numeration systems. There is some evidence that Proto-Indo-European was base-12, which would explain words like "dozen" in Germanic, Italic, Celtic, and Cyrillic languages.
  • #10
mtanti said:
Could it be that the first time a list of numbers was written it was like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

and the modern way to list numbers is like this:

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

which means that at the introduction of zero, the list was shifted forward?

No, not really. The development of zero as a number and of positional number systems happened in historic times, so we know almost precisely how it happened. (This is in contrast to the development of most languages, which must be reconstructed since they are older than writing.)

The first form of number writing would probably have been chits or tallies. Knots, as used by the Inca, may also have been used early on. Carvings in wood and stone were early records of numbers (only the latter generally surviving, of course); clay tablets were also used in Mesopotamia. Certainly none of these used digits as we know them.
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Related to Base 10 Number System Explained

1. What is the Base 10 Number System?

The Base 10 Number System, also known as the decimal system, is a numerical system that uses 10 digits (0-9) to represent all numbers. It is the most commonly used number system in the world and is based on the concept of place value, where the value of a digit depends on its position in the number.

2. How does the Base 10 Number System work?

In the Base 10 Number System, each digit has a value based on its position in the number. The first digit on the right represents ones, the second digit represents tens, the third digit represents hundreds, and so on. For example, the number 365 has 3 hundreds, 6 tens, and 5 ones.

3. What are the advantages of using the Base 10 Number System?

The Base 10 Number System is advantageous because it allows for easy computation and representation of large numbers. It also has a clear and consistent pattern, making it simple to understand and use in everyday life. Additionally, many other mathematical operations and concepts are based on the decimal system.

4. Are there other number systems besides Base 10?

Yes, there are many other number systems, such as Binary (Base 2), Octal (Base 8), and Hexadecimal (Base 16). These systems are commonly used in computer programming and have different properties and applications, but they all ultimately rely on the concept of place value.

5. How is the Base 10 Number System related to scientific notation?

Scientific notation is a way of writing very large or very small numbers using powers of 10. For example, the number 0.00000000005 can be written as 5 x 10^-11 in scientific notation. This notation is based on the decimal system and is useful for representing numbers in a more compact and standardized format in scientific and mathematical contexts.

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