Applications of new physics which may be discovered at the LHC

In summary, it seems that there are many potential innovations that could be realized at the LHC or similar facility that could have a significant impact on the quality of life for many people, excluding the psychological benefit of satisfying curiosity.
  • #1
First off let me say that I am not interested in discussing whether the LHC is a worth while project. I believe human beings are curious by nature and that learning new things to satisfy that curiosity fulfills a human need just as real as any other.

What I am interested in is discussing applications of new physics discovered at the LHC (or other high energy collider) that would effect the average person. If known physics is enough to make predictions at energy levels below 5 Tev then it seems like any technology which would require the new physics to engineer would operate at higher energy levels. I have a hard time imagining commercial applications for 5+ Tev accelerators.

So I guess the essence of my question is "what could possibly be learned at the LHC or similar facility that could be used to solve problems or improve quality of life for a large number of people, excluding the psychological benefit of satisfied curiosity?"
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  • #2
Lots of scientific discoveries had no immediate or obvious commercial applications, so probably the best answer is "we don't know yet".
  • #3
mrspeedybob said:
So I guess the essence of my question is "what could possibly be learned at the LHC or similar facility that could be used to solve problems or improve quality of life for a large number of people, excluding the psychological benefit of satisfied curiosity?"
I'm not an expert, but maybe they could discover reactions useful to ignite thermonuclear fusion in a reactor, and low-cost energy for all of us.
Or a new, better way to generate and to reveal neutrinos which would open the possibility to make planets or stars "radiographies".
Or hints to elaborate a theory to unify QM and gravitation, which could also have consequences in the everyday life, we don't know (spacetime wormholes who would permit us to explore new planets?). There are many possible useful answers to your questions, but as Lsos wrote, at the moment we can't know for certain.
  • #4
I presume there are practical engineering advances made simply in the design and construction of such an apparatus.
  • #5

I understand and share your curiosity about the potential applications of new physics that may be discovered at the LHC or other high energy colliders. While the primary goal of these experiments is to advance our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature, there are also potential practical applications that could benefit society.

One area that could see significant advancements is in the field of energy production. The LHC and other high energy colliders are designed to study the behavior of particles at extremely high energies, which can give us insights into the fundamental forces that govern the universe. These insights could potentially lead to new technologies for harnessing energy, such as more efficient and sustainable methods of nuclear fusion or development of new energy sources.

Another potential application could be in the field of medical imaging and treatment. The high energy particles produced at the LHC can be used to create detailed images of the human body, which could lead to more accurate and effective medical diagnoses and treatments. Additionally, the high energy particles can also be used to create new radioisotopes that could be used in medical imaging and cancer treatments.

In the field of materials science, the LHC could also contribute to the development of new materials with unique properties. By studying the behavior of particles at high energies, we can gain a better understanding of the fundamental building blocks of matter and potentially design new materials with improved strength, conductivity, or other properties.

Furthermore, the LHC and other high energy colliders can also have implications for information technology. The development of new particle detectors and computing technologies to analyze the vast amount of data produced by these experiments could lead to advancements in computing and data storage.

It is important to keep in mind that many of these potential applications may not be realized immediately, as it often takes time for new discoveries to be translated into practical technologies. However, the pursuit of knowledge through experiments like the LHC has historically led to unexpected and groundbreaking advancements that have greatly impacted our daily lives.

In summary, the LHC and other high energy colliders have the potential to contribute to advancements in energy production, medicine, materials science, and information technology. While the primary goal of these experiments may be to satisfy our curiosity about the fundamental laws of nature, the practical applications that may arise from these discoveries could greatly benefit society in the long run.

Related to Applications of new physics which may be discovered at the LHC

What is the LHC and what does it do?

The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is a powerful particle accelerator located at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in Switzerland. It is designed to collide particles at high energies in order to study the fundamental building blocks of the universe and test various theories in physics.

What new physics can potentially be discovered at the LHC?

The LHC is expected to help scientists discover new particles and interactions that have never been observed before. This could include the discovery of the Higgs boson (confirmed in 2012), supersymmetric particles, and dark matter particles. It could also provide evidence for theories such as extra dimensions and the unification of fundamental forces.

How will the discovery of new physics at the LHC impact our understanding of the universe?

The discovery of new physics at the LHC has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. It could help us fill in gaps in our current theories and provide a more complete understanding of the fundamental laws of nature. It could also lead to new technologies and advancements in fields such as energy production and medicine.

What are the potential applications of new physics discovered at the LHC?

The potential applications of new physics discovered at the LHC are vast and varied. They could include advancements in technology, such as more efficient energy sources, improved medical treatments, and new materials. It could also lead to a deeper understanding of the universe and our place in it.

What are the potential risks of conducting experiments at the LHC?

There are a few potential risks associated with conducting experiments at the LHC, such as equipment malfunctions and radiation exposure for scientists. However, extensive safety measures are in place to mitigate these risks. Some people have also raised concerns about the creation of mini black holes or strangelets, but these theories have been thoroughly investigated and deemed unlikely by the scientific community.

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