AdS/CFT: Null Geodesics & Causal Connection?

In summary, the statement about null geodesics being able to reach the boundary of AdS space within finite affine parameter is likely true and it has significant implications for the AdS/CFT correspondence. This means that the boundary and the bulk are causally connected, making the theory holographic. However, this also means that the traditional concept of S-matrix is not well-defined in AdS space and instead, correlators of fields with sources on the boundary are used as observables. In addition, the surface \Xi, which is causally connected to the boundary, plays a significant role in the Ryu and Takayanagi proposal for holographic entanglement entropy. Further research is needed to fully understand the importance of causal connection in Ad
  • #1
I believe I've read that null geodesics can reach the boundary of AdS space within finite affine parameter and that this allows for a causal connection between the bulk AdS spacetime and the boundary on which the CFT lives and that this is very important for AdS/CFT.

I can't find a reference for this just now so I was hoping that someone could either confirm that it's correct and explain why such a causal connection is needed for AdS/CFT or to tell me it's wrong and explain why no such causal connection can exist?

Thank you very much.
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  • #2
adsquestion said:
I believe I've read that null geodesics can reach the boundary of AdS space within finite affine parameter and that this allows for a causal connection between the bulk AdS spacetime and the boundary on which the CFT lives and that this is very important for AdS/CFT.

I can't find a reference for this just now so I was hoping that someone could either confirm that it's correct and explain why such a causal connection is needed for AdS/CFT or to tell me it's wrong and explain why no such causal connection can exist?

That is probably true. According to Nastase (in the book version
Nastase said:
The fact that light can reach the boundary in finite time means there is a good chance for the theory to be holographic, since its boundary is in causal contact with the interior. More- over, for nonholographic theories we define S-matrices by considering asymptotic states separated at infinity, and scattering them to get S-matrices. Because of the fact that the boundary is a finite time away, the notion of S-matrix is not well defined in AdS space, and instead the well-defined observables are correlators of fields with sources on the boundary. In fact we study these observables in the next chapter.

I am currently surveying and report back if I find some explanation for this statement.
  • #3

Ok I am nearly finished with the article and my understanding regarding this subject is as follows:
In the above diagram, the region [itex]\mathcal{A}[/itex] (red color) is at the boundary of an [itex]AdS[/itex] space. By implementing the causal structure, one can draw the surfaces causally connected to [itex]\mathcal{A}[/itex] (for detailed prescription read section 2 of the article ). Now the surface [itex]\Xi[/itex] (which is again causally connected to [itex]\mathcal{A}[/itex]) is of particular interest. In some cases (maximal symmetry at the boundary) it coincides with the co-dimension 2 surface in the bulk which gives the holographic entanglement entropy of [itex]\mathcal{A}[/itex] (the Ryu and Takayanagi proposal). In general the authors have shown that the surface [itex]\Xi[/itex] gives an upper bound to the entanglement entropy at the boundary.

I think this is only part of the answer, but one can acknowledge the role of causal connection for the AdS/CFT correspondence. I will post the complete answer when I have better understanding of the subject.

Related to AdS/CFT: Null Geodesics & Causal Connection?

1. What is AdS/CFT and how does it relate to null geodesics and causal connection?

AdS/CFT (Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory) is a duality between two different theories, specifically between a theory of gravity in Anti-de Sitter space (a spacetime with negative curvature) and a conformal field theory (a quantum field theory with symmetries) on its boundary. This duality allows for a better understanding of the behavior of null geodesics (the paths of light rays) and causal connection (the ability to influence or be influenced by other events) in these systems.

2. What are null geodesics and how do they behave in AdS space?

Null geodesics are the paths that light rays follow in spacetime. In AdS space, these paths can be described using the AdS metric, which takes into account the negative curvature of the space. Null geodesics in AdS space can be either timelike (moving slower than the speed of light) or spacelike (moving faster than the speed of light), depending on their energy and momentum.

3. How does AdS/CFT help to understand the causal structure of a system?

The duality between AdS space and a conformal field theory on its boundary allows for a better understanding of the causal structure of a system. In particular, it helps to identify the regions of the system that are causally connected (can influence or be influenced by each other) and those that are causally disconnected (cannot influence or be influenced by each other).

4. Can AdS/CFT be applied to real-world systems?

Yes, AdS/CFT has been successfully applied to a variety of real-world systems, including black holes, quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and condensed matter systems. It has provided valuable insights into the behavior of these systems and has been validated through various experimental and observational data.

5. What are some current research areas in AdS/CFT and its connection to null geodesics and causal connection?

Some current research areas in AdS/CFT and its connection to null geodesics and causal connection include the study of holographic entanglement entropy (a measure of the entanglement between different parts of a system), the application of AdS/CFT to condensed matter systems and black hole thermodynamics, and the study of quantum information in the context of AdS/CFT duality.

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